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Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal

Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal



Monica is a woman who is obsessed with a successful, wealthy, handsome, and almost perfect man. She is willing to do anything to get this man named Kendrick. Monica goes so far as to trap the man, ultimately getting herself pregnant and demanding accountability from Kendrick. All of this is part of her plan to get Kendrick. Will they end up together? Or will Kendrick refuse to take responsibility for Monica's pregnancy? Stay tuned to find out!

Chapter 1 Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal

"Bitch! What have you done!" snapped a man who had just woken up from his sleep shirtless.

The man stared in shock at the woman sitting next to him on the bed, wrapped in a blanket, with a calm smile on her face.

"It wasn't just me, Ken, we did it last night, don't you remember?" replied the woman, still holding onto the blanket with a wide smile.

Ken, as he was called, glared at the woman before getting up from the bed, putting on a t-shirt that was scattered on the floor. Without saying much, he walked out of the room, which resembled a hotel room.

But before he left, Ken muttered curses at the woman who was still sitting casually on the bed, covered only by the blanket. "You bitch! Just wait for my retaliation!"

The woman, called bitch by the departing man, was named Monica Miller. She chuckled softly upon hearing Ken's curse.

"Haha, he's so funny. Just wait a little longer, Ken, you'll surely be mine soon. Our baby will appear in this belly of mine soon, and after that, you'll surely accept me, even if reluctantly," Monica said, her gaze fixed on the tightly closed hotel room door after Ken slammed it shut.

Monica spoke as she stroked her belly under the blanket, showing no signs of sadness for losing her honor with a man who didn't want her. Instead, Monica was happy, thinking her plan would soon succeed.

Monica was obsessed with wealthy, handsome, and rich men like Kendrick Francisco. She had been pursuing Kendrick since they first met a year ago at an art exhibition downtown.

As a result of their meeting, Monica became infatuated with Kendrick and spent a year trying to win him over in various ways, coincidentally, Kendrick allegedly didn't have a partner.

Apart from being wealthy, handsome, and rich, Monica liked Kendrick because they shared the same hobby of going to art exhibitions and always buying paintings that interested them. Additionally, Kendrick was cold and aloof, which made Monica fall even harder for him and relentlessly pursue him until he was hers. As a result, Monica's excessive feelings turned into obsession.

"Mommy can't wait for your arrival, sweetheart, because with you, Mommy can have your future Daddy," Monica murmured with her crazy smile. She was extremely confident that her plan would succeed one hundred percent.

Monica got up from the bed with the blanket wrapped around her small body before picking up the scattered clothes on the hotel room floor.

She winced slightly as she slowly walked towards the bathroom inside the hotel room, which was understandable since it was Monica's first time having marital relations.

Although it hurt, Monica didn't regret at all for having physical intimacy with the man she loved. In fact, Monica felt very happy because Kendrick was her first man.

Monica's hope was for her belly to soon be graced with a baby from her actions with Kendrick, so that Kendrick would feel responsible and marry her.

In the bathroom, Monica looked at herself in the mirror. She tidied her messy hair before smiling crazily again.

"Ah, I can't wait for Kendrick to truly be mine," Monica murmured confidently.

The woman was able to be so confident because she believed Kendrick would surely take responsibility, as if Monica admitted her pregnancy to him or his family, it would surely force Kendrick to marry Monica. And Monica was convinced of that.

Monica had also planned her next steps if she was indeed declared pregnant.

Once again, Monica stroked her belly with a wide smile before cleaning herself and soaking for a while to alleviate the pain in her feminine area.


"Damn it!" cursed a man who was none other than Kendrick. He had just arrived at his own apartment. This time, he decided to go home to his apartment instead of his actual home at the Francisco residence.

Kendrick angrily slammed his bedroom door shut, causing a sound that startled the whole house. Fortunately, he lived alone in his apartment.

"That bitch dared to trap me!" growled Kendrick, his fists clenched tightly after roughly kicking off his shoes in any direction.

He ran his hands through his messed-up hair. Kendrick was furious because he just realized he had been intimate with a woman he considered cheap, who had been with many men. Yes, in Kendrick's eyes, Monica was a promiscuous woman craving affection, utterly despicable.

"Arrghhhh!" Kendrick's shout filled his often silent room. He was furious because, like Monica, it was also his first time, but unfortunately, Kendrick knew Monica as a promiscuous woman who liked changing partners.

Kendrick kicked anything around him roughly, making a mess of his room. He vented all his anger in this way.

Kendrick despised Monica, who he still saw as a stranger who suddenly approached him. Besides being promiscuous, Kendrick also labeled Monica as a gold digger, pursuing him for his money. So Kendrick thought Monica approached him because of his status as a successful young businessman.

"That woman is truly cunning. I hope what I fear won't actually happen," muttered Kendrick before entering the bathroom and cleaning himself roughly, as if he had just been contaminated with something extremely vile or filthy.

Kendrick spent about an hour in the bathroom, cleaning himself repeatedly until his skin became slightly wrinkled from being in the water for too long. But then he emerged from the bathroom dressed in casual clothes with wet hair. However, Kendrick's face still looked weary, as if he was still holding back his anger.

"If what I fear happens, I'll make sure Mommy and Daddy don't find out, and I refuse to be asked to take responsibility," muttered Kendrick, his fists clenched tightly at his sides as he stared at himself in the mirror.

Kendrick's mind was filled with possibilities of what might happen later if Monica indeed became pregnant because, as far as Kendrick remembered, they didn't use any protection.

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Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal

Chapter 1 Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal



Chapter 2 Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal



Chapter 3 Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal



Chapter 4 Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal



Chapter 5 Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal



Chapter 6 Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal



Chapter 7 Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal



Chapter 8 Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal



Chapter 9 Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal



Chapter 10 Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal



Chapter 11 Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal



Chapter 12 Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal



Chapter 13 Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal



Chapter 14 Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal



Chapter 15 Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal



Chapter 16 Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal



Chapter 17 Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal



Chapter 18 Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal



Chapter 19 Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal



Chapter 20 Deception's Desire: A Tale of Seduction and Betrayal
