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The Mad Alpha's Obsession

The Mad Alpha's Obsession



"You belong to me." He whispers "I belong to no one." I say. He moves closer till we were touching noses. He chuckles revealing deep dimples as he neared towards me trapping me against the wall our breaths mingling together. "You're mine Rose. If you leave, I'll follow you to the ends of the earth. I'll never let you go, If I burn, we burn together." Rose, treated as an outcast by her pack, the bastard child of a forgotten mistress, hated by her own father, the Alpha, scorned by the Luna and abandoned by even her own mother. She endures years of abuse and pain, as she is seen as an object of disdain. Everyday she prays for the day when she would be free of the pack. She falls into a pit of despair when her half sister, Amber is being married off to Elijah Black, Alpha of the feared darkmoon pack despite Amber being already mated to another man. She plans to run away from the pack but her plans her hindered as she discovers that Elijah Black is her mate. Elijah Black, Alpha of darkmoon pack, falls in love with Rose at first glance but is wary of her being the daughter of the man he hates. To make matters worse Rose is not welcomed by the pack and is shunned by them. Their romance is interrupted by a series of attack on packs and Rose finds her life in danger as she is the target of Elijah's evil uncle who wants to use Rose as bait to kill Elijah and take over his pack. She is caught in the crossfire as her former pack also want to destroy her and Elijah. Will their love prevail or will they perish?

Chapter 1 Hopeless

"You idiot, look what you've done."

I feel my body being lifted off the ground as I'm thrown violently across the room, knocking the wind out of me as I collapse on the glass table shattering it to pieces.

I flinch as the shards of glass pierces my skin. I quickly rebound, placing my hand at my temple feeling a wetness on it.

Alpha Jermaine looks at me, his countenance like a bull on a rampage. His face red and his black eyes burning with anger.

I-I-I'm s-sorry, I d-didn't mean t-t-to, It w-was a m-mistake." I stutter. Hot tears clouding my vision and rolling down my cheeks. "I-Im-

A slap on my cheeks shut me up and I cradle my cheeks, fighting back more tears.

"Look at you, begging and whimpering, you're pathetic." He comes closer and kneels before me grabbing my chin aggressively, forcing me to look up at him.

This man who was supposed to be my father. This man who looked at me, his eyes glowing with unadulterated hatred.

"If you make this mistake one more time again I swear I'll kill you. Do I make myself clear?"

I nod fearfully.

"I'll put you in a cell like your wretched mother." He roars.

He releases me, making me fall back on the floor.

"Now clean this fucking mess up, I must see no trace of glass or wood by the time I'm back or else".

I watch his retreating figure as he exits the room, slamming the door behind him.

Slowly, I ease myslef up then proceed to remove the tiny bits of glass that got attached to my skin. I wince as blood drips out of my forearm and legs soaking my dress.

Getting a broom, I clean the mess and dispose of it. Thereafter, I continue with my daily chores which consisted of cleaning the kitchen, washing the dishes, sweeping and scrubbing the floors of the entire house, I cleaned the windows till my arms felt like they would break.

When I was done, I make my way out of the pack's house to another building where I slept.

The cellar.

It was a small place, big enough for just one provided you were petite, like me. I slept on the cold hard floor using an old blanket bundled up together as a pillow, sometimes when the cold was so unbearable, I'd unbundle the blanket and use it to shield myself from the cold. The temperature was better during summer and I could manage without the blanket.

At the corner was a barrel of water and beside it was a box of all my belongings, a toothbrush, three old tattered dresses and an old picture of my grandmother whom I had never met before.

I didn't have any supplies to treat myself so I tear a piece of the blanket and wrap it around my arm. I use another piece to stop the bleeding at the side of my head, dipping it in the water and patting the side of my head with it. The pounding in my head persisted and I close my eyes, trying not to concentrate on the pain and think of jumping sheeps.

One sheep. Two sheep. Three sheep.

It was always like this.

I was supposed to make food for Alpha Jermaine for his morning breakfast just as I did everyday, the day before I had washed the curtains and bedsheets of every room, I didn't get any sleep and due to that my body was so weak I had accidentally dropped the plate of food on the floor which resulted in his outburst.

Alpha Jermaine had always been aggressive. I was used to his frequent and irrational outbursts. He never spared his hand on me and took pleasure in seeing me in pain. I was always in trouble with him for one thing or the other.

I groan and raise my legs, putting my head down. I lay there for a while and I think at some point I dozed off because I didn't hear when the cellar door opened. I jolt awake.

It was Phil, one of the pack's warriors, he made it his job to come here everyday to inform me on what I had to do and what I had not done. He found pleasure in ridiculing me everyday and made sure I was busy with one task or the other. I inwardly groan. What did he want this time?

"Alpha Jermaine wants to see you, I wonder what you did this time.", He laughs loudly, the sound echoing through the small space. He then turns and leaves.

What did Jermaine want with me again? My heart raced thinking of the possibilities.

I quickly change into a cleaner gown and rush over to the pack house, slowly making my way up the stairs before I came to a stop in front of his study. I hesitate.

From behind I hear muffled voices. I try to decipher what they were saying but to no avail. I finally knock once and wait, after about three minutes of no response, I knock again, a bit louder than the first.

"Come in." an angry female voice retorts sharply. I quickly open the door. Upon entering, I try to curtsy but my legs restricted me from going down enough due to the pain.

"Something wrong with your legs fool."

I go lower, forcing my legs, the fiery pain becoming more intense.

"I'm sorry Luna." I keep my head down, not looking at her. I stare at my dirty feet and chipped toenails.

Luna Astrid, sits in a chair opposite to Alpha Jermaine. She glares at me, her thin mouth curled down in disdain. She hated me with passion. She wanted me dead, I could see it anytime I looked into those cold blue eyes. Amber, my half sister and the exact replica of her mother was seated next to her.

In the room, were some members of the wolf council of the pack all gathered around. I stand there anxiously, sweat pooling at my eyebrows. What was going on?

Jermaine stares at me, a neutral expression on his face. I wring my sweaty hands together not looking him in the eye. The

"An Alpha from one of the packs in the south will arrive here tomorrow. He's looking for a mate and I've agreed to give him my daughter." He finally says.

I look up surprisingly. Amber was already mated to someone from the pack, so that means he must be talking about me. I looked at him in anticipation. Maybe I would finally be married off and get out of here, finally the day has come.

"Your sister Amber will be wed to him".

My face falls. What? But how can that be? The air in the room became heavy.

"But Amber already has a mate!" I say before I could stop myself. I look around in confusion. The rest in the room all look at me mockingly.

I don't understand.

Astrid began to laugh "Wretched girl, you thought anyone was going to have you, much more an Alpha, you are going to die a sad, lonely miserable death just like your mother."

Tears began to pool in my eyes. I look at Jermaine. "It's my right, I'm still your daughter, Amber already has a mate. This isn't fair." I shout.

He gets up. I shrink back away a bit "I'll teach you to raise your voice at me. Stupid girl, you'll have to be punished". He waves his hand. Two of the members get up. Two large men with hard faces.

I struggle with them as they take me by my arms. I'm being dragged out of his office and out of the pack house. I scream in anguish as I knew what was going to happen next.

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