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My over protective husband

My over protective husband



Loving you was the greatest gift I can ever imagine ❤️💗

Chapter 1 Aggressive Mrs mabel

Get out Mrs Mabel shouted

But you haven't tell me why you want me out of my parents house rose said

Rose was an orphan girl who lost her mother at the age of 5. Her father been a business man didn't know what to do about his daughter

So he decided one day to get married to another woman to take care of his daughter while he runs is business

He went and marry Mabel and Mrs Mabel gave birth to two children one boy and one girl

After giving birth to this children Mabel character began to change from a loving wife to a devilish wife

Because of this problem that Mr Machel was facing from his wife he has a stroke

one day when he came back from work asking about the money she took from the company and that money was left for rose from his late wife to give to her on her 18 yrs birthday

So one day he got a stroke and died leaving rose to her fate and her stepmother with her daughter

One day Rose was in the kitchen washing dishes when she overhead her stepmom and her sister discussing about something not that she's interested in whatever they were saying,but when she had them mentioning her name she stopped whatever she was doing went and hide in one corridor to listen to them.

mom I told you I can't marry him for crying out loud I don't even know him juliana's Rose half sister said.

You know I love classic things, is he handsome you don't even know is he fitting rich you don't know so tell me mom why are you pushing me out to marry him.

I know I know my dear you love classic things but you know this is a business proposal you might not know it he might be handsome you know.

Mom please handsome or not handsome I will not marry him after all I have a boyfriend and I'm not yet ready to get married and again why are you pushing this marriage of a thing to me when you have that useless step sister of mine you know your stepdaughter she's of age to marry she's completing 24 years old and again she is useless here we don't need her here so why not marry her off.

Rose was still here listening to them with her eyes wide open after hearing what her step sister spart out from her mouth, she couldn't believe it, so they are planning to marry me out now

Mrs Mabel said oh my dear princess sorry I didn't remember that bitch of your sister again pardon me my dear princess is true I was even planning on how I will throw her out why will I just forget this opportunity wait let me call her out I want to settle everything here today they have fixed the engagement date already and they gave me this week to give them feedback and if everything is yet not feast before the end of this week they will cut ties with us and you know I can't lose any of my business partner Mrs maybel started shouting Rose name.

Rose rose where is that useless daughter of a bitch

Rose get startled after hearing her stepmother shouting her name she rushed to meet her, yes mother you called Rose said.

how many times do I have to tell you that don't call me mother again I'm not your mom Rose drop her face in dance anyway let's drop that the reason I called you here is I want you to be getting ready for an engagement ceremony that is coming next week.

Marriage Rose asked

Yes marriage is anything the problem with that

And please who is getting married Rose asked

You of course you will be marrying one of my client son for our business proposal.

Rose was shock for what she's hearing how can they decide marriage for her without asking her for her opinion what did they take her for a piece of trash or what. But I'm not ready to get married now rose said.

Mrs Mabel look her from head to toe and tell me who asked for your for your permission whether you are ready or not see I'm not going to backing words with you and I'm not asking you for your permission I'm ordering you.

Rose was not surprised for what she's saying but I can decide on what I like and what I don't like after all this is my life we talking about here.

And so Juliana interrupted she has been keeping quiet since because her mother ask her to but she can't again tell me and so do you mean my mom cannot decide for you in this house because your father's owns this house is my father too and.....

Then why can't you marry who so ever your mother decide to marry me out to Rose interrupted her.

Do you mean you are going to disobey me then be ready to pack out from my house Mabel said

Rode laugh, and I should obey that this is my house too how can you drive me out

Tap pa slap echo in the sitting room

Don't you dear measure this is your house again my husband left this house for me and my children you know what I gave you between today and tomorrow what am I even saying I don't f****** give you anyday to decide I decide for you and you will follow what I say now get out of my face

Rose run upstairs to her room and shot the door lock it from inside she started crying uncontrolling.

mom dad I miss you why is this always happening to me why is my life so miserable why can't they let me be they use me as their slave and now they are marrying me out to a stranger that I don't even know neither met before no no I won't do this I'm going to leave this house early tomorrow morning.

so early morning Rose back all our clothes and leave the house before Mrs Mabel wake up Rose has already gone .

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