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Love in the moonlight

Love in the moonlight

Unique isah


Her long dark hair was tied back in a loosed braid and her blue eyes sparkled, she was beautiful beyond description, with a rosy glow on her cheeks. Her figure was slender like that of a model as she walked in an air of natural elegance. Hello everyone............

Chapter 1 Adjusting to change

"Hello mara it's me", I've been trying to get to you, but you haven't been picking. Please call me back as soon as you get this mail.

July 25th, 1996

The sky suffers as the thunder rolls like distance drums, it tears down heavily, leaving everyone hunkering for shelter, the streets deserted, all the animals hiding in one hole or the other. There I was standing over the window wondering what awaited me. I could hear the wind howling and the rain pounding on the roof. I couldn't believe my family was considering moving to a new city. The thought of leaving everything I knew, filled my heart with sadness.

The chilled cold that went through my spine forced me to grab an old blanket in my wardrobe, I laid my hand on it, and on taking it out, some old pictures fell, I picked them up, and my eyes fell on them with eagerness like that of a pirate studying a treasure map. But they were only pictures of past Christmas, subconsciously I started to smile.

"As I looked at the pictures, my eyes roamed over each one, taking in the details of each moment captured. But then my gaze fell upon the space where Lola's pictures should have been. My eyes scanned for the lola that marks that spot, but no matter how hard I looked the picture was nowhere to be found.

I checked under the bed, in the closet, and even under the dresser. I couldn't possibly locate where it had been kept. As I was about to give up, I noticed something about the drawer, the corner of one of the drawers seemed to be sticking out, ever so slightly.

With trembling hands, I pulled on the corner of the drawer. It slid open slowly, revealing a hidden compartment. And there, nestled inside, was the missing picture! But it wasn't just any pictures it was the photos of lola and me.

I leaped, the excitement I felt can be best described, as that of a child who was given a truck full of candy. Finally have seen it, I thought I had misplaced you, I said slowly.

Quickly, I gently placed them back, and I continued to look at the pictures, I was transported back to a time when my parents stayed at home a lot. I remember playing games with them in the living room, laughing, and having fun together. It was like I was watching a movie of my past, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia and longing, I remembered all the things we used to do together.

My parents used to take me to the park, we would go for walks in the woods, and they would always make time to listen to me talk about my day at school. But then, slowly, things started to change. They started working more and more, and they had less and less time for me.

The pictures felt like a reminder of a time that was long gone."

"I put the pictures back in the drawer, and I felt a heaviness in my chest. I knew that this move was going to be hard, but I didn't know just how hard it would be. I walked over to the window and looked out at the darkening sky.

The rain kept falling heavily with no intention of stopping and it felt like the weather was mirroring my mood. I let out a deep sigh and wondered how I was going to make it through this." I felt trapped like a princess in despair, waiting for her prince charming. My room seemed to me like it was a dungeon. Do you feel this way too?? Or it's just me. I was interrupted by a familiar voice; Honey I'm home!!!!

Ohhh it's my mum, I'm a fine mum. How was work today?? You came back early today??

Yes honey the storm was terrible, I was almost trapped by the storm. How was school today???

It was great.....my principal wants to see my parents. Honey, what did you do.....????

Nothing!! I don't wanna talk about it. Are you sure you are okay??? Yeah, I'm fine. Have you started packing??? No Mum, do we have to??? I don't wanna go.

We are not having this conversion right now honey, start packing we don't have much time, your dad said we moving next month. We are doing this for you, honey.

"Your dad isn't back yet"??. I hope he's okay, let me give him a call. (phone Ringing)

"Hello Jim", honey where are you?? I'm worried sick.

"I will be back home soon " I need to fix my car, it broke down in the woods." Should I come pick you up???? No, I'll be at home shortly.

Okay, come home soon love you. I love you too.

A few hours later, Jim came home drenched.

"Welcome honey" I'm glad you are safe, I couldn't stop myself from worrying.

Dry yourself with this blanket and "I'll get you a hot coffee to relax.

"Thanks, honey, what would I have done without you?

(Alice blushing) "Nothing" in a sarcastic manner. (they both laughed)

(Jim continued) the storm was furious, it poured heavily today. I need a hot bath, I will be at the dinner table shortly.

At the dinner table

The dining room was warm and cozy, with a table set for four. The walls were lined with family photos, and a vase of fresh flowers sat in the center of the table. As the family gathered around the table, the smell of home-cooked food filled the air. This is for you, she placed a plate of steaming pasta in front of me, I picked up my fork, and began to eat. My parents noticed, how I struggled with the food like a warrior, that is been defeated in battle, venting my frustrations on the food. I tried to control it and pretend, that everything was fine, but as the saying goes; "Action Speaks Louder Than Words." I couldn't hide it.

(Jim cleared his throat and broke the silence)

"Baby we know this is a big change for you. But we believe that it's the best thing for our family. And we'll make sure you still feel connected to all the things you love about this place. Do you want to talk about it?

No, I said, it's fine since there's nothing I can do to change your mind, I just have to start packing. I stood up and went to my room.

Honey I think we should stay back, she's not happy with the idea of us relocating.

I need this job and it's a lifetime opportunity. She has to adjust. We are leaving next month, and that's it. I'm done, I'll be in the room.

Jim stood up and left the dinner table, leaving Alice bewildered.

Back In My Room

Hello, where have you been??? I called you earlier, but you didn't pick up your calls. I'm sorry I went to the grocery store but had to wait till the rain calmed. How have you been??? Are you guys still moving???

Yeah we are, I don't think anything can be done to change their minds. This is a bad girl!! Yeah, I know!!

I'm sorry!!! I wish I could do something about it. It fine. Thanks.

Guess what!!!!!!!!

What!!?? (sounding uninterested)

I saw Jane at the grocery store,

which Jane?? The proud one??

Yeah, she irritates me a lot, and guess who I saw her with?



Your Charles max!!

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