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When Villainess Falls In Love

When Villainess Falls In Love



Violetta Jeanne Bolshoy is a symbol of successful women in her career. As the Chief Marketing Officer of the airline company Bolshoy, her successful career didn't necessarily bring her happiness. Her decision to live single was opposed by both her parents. Trouble began when Violetta tried her luck at the gambling table, leading her into a heated relationship with her rival, the CEO of an investment firm called Faragos Kingdom. Faragos Kingdom wasn't just an ordinary investment company; they also controlled a drug cartel directly managed by their CEO, Matteo Accardi Faragos. Matteo, known for his brutality, became interested in Violetta, a woman he met in his casino. His reason was simple: her demeanor resembled his own—rough, headstrong, fearless, and arrogant. Winning Violetta's heart wasn't an easy task because she had erected high defense walls and held her self-worth in high regard. As a result, their encounters rarely led to agreements but rather endless debates. Violetta didn't dislike Matteo, but her pride prevented her from admitting that she was falling for a Mafia boss whose life was immersed in crime. Eventually, she realized that getting involved with him meant becoming part of a larger scenario driven by revenge and criminality.

Chapter 1 Casino

On that rainy night in Vegas, the sudden downpour forced the usually bustling streets to empty. People who would typically be bustling about were now seeking shelter in cafes, enjoying a cup of warm coffee or tea. The nighttime rain created a unique atmosphere for some, including Violetta. For her, the rainy nights always brought her back to the past, a time when she embraced life with love.

However, her present life is not as beautiful as it used to be. Her feelings are empty, and her existence is monotonous. Yet, she never regrets taking the path she chose, for she had once disrupted others' lives, and now Violetta must accept the consequences, living in the darkness of her past.

"Helena!" Her voice echoed through the room.

Helena hurriedly entered Violetta's room.

"Is there still work I need to finish?" she asked.

Helena shook her head.

"Are you mute?!" Violetta snapped.

"No! No, there isn't!" Helena quickly wiped the sweat suddenly dampening her forehead.

"Finally, I can relax for a moment," Violetta said, stretching her arms. "Helena, do you know a good place to drink?" she suddenly asked.

"Sorry?" Helena was suddenly confused.

Violetta sighed. "Because I've been here for just a week. I want you to recommend a good bar or club."

Helena bit her lip as if contemplating, while Violetta stared at her cynically, waiting for an answer.

"I-I don't know. I've never been to a Bar or Club," Helena admitted.

Violetta rolled her eyes. She should have guessed from her secretary's appearance and behavior.

"In that case, open your smartphone and find out!" she ordered. Violetta then stood up from her chair and walked closer to Helena. "I'll go to the restroom, but after I come back, you better have figured out where it is." Violetta then walked past Helena and out of the room.

"I regret accepting the offer to be her secretary," Helena muttered.

Helena then took her phone from her pants pocket and began searching for bars and clubs using the most popular internet search in the Vegas area.

"Have you found it?" Violetta, who had returned from the restroom, walked in her direction.

Helena quickly turned to her as Violetta approached, "Y-yes. Based on rankings and positive reviews from visitors, Club FK is ranked number one," she stammered.

Violetta took Helena's phone, reading reviews about Club FK. She looked serious as she read, then paused for a moment before grinning. "Alright, I'll go there." Violetta handed back Helena's phone, then walked to her desk to retrieve her phone and bag.

"Helena, what do you usually do after work?" Violetta asked without looking at her.

"I-I go home to my apartment and rest," Helena replied.

Violetta grimaced and shook her head. "Tonight, you're accompanying me to Club FK."

Helena jolted, wondering if she had misheard.

"I don't have any friends here, so you have to come with me. Besides, it won't be fun if I go alone." Violetta walked with a grin on her face.

"But, how can I? I've never been to a place like that. I might just embarrass you there," Helena excused herself, secretly reluctant to accompany her.

Violetta snorted, then draped her arm over Helena's shoulder. "Just come with me and stop making excuses!" she whispered.

Violetta led Helena out of the room and with reluctant steps. Helena could only surrender, knowing that this was part of the risks of working as the secretary for the new CMO of the company – Violetta Jeanne Bolshoy.

Violetta and Helena had arrived at Club FK, but the place seemed deserted from the outside, making Violetta a bit hesitant to drive her car in.

"Is this really the place?" Violetta asked.

Helena quickly grabbed her phone, double-checking the Club FK address. After confirming, the address was indeed correct.

At that moment, a burly man seemingly appearing out of nowhere walked towards Violetta's car. He knocked on the car window, and Violetta rolled it down slightly.

"Are you a new customer?" the man asked.

"Yes," replied Violetta.

The man then took a walkie-talkie from inside his jacket and spoke to someone on the other end.

"Come, follow me!" The man ran to a street corner, and Violetta followed. They found a spacious parking lot with several cars already parked.

Violetta and Helena got out of the car, and the burly man led the way, guiding them into an elevator. They followed, surprised when the elevator descended to the underground level. However, once the doors opened, Violetta smiled broadly.

"Welcome to Faragos Kingdom."

The booming music instantly resonated in Violetta's ears, and she immediately embraced the atmosphere. Unlike Helena, who was shocked and amazed by the state of the club. Realizing this, Violetta immediately took her hand and led her to the bar. They both sat down, and Violetta ordered drinks.

"Give us the best drink here," Violetta confidently said.

The bartender promptly made it for them.

"Hey! What's with that expression?" Violetta asked.

"I'm not used to this," replied Helena awkwardly.

Violetta then laughed in response, and she observed the people around her, starting to count the number of men openly staring at her.

"Here, enjoy." The bartender handed them their drinks.

Violetta turned to the bartender while taking her drink and tasting it. It was good, but not to her taste.

"Where's the casino?" Violetta asked the bartender.

Helena immediately turned to Violetta with wide eyes.

"It's on the ground floor," the bartender replied.

"How do I get there?" she asked again.

The bartender looked at Violetta, then chuckled softly. "Why do you want to go there? Looking for wealthy men?"

Now, Helena was even more wide-eyed after hearing what the bartender said.

"Yes, I'll drain the pockets of those wealthy men," Violetta replied confidently.

The bartender now laughed somewhat loudly, looking down on Violetta. "It's a gambling area. If you want to sell yourself, go to a brothel."

Violetta immediately poured the drink in her glass onto the bartender's face. The people sitting at the bar were quite shocked by her actions, including Helena.

"You should be aware of who you're talking to. Why would I sell myself? I could buy this entire building and shut your reckless mouth!"

Violetta took out ten bills from her purse, then threw them at the bartender's face. She then walked away from there, and Helena hurriedly followed.

"Are we going home?" Helena asked, but Violetta didn't answer.

They entered the elevator, and Violetta pressed the button for the ground floor, where the casino was located. When the elevator doors opened, Violetta grinned and confidently entered.

"Maybe we should just go home?" Helena persuaded.

"I came here for this casino. I want to test how lucky I am at the gambling table." She stepped confidently.

Some casino visitors glanced in her direction. When Violetta stopped, observing her surroundings and starting to feel confused about where to start gambling.

"I-I think this place is too dangerous for us," Helena whispered.

Violetta ignored her, then walked towards a server who had just served drinks to the guests. "Excuse me, I want to gamble. Can you tell me where to start?"

The server hesitated, then assessed Violetta's appearance from head to toe. Then, she turned to Helena, who stood awkwardly beside her.

"I suggest you go to the table over there," the server pointed to a room with closed curtains.

Violetta then walked in that direction, drawing attention with every step she took.

"Beautiful, want to join me at my table?" teased a man with a spotted nose.

Violetta stopped walking, then turned. The man who called her smiled slyly, patting his thigh. "Come here, beautiful, sit here!"

"Ah, damn! Who does he think I am?" Violetta grumbled with annoyance, but she walked over there.

Helena immediately held her back. "I think we should go home."

Violetta brushed off Helena's hand, hands on her hips, glaring at her. "If you want to go home, go home alone!" she snapped, leaving Helena stunned.

Violetta walked back towards the man's table, exchanging glances with the men seated there. "Fine, I'll join in. But keep your hands to yourselves because you're truly not on my level!" she declared arrogantly.

The men at the table laughed, only fueling Violetta's irritation.

"Alright, come here and sit next to me," said one of the men at the table.

Violetta finally took a seat, while Helena stood awkwardly behind her. Helena had no idea what madness her boss was about to unleash, but she silently recited a mantra in her heart, hoping for everything to go smoothly.

"You shuffle the cards."

The man sitting beside her handed her the cards, and Violetta shuffled them carefully. The man beside her chuckled softly, as if knowing that Violetta was an amateur player.

Violetta then dealt the cards to everyone at the table except herself. They were puzzled, so the man next to her asked.

"Why aren't you taking your cards?" he inquired.

"I won't play; I can't play cards like this," replied Violetta innocently.

"Hey! Are you kidding?" shouted another man across the table.

Violetta smiled, then turned to the man beside her. "How good are you at gambling?"

"Me?" The man laughed.

"Yes, you! I'll give you money, and then play for me," Violetta offered.

Everyone at the table laughed again, thinking that Violetta's words were a joke. Little did they know that Violetta was serious.

"If you're just playing around, you'd better go home," another man at the table retorted.

Violetta grinned while pulling out a check from her purse. "Can I cash this check here?"

The men at the table fell silent. They peeked at the amount on the check and were immediately astonished. Twenty thousand dollars!

"You can cash it," said the man beside her.

Violetta then turned to the man. "So, in that case, play for me!"

"Fine, besides, when else can I play without spending a dime of my own money?" The man lit his cigarette, then opened the cards he received. After seeing the value of his cards, his face immediately tensed. He looked at Violetta, who was staring at him sharply.

"I don't like losing. If you disappoint me, I won't hesitate to finish you!" Violetta threatened, her eyes intimidating.

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