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Silent Echoes

Silent Echoes



Cristy, a young woman from a broken home, lives with the burden of a haunting past. He tries to build an independent life by working in a cafe while keeping a big secret that concerns his life. Her work was able to bring Cristy together with John, a man from a different caste. Despite significant social differences, the two are involved in an intense relationship, but the secrets Cristy is hiding hinder their relationship. Will John stay away after Cristy's secret is revealed? Or does John just not care about this secret and choose to stay with Cristy? Curious? Keep reading this story!

Chapter 1 Silent Echoes

A woman is holding a baby who looks fast asleep. The woman looks like she has just come out of a luxurious and magnificent house. Not only was he carrying the baby, but he was also pulling a suitcase and carrying a large bag that seemed to contain important items.

The woman's face looked puffy after crying. And her appearance is a little messy, even though the outfit she is wearing looks branded.

The woman walked away from the luxurious and magnificent house behind her before she entered a car in the yard of the house.

She is Cristy Yolanka. The woman is the daughter of a famous billionaire in New York City. It could be said that Cristy was a child who grew up in a broken home; she was given abundant wealth but not love.

At its peak, when Cristy was twenty years old and she was still studying at university, the woman accidentally did something that made her pregnant and ended up producing a baby who is now in her arms.

Cristy did it with his girlfriend, but unfortunately, his girlfriend didn't want to take responsibility for what he had done to Cristy. Even though Cristy didn't panic too much because she thought that her lover would definitely be responsible, in fact, her assumption was wrong, and her lover instead ran away as if he were completely innocent.

For months, Cristy had managed to hide her pregnancy from everyone, including her aunt, who had always looked after her since she was little, and her parents. Cristy, who rarely came home because he was too busy, didn't even know that Cristy was pregnant with a baby.

And Chris is also very clever at covering it all up in various ways. And for some reason, Cristy's stomach during her pregnancy didn't look too prominent; as a result, it supports Cristy's intention to hide her pregnancy by always wearing oversized clothes. And Cristy managed to hide the fetus until the time of birth arrived.

WhyCristy Don't you intend to abort when your lover doesn't want to be responsible? Because Cristy is not so evil as to eliminate her own future child, she still has a conscience for her baby, who does not have any sins or wrongdoing.

Initially, only Cristy's aunt or nanny since childhood knew that Cristy gave birth to a baby in the hospital alone, but in the end, both parents found out, and that ended up getting Cristy kicked out of her own house.

So now Cristy left her house with the baby in her arms, even though the woman still didn't know where? He will go to sleep tonight. Meanwhile, Cristy only has a little savings because the woman rarely saved money, and the money her parents gave her was often used for spending sprees with her ex-boyfriend.

Cristy is sorry; she really regrets everything she did. Cristy also regrets that she knew her ex-boyfriend was a jerk and didn't want to take responsibility for what he did.

Remembering all that made Cristy involuntarily shed tears again in the taxi she was riding in—who knows where? Once again, Cristy didn't know where she was going.

'No, I have to be strong for Mike, thought Cristy as she roughly wiped her tears, which slowly fell down her cheeks until they dripped onto the blanket used to cover her baby's body.

Mike—that's the name Cristy gave her son, who is a boy. The woman looked sadly at her baby, who was fast asleep. In Cristy's little heart, she was thinking about her child's future. Cristy didn't know how to explain everything if Mike asked about the child's father.

"Sorry, Miss, where are you going?"

Cristy was awakened by a question from the taxi driver he was riding with. The woman was immediately silent for a moment when she was asked a question like that. To be honest, she was very confused about what to answer.

'How about this? Do I have to stay at a hotel first? Only later will I think again about where I want to go in the future, but I have to give up some of my savings just to stay one night,' thought Cristy, feeling full of doubt.

"It's his."

Cristy He immediately woke up from his reverie when the taxi driver called him again. It was natural that the taxi driver asked for confirmation because, since then, Cristy had not given his destination address.

The woman decided to answer that she wanted to go to one of the hotels that she knew was the cheapest in this city. Even though it was quite far from her house, because that was Cristy's goal, she wanted to go far from her house and everyone who knew her.

"Okay, Miss, the hotel is quite far from here," replied the taxi driver.

Cristy nodded in understanding. "Yes, sir, I know," he replied briefly before the taxi car was again enveloped in silence, which made Cristy continue to look out the window and occasionally glance at Mike, who was still fast asleep without any disturbance. Talking about age, Mike is only two weeks old, and for two weeks, Cristy's parents have been insisting that Cristy leave the house, but Cristy only has the courage now.

The reason why Cristy's parents kicked the woman out was because they thought Cristy would become a disgrace in their family, so Cristy's parents had the heart to throw the woman out of the house with a baby who was only two weeks old. Even though Cristy's parents were completely unaware, they don't consider Mike as their grandson, and now they don't consider Cristy as their child either.

Cristy is so sad about her fate now. Moreover, before she experienced this disaster, Cristy never received the love of her parents because both parents were busy working without thinking about their only child. Yes, Cristy is an only child who doesn't have any siblings; that's what makes Cristy lonely and ends up making the woman have to be affectionate until she's blinded by love. As a result of her being too affectionate with her ex-boyfriend, Cristy complied with his ex-boyfriend's every request until Mike came into this world.

'I have to be strong for Mike to give him a good life, and of course he won't be like me, who is thirsty for love. Even though Mike will grow up without a father, at least he will still have me,' thought Cristy as she wiped her tears, which slowly collapsed again just thinking about her fate. Now that she is a young mother to Mike, what's even worse is being a single mom when she is still twenty years old.

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