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Love beyond time

Love beyond time



Raymond Willie, a big-shot billionaire boss, gets caught up in a tricky romance with Victoria Adams, his smart and hardworking coworker. As they get closer, they cross professional lines, and their secret wedding puts them right in the spotlight, facing public attention. Newspapers love their story, turning them into a big scandal. Raymond and Victoria deal with people judging them and being let down, handling all the ups and downs of being famous. In the middle of all this mess, they need to figure out if they'll stick together or let the public opinions break them. While facing all the chaos, Raymond and Victoria learn what real love and strength are about, searching for a way to make things right. Can their love story survive the challenges that come with fame?

Chapter 1 1

His hands crept beneath my form-fitting black dress, his lips trailed across my neck, and his gaze never left my face as he trapped me against the beach restroom we had visited. As he licked my lips, I reached for his tie.

He muttered softly, "Let's get a room," and I agreed, sensing the tug in my abdomen. He adjusted his necktie and pulled my hand toward the front desk.

The receptionist grinned and winked at him, "Mr. Willie, I'll show you to the room," and he dragged me along as I leaned on his shoulder.

"It won't be required," he said, taking the room key, and we hurried to the room. I saw the room when it opened after he smashed me against it while he struggled to insert the key into the holder. A big bottle of champagne and some fruit were left on the tray, and there were rose petals all the way up to the bed.

"This is-" I started to say, but Raymond's lips got in the way. He kissed me fervently and worked on my zip, playing with it. Turning me over, he pulled off the elegant dress and pushed me closer to the bed. He pulled my arms down, and I covered myself up.

He stopped me before, saying, "This is it, are you ready?" after I had looked into his eyes for a minute and saw nothing but love and want. He drew me in closer, and I nodded my head. As I started to lose myself in the intense sensation of his touch, he planted kisses all over my neck.

He held me down and forced me onto the bed, his lips roaming over my chest with kisses. Just as I started to undo his belt, he intervened.

He kissed my breast passionately and said, "I need more time to focus on this beautiful body." I moaned and covered my hideous lips as he yanked at my flesh.

"I want to catch every sound you make, especially the echoes of my name escaping your lips," he said quietly in the cocoon of our soundproof hideaway. His breath trailed downhill, teasing my ear with little licks.

His eyes lingered on my breasts while he deftly undid my shirt, flashing a grin in reply to mine. His top was gone, but those seductive low-cut jeans made it much more tempting.

As he touched my breasts, shame began to seep in, but his touch turned the uncomfortable into pleasurable. With every deft stroke, I let out a low groan, and Raymond gave me a little giggle. His focus prompted my breast to tighten beneath his fingers and his moist and eager lips to descend, releasing an irrepressible scream.

I let out a loud "FUCK," experiencing every pleasure as he teased and licked every breast. A familiar fragrance and feel reminded me of what I desired in the midst of my bliss, and I felt forced to remove my underwear.

He approached softly, delaying the inevitable, a pleasant sensation. As I reached down, his commanding hand grabbed mine, lifting both over my head, securely clasped together.

As he slid into my hot center, his keen eyes met mine. Aroused, he noticed the familiar aroma and quickly ripped off my panties. I bit my lower lip, my excitement growing as his eyes locked on my exposed essence. As his fingers perfectly touched my clit, the first kiss landed amid an eruption of groans. I gasped for air as his fingers worked their magic, stroking and speeding up.

"Who's responsible for this pleasure?" he said, raising his voice to match the increasing pressure and tempo. I sighed once more as his gaze locked on mine, increasing the tension.

"Raymond," I cried as he laughed and accelerated to the point where I was moaning and gasping for oxygen. I felt myself release the excess liquid as Raymond's tongue swallowed it up, and I gasped for oxygen.

As I casually bent my back and began removing his pants, his kisses along my back made me feel alive.

"I want this, yes I do, are you ready?" I questioned him after noticing the smile on his face as he smiled at me and slid his pants down.

"More than anything," he said as he pushed me onto the bed and slipped his boxers down, and there it was, massive, something I'd never seen before, but I'd never felt the want to touch something like this before.

He pulled open the condom on the nightstand and began slipping it on his cock, looking cautious as he did so.

"It'll hurt, but it'll feel good, I promise," he added as I positioned myself right in front of him, and he grinned as I laid there allowing him.

I nodded my head and let him know it was going to be okay, his hand crept up near mine as his hand fell into mine and he grasped it tightly.

He pushed his cock into me as he stared deeply at my facial expressions . The pain was like no other as I felt like wanting to stop, but his eyes made me want to push through it. And that's when I felt that overwhelmingly good feeling as he pushed inside of me. I screamed aloud as he moaned, his smile increased as he saw me enjoying myself.

His soft touch caressed my pussy lips as I gasped loudly, he wanted quicker and faster till I felt myself going over the edge with him, he gradually pulled out as I missed the feeling I had when he was in me. He pushed me back down as he kissed me wildly, our hands scattered across each other's body. As he lowered his body back down to my sticky pussy and pushed his tongue all the way in, I gasped and shouted in delight.

His kisses landed along my neck as he came back up and picked me up. He inserted himself in me again as he stood above the bed looking at my body as I projected against the moonlight.

"Fuck", he said as he massaged my hard and sweaty nipples. His head dove towards them as he faced them, and with his eager ways he put me back on that edge again, only getting closer every time he touched me.

My nails raked his back as I scratched him roughly and as his smile widened I had the feeling he enjoyed it, as he begged me to keep going. His kisses melted against my skin as he kept going pounding into me with every chance he had.

I screamed out as I bounced on him, feeling him lodge against me, he took me over the edge again and again, shouting each time and I did the same for him.

We collapsed against each others sweaty body as he wrapped his arms around me, I had never felt so seen before. As my eyes began to drift asleep a knock presented itself on the door.

Raymond and I both looked in shock at each other as I pushed him to get up as I pressed up against the warm blankets.

"No, no I just experienced the best sex of my life, Come stroll with me.", As the knock came again and again, his comment made me smile despite the pain. I slipped on his slippers as he approached the door in my white robe, while he was dressed in sweatpants and a shirt. As a worker came, we opened the door, not knowing what to expect.

"Hello Mr. Willie, we heard some screaming and I just wanted to make sure everything is okay?" As I gazed at Raymond, My cheeks became pale as I saw he had a pleased smile on his face.

"We are perfectly fine," he said confidently as I stood there, "we had a horror movie on and we were both scared, but we love the movie, we are just so afraid, but thank you for checking up on us." She shut the door, and Raymond chuckled as he walked back to bed. I slapped his back as he turned around, still laughing.

"You said this room was soundproof," I replied, continuing to smile. He drew me up onto the bed.

"Oh come on, I didn't know you were a screamer, how was I supposed to know?" I said as he moved to the side to stare at my strained eyes. As he drew me on top of him, I laughed at his reaction.

"Did you like it?" I said, a little nervously, as I lay on top of his muscular body and he smiled.

"I've never felt love while having sex, but with you, we made love over and over again, and I've never felt that before," he kissed my lips lovingly as I gripped his muscular body, relieved that we were finally having sex. "I love you," I said to him, and he replied, and we both fell asleep against each other's wet bodies.

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