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Perhaps karma does exist. Myrede Brightwood, a top actress at GMG Entertainment with a bad attitude, finds herself in a downward spiral when a video of her in an intimate situation with FH Entertainment CEO Choi surfaces on the internet and becomes a trending news. To make matters worse, Myrede soon becomes a victim of an acid attack that completely ends her career. Even her boss, the man she loved, Hyunjae, leaves her after branding Myrede as a disgusting prostitute. Feeling like there's nothing left for her, Myrede chooses to die. However, instead of waking up in the afterlife, Myrede finds herself waking up in the past! Now, determined to change her bleak future, she opens a new chapter in her life and strives to avoid getting involved with Choi, one of those responsible for her downfall. However, destiny has other plans and insists that Choi is the key to Myrede's redemption.

Chapter 1 1

“This is amazing... I feel like I want to go out. Now he plays my core all the time."

His fingers went in and out at a fast tempo, providing great stimulation.

“You pinch very skillfully here, but you also suck. This is funny,"

Director Choi directed his possession towards my core. I'm worried about shortness of breath.

“W-wait. I thought it wouldn't fit. Yours is so big,”

“It will fit if you stay calm.”

“Aaahh! Haa..”

His was at my core, completely. Delivering powerful attacks, my body dances erotically under his control.

"Aaghh.. Yours is big, I feel like it's going to tear,"

Director Choi lifted one of my legs, making his go deeper and feeling another great stimulation.

“You will be fine, Miss. Your core is sucking mine so well,”

“This is so intense.Haa.Haa..”

I got another big stimulation when his hand touched my chest, giving it a strong massage. This is just a Night Stand, it will be imprinted in my memory. Makes me not want to let go of the warm embrace of his body.

“Can someone die from one night of love?”

Previously, Director Choi and I were two people who didn't know each other. We met by chance at a nightclub, we chatted and drank together.

Who would have thought, I who became drunk almost lost consciousness. Because I was lonely, I accepted Director Choi's offer to be with him tonight and ended up having sex.

But in the morning...

“Myrede Brightwood. His performance is unmatched compared to other actors in their twenties. But, his bad attitude is also unmatched.”

“Damn! Stupid news anchor, speaking out of turn, he should have lost his job, you crazy news anchor!”

My cell phone rings. I took my cell phone, it was a call from work.

“Hello, if there is nothing important to discuss, it would be best to end this call, I will go back to rest now. See you,"


A loud shout restrained my hand from ending the call, I slightly moved my ear away from the cell phone, guarding against loud noises.

“DAMN WOMAN! You want me to make you never work in this industry again, HA!”

“Hey, old man! I am Myrede Brightwood. I am the best actor.”

“You stupid woman! You don't know the news of an actor's harassment of a director featured in your photo! And the video of you ending in a hotbed, bastard!”

"HA! What do you mean, I harassed other directors? Bastard, I don't even know what happened to me that night. Hey old man, delete that story from the news page now!”

I hung up the phone, throwing it on the table angrily.

"Ha! Stupid old man. Get angry at me without hearing my explanation!”

I am Myrede Brightwood, I am an actor who stands amid controversy. However, with my perfect performance, I am considered an 'irreplaceable actor'. That is exactly who I am.

Being in my office, I opened the laptop then the news, and was greeted by a video of me ending up in a hotbed with an actor.

"Ha! Damn! This video plays the entire scene. Just like playing real porn videos, bastard!”

“How much money did the newscaster get for this nude video of me, you bastard!”

One day later...

I looked at the news again today, showing photos of myself with crazy journalists who always asked for explanations.

"Myrede sues for fraud."

"Entertainment is unresponsive."

"No signs of addressing the controversy."

That's what's featured on the news page today.

"Everything's trash! How many days have passed, and the news page is still featuring my story, damn it! They must be exploiting this hot news for their income."

"Hey, idiot! Accompany me around the park now."

"Now, ma'am?"

I gave my assistant a sharp look. Even now, she looked trembling after seeing my expression.

"But what about the journalists you've rejected several times to explain yourself, ma'am?"

"Hey, idiot! Did I hire you to eat dirty money? That's your job, think with your small brain."

"Ha! You're such an idiot!"

"Forgive me, ma'am."

In the park, as I was sitting peacefully... Suddenly, from another direction, something wet my face, stinging and burning.

"Aaah!!! "I screamed.

"Ma'am! Ma'am, hang on!"

"Damn it! I'm a victim of an acid attack."

"Go to hell, Myrede!"

"My anti-fan?"

Slowly, my eyes closed. This burning sensation was unbearable as if my skin would peel away and leave my bones.

As if receiving punishment from God... My life fell apart in just one week.

A few days after the attack...

I opened the news page, looking for what hot news was happening now. I stopped after seeing a post about myself on the main news page.

"I almost vomited when I saw this rotating video. Myrede has become a slut to secure the top position, so embarrassing!"

"I thought Myrede lost her perfect image, and only the embarrassing side remained with her bad behavior. Disgusting!"

"Let's bet, did Myrede force the handsome man into sex, or was Myrede raped?"

"Ha! There's no need to question that. Considering Myrede's bad behavior, she can't be raped! Of course, this is coercion from Myrede."

"All the truths about Myrede have been revealed. She's a sex maniac and turns out she's a disgusting slut!"

"I heard even plastic surgery won't help her get popularity anymore!"

"She's disappeared since the video was released. Where did she go now?"

"I heard Myrede had a bad day. She became a victim of an acid attack and completely ruined her face!"

"Am I the only one feeling happiness after hearing this acid attack news?"

"No. I am also entertained; the attacker has represented what we want to do to that slutty actor!"

"After recalling her bad behavior, she deserves to get acid attacked and mess up her life."

"Now, no industry will accept an actor with a bad and burnt face!"

"I don't feel bad after hearing about the acid attack on her, considering her bad attitude towards her Assistant before."

"I bet the acid attacker is someone with a great hatred towards her."

Closing the laptop screen, I stood in front of the mirror with a trembling body. I stared at my face, making me fearful.

"My face... Th-this is me?!"

"No. I am a monster!"

I trembled, afraid and disgusted at my reflection. I dared to touch the mirror.

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