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Master's Dearest

Master's Dearest



Eighteen years old Ashley, from a Very wealthy family got snatched by Vampires and ended up as their Mayor's son's servant as the only way to save her from his dad killing her. When a kind and caring vampire falls for her, she must choose between him and his dangerous rival, who has no regard for human life. But when the woman's compassion reaches even the darkest heart, the rival begins to question his own beliefs and the nature of his existence. As the conflict between the two vampires escalates, the woman must decide whether to stand by her lover or choose her own safety.

Chapter 1 The attack

Ashley's POV

Hours after I slept, I heard a loud noise from my sleep. I was pissed off but still didn't wake up because I was so exhausted. I kept on hearing voices screaming and running. It felt like everywhere was upside down . What was in my head was I had a horrible nightmare,it made me scared, so I jumped off bed realizing the loud sound was an emergency siren.

"what's going on?" I asked myself. I was panicking with sweat all over my forehead. From the balcony I could see many houses in the city, being at the upper level of the mansion. I heard and saw people screaming and running. I shook as I stood,my body began to shiver.

I had no idea about what to do.I ran to my mom's room. I knocked about three times, yelled her name but she was still sleeping. I burst through the door , the fact that nobody was awake with the noises and chaos that was going on really pissed me off.

"Mom! Wake the fuck up" I screamed, as I barged into her room.

She woke up spontaneously like she was in shock.

"Why would you wake me up, banging on the door like that?" She panicked as she held her chest, breathing heavily.

Her phone was ringing. I was very anxious to hear what the call was about since It was the security that had called.she picked it up and put it on a loudspeaker.

The security's voice was breaking like he was also in a panic, it made my heart race even faster, to be very honest my heartbeat could actually compete with a moving train. He finally broke the news, "Vampires are on the loose!".

My mom tapped my dad to wake up.

"Vampires are attacking the city" she screamed as she was trembling in fear.

My dad's brows narrowed as he jumped off the bed, " what did you just s...?" ," Vampires are attacking the city!!", she said, cutting him off.

Not so long after, we heard noises at the gate, "they-they-they're here" my dad said in fear.

He hurried to Bran's room to get him. We all stayed together in my parent's room racking our heads on what to do. Then my dad suggested he should carry Bran while my mom should take Alan through the back door at the kitchen while they go find somewhere secure for us all.

The Vampires have been attacking the city of Guerrero for a long time now, killing humans countlessly and our mayor himself had been captured and taken away as a slave, so we aren't under a shield or protection.

" Hide in the closet, we want to look for a safe place,we are coming by very soon to take you with" my dad said with a very sad and tense look.

"No," I shouted in fear. Luckily,the door was soundproof so I didn't attract the Vampires' attention. "Sweetheart, we don't have an option here," my mom said as she was weeping.

I had never in my life felt that heartbroken, it felt like my whole world was coming to an end. I felt like that was the last time I was ever going to see all of them. I went to my baby brother Alan and kissed his forehead as tears rolled down my cheeks and I hugged bran telling him I love him so much.

My parents watched me as I entered the closet. My mom kissed my forehead, " baby I'll come for you I promise", she said,as she closed the closet. I heard them as they were tiptoeing and whispering till I could no longer hear them again.

I was just really hoping and waiting for my parents to come and take me along. I had lots of thoughts as I was hiding in the closet. About ten minutes later, I heard them forcefully barge into the room. I was really hoping a miracle could happen that could make me just disappear.

I heard them searching the room and taking valuables.

" Search in there too", I heard one of the Vampires say ,"Could they be coming this way?" I asked myself in fear as I sneezed very slowly. I tend to sneeze when I'm nervous, it's something I have never been able to control.

I was not sure they heard me sneeze, but there's one thing I was so certain about was that if they actually did hear me scream ,I'm gone . I was very worried because, even if it didn't make so much noise for me, vampires have very sharp hearing. It was almost so impossible to hide from them. All that was left to do was prepare myself mentally and emotionally. There was absolutely nothing to be done anymore.

"It was such a dumb idea for them to leave me here" I thought, as hot tears rolled down my cheeks. After a few seconds, I didn't hear them come towards my direction, so I was relieved that they didn't hear me.

"Do you smell something?" One of the Vampires asked.

"Yes, I smell blood," another Vampire replied. I could hear him chuckle as he said it.

"Let's search this whole room, those humans think they're so smart". Another Vampire added.

I didn't know what to do. I was wishing I could just disappear or the ground could open up and swallow me. I was so stuck, confused and scared at the same time.

They started tracing the smell of the blood and they kept coming closer towards my direction.

Their feet kept getting louder and louder, then finally suddenly it stopped.

"Mmmmnnnn interesting," one of them said.

I tried to figure out why they hadn't opened the cupboard yet and what could be so interesting that could have distracted them.

"We have got enough stuff already. This is enough" one of them said.

I was so relieved and it felt like I was given a second chance to live again.

I heard their footsteps as they walked out of the door, then I waited till everywhere was extremely silent.

"Phew" I sighed. I could finally talk and breathe as loudly as I wanted.

I pushed away the clothes I was buried in, then I opened the closet and went out.

My eyes were twitching as they tried to adjust to the light.

I was tired and dizzy so I sat on the bed to get myself straight, immediately I laid down,I felt a hand on my shoulder.

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