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Romance in the big apple

Romance in the big apple

Unique isah


Tina is a single woman in her twenties who spends her days working at a coffee shop in the heart of a big city. She has dreams of finding love, but she hasn't had much luck. One day, she meets a mysterious stranger who takes her on a whirlwind journey that changes her life forever. Will this mysterious man be the love of her life, or is he hiding a dark secret?

Chapter 1 A chance encounter

A Typical Morning."

Tina woke up to the sound of her alarm clock blaring in her ear. She groaned and reached over to turn it off. She sat up in bed and stretched, feeling the familiar ache in her back from sleeping on her old, lumpy mattress. She looked around her tiny apartment and sighed. This was not the life she had imagined for herself.

As she got out of bed and started to get ready for her day, she thought about all the things she wished were different. She wished she had a nicer apartment, in a better neighborhood. She wished she had a better job, one that paid more and was more interesting. And most of all, she wished she had someone special in her life, someone to share her days and nights with. But for now, she had to make do with what she had. She got dressed and headed out the door to start her day. She walks to the coffee shop where she works, a few blocks from her apartment. The sun is just starting to rise, and the city is still mostly asleep. As she walks, she sips her coffee and thinks about what the day might bring. When she gets to the coffee shop, she unlocks the door and flips the sign to "open." The first few customers start to trickle in, and she starts making their orders. The morning rush starts to pick up, and she finds herself getting into the rhythm of things. She chats with the regulars and tries to make the best coffee she can. But even as she goes through the motions, her mind keeps wandering to thoughts of what her life could be like. She wonders if she'll ever find the happiness she's been looking for.

As the morning rush starts to die down, a new customer walks in the door. He's tall and handsome, with dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He orders a coffee and sits down at a table in the corner. Tina can't help but notice him, and she wonders who he is.

Should she go talk to him? Or should she just continue with her work? Tina decides to take a chance and goes over to his table. "Can I get you anything else?" she asks him. He looks up at her and smiles. "No, I'm good. Thanks," he says. His voice is deep and smooth, and she feels herself blushing. "So, what's a nice girl like you doing working in a place like this?" he asks.

Tina just smiled and walked away to continue what she was doing but this time with a little smile on her face with a wide imagination in her head.

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