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The Billionaire's Tomboy

The Billionaire's Tomboy

Fire Spark


She thought she was reeling him into her trap but unknown to her, she was his prey and he was the hunter all along. ***** Rachel Michaels absolutely detest girly things. She loved sports, action and many things that fills her with adrenaline. She already had her life planned out but one little mistake disrupted it all. The mistake was falling for her brother's enigmatic best friend, Chase Williams. Chase was everything she wanted but his wealthy background might be more than what was showing on the surface. To pursue her dream man, she has to discover the ways seduce and entrap Chase through the girly ways she previously disliked. Chase Williams always regarded his best friend's sister as younger sibling until she grew and he discovered his love and care might not be as pure as he thought.

Chapter 1 -


The alarm screeched with alarming ferocity before I stretched out my hand to keep it quiet.

The sunlight seeping through the light blue curtains highlighted the sparse decorations adorning the room. There wasn't any hint of a feminine color at all.

I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Today was going to be a good day because I and my brother are going to visit his best friend.

My brother, Norman had a best friend since his college years. I, my brother and his best friend, Chase had always been together because as far as I could remember, I had always been Norman's handbag. With me detesting feminine things and embracing things the society called masculine, I was practically with my brother and his clique.

I cleaned up before wearing jean trousers and a red t-shirt that made my green eyes pop.

I ran my hand through my short hair that hung around my head in ruffling curls. I felt keeping longer hair is very troublesome.

Taking care of my short hair is more relaxing. I didn't have to wait a long time for any hair to dry, I just have to go to the salon at regular intervals.

I lived with my family in a sprawling building with two stories. There was abundant space.

I could not remember how many times my mother reminded me to call my female peers over for a sleep over. my mother's expectations always fall short because I only hung out with the boys and I and the boys couldn't have a sleepover.

I could still feel the shock my younger self felt when I was told I couldn't have a sleepover with the boys. I used to wonder why I wasn't a boy then.

Although I am a grown up now and trying to second guess my gender has worn off, I still loved all the things boys do and more.

I descended the stairs, my room was at the topmost floor. I wanted to see the glittering lights highlighting the city's night life whenever I wanted to go to sleep and my family obliged my request.

I was my family's baby.

As I stepped into the huge kitchen, I halted my advance to sniff deeply. A busy figure arranged and cooked.

I tiptoed to the female figure before hugging her tightly.

"Good morning mom. What's for breakfast?" I asked as I leaned on my mother while nuzzling her neck.

My mother gave me a glare, "Unhand me this second. If something goes wrong with the food, can you take responsibility? Your dad and brother will kill you."

I loosened my hold before sticking my tongue out of my mouth.

"Don't worry. Dad and brother loves me so much, they wouldn't do anything to me." I defended playfully.

I surveyed the kitchen before checking the living room too. I couldn't find the figure I was looking for so I turned to my mother.

"Mom, where is Norman?" I asked.

My mother shrugged as I continued what I was doing, "I haven't seen him today. Check his room, he might still be in bed."

I nodded and I wanted to leave right away but my mother, Kelly stopped me.

My mother looked at my outfit disapprovingly with her emotions written clearly on her face.

"Why are you wearing this t-shirt and trouser again? How many times would I have to remind you that you are a girl and not a boy?" My mother scolded but I didn't take it to heart. I didn't even blush in embarrassment.

I knew my mother had always wanted a girl child so she can bond with the child. Dressing up and looking beautiful were one of the important parts too.

My mother was a born fashionista. She matched clothes and accessories like it was a common gift like breathing. She never looked gaudy or unkempt.

My mother had been looking for who to inherit her mantle but she was disappointed. I showed an apparent lack of interest for this things.

Although our relationship is as close as it could ever be, this part of our personalities did not mix well together.

My mother always complained anytime she saw me in outfits that don't highlight my endowments.

The green pupils that was similar to hers stared at me in dissatisfaction.

"I know mom. I am girl. You have told me to write this on the tablet of my heart for like the bazillionth time." I concluded before rushing upstairs swiftly.

I knocked on my brother's door but there wasn't any reply coming forth. Thankfully, I had a key to Norman's room because of our close relationship.

I opened the door.

A figure covered by the bed sheets came into my sight.

I flung my figure onto the person laying on the bed without any regard for my image.

"Norman! Wake up! Didn't you say we were going to visit Chase today? Why are you still in bed?" I was practically shouting out my questions into my brother's ears.

Immediately after finishing college, Chase travelled abroad and the only connection I had with him was through my brother.

He was a rich man son then.

I didn't know why he attended their college instead of private schools but I was thankful of our encounter.

I knew he treated me like a younger sister but I didn't treat him as an older brother at all. I did not know when my feelings began to change.

I started to notice the little things I used to forgo. I began to look forward to his words, actions and smiles with a longing that almost frightened me.

I didn't confess to him because I didn't want to endanger the relationship we had already cultivated.

Back then, because of my intelligence, I was able to skip a grade. Although I was still a grade lower than Norman and his friends, I still followed them everywhere. I shared their interests and likes.

Chase had been the top student in their grade and even the school at large. He was quiet but once a person forges a close relationship with him, the person would discover his bubbly and intelligent side.

He was like a wrapped box of Christmas present.

I had repressed my feelings for him but when I heard he was coming back to their city, I leaped for joy. I vowed to fufill all my bottled desires while clearing all obstacles.

I thought I could let him go but I was sorely mistaken.

Norman rolled out of bed with his green orbs staring at me in annoyance. My mother's green pupils was dominant in my family because among the two children my mother birthed, none of us had our father's blue eyes. It skipped us entirely.

"Chase said he had all of today as an off day so we can go anytime. Why are you in a hurry? If someone saw your behavior, they would think he is your best friend instead of him being mine." Norman grumbled before slinking into the bathroom for a shower.

I blinked, "He is my friend too. You are a man, where did you get this petty behaviour from?"

Norman stuck his head out of the bathroom and rolled his eyes. He made sure to do it extremely slowly so I could feel his mockery.

"From you." He returned the jab before returning to the bathroom.

Seeing I had fulfilled my purpose, I rose to my feet and helped my brother tidy his bed. I went downstairs when I was done.

My body felt like it was in a state of perpetual tension. I just wanted to see my crush. I missed him a lot. I wondered if he had changed or he had remained the same.

I went back to the kitchen to help my mother set the dishes on the table. I took my seat as my mother went upstairs to call down my father with my black hair swishing behind her figure.

Soon enough, my parents descended the stairs gracefully before taking their seats. Norman joined when he was done with dressing up.

I led the prayers before the whole family dug unto the meal. My mother made stew, rice and succulent meat.

I swallowed my food hurriedly. I always ate like this. A person that stumbles on this sight would think I was a soldier used to being on the move, which cultivated this habit.

A cough sounded and I slowed my pace down. I didn't have to look up to know this interruption came from my mother.

"Norman, see what you caused. If you had let her play with girls her age, she wouldn't turn out like this. All she knows is dressing up like this and locking herself in her room to do programming." My mother looked at her son in accusation.

Norman shrugged, "Without my interference, she would still turn out like this. What is the harm of living with a little action, thrill and sports?"

My mother gave him a side glare before turning to my father, Neil for support.

Akwardness flitted across my father's face for a second before disappearing.

He cleared his throat, "Kelly, leave Rachel to her devices. She would dress up if she wants to. You don't have to force her to do anything she doesn't fancy."

A small smile hung at the corner of my lips. I knew my dad would be in my side.

I finished my meal at a quick pace, though I was significantly slower due to my mother's fiery gaze.

I waited for Norman to be done before the two of us left the house.

I slid into the shotgun seat beside the driver's seat with practiced precision. I had gone on drives with Norman numerous times, it wasn't a new thing for me.

These past few years, the times we went on drives or for hangouts decreased because of our jobs and life. Norman still remained my beloved brother that took me everywhere like a conjoined twin but it still wasn't the same.

With me focusing on my love for computer science and Norman pursuing a career in automobiles, the taste of our youth seemed to fade a little.

My mind could not help but come back to Chase.

After the group of students that was in the same grade with Chase and Norman graduated, Chase travelled abroad immediately.

Anticipation burned my insides.

Soon enough, they drived into an estate area before they arrived at a building in one of the choice areas present in America as a whole.

I came out of the car without further delay. Norman echoed my action after killing the engine.

At the gate of the building, a girl dressed in a beautiful knee length cream dress coupled with blond curls that framed her face impeccably.

She seemed welcoming as she led them inside with familiarity but I picked up the faint traces of disdain the girl couldn't hide.

I had an inkling why the girl looked down on us. Chase's background was better than ours with a thousand as multiplier. I knew Chase came from old money that ensured at least ten generations after him could live comfortably even without doing a single job or work in their whole lives.

I ignored whatever hard feelings the girl might have as I observed the place my crush lived. Pretty plants that glowed with the meticulous care they received came into my sights. Two fountains were kept in strategic positions that made use of the limit of aesthetic sense,

We finally reached the main building. A set of double doors made from a material unknown to me separated us from the house's interior.

The girl that acted as our guide opened the door softly before she led them to a huge living room that could have doubled as a hall.

The girl disappeared and she was replaced by a middle aged woman in a maid uniform. Hints of similarity showed the woman and the girl was related but the woman looked kinder in comparison.

The woman served them tea and snacks.

"My name is Senna. If you need anything, just ring the bell beside you. I will answer you swiftly. Master would be with you shortly." Senna said before bowing deeply. She left after passing the required information.

And then, the man of my dreams strode in.

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