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Your god's love

Your god's love



Sadness is not different from love, She loved me when I cried for another. She listens to me, to my pleas and ended everything, But most importantly, She worshiped me as if I was her god. HER words were never lies. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° "I can't b-breath. " Gasping for air, fear runs down my face in droplets. In such a desperate situation like this, those were my only words before I collapsed in a fit of sobs. Watching my suffocating expression in her rosy orbs only added volume to my cries. How did we end up like this? Her hands impatiently untightened themselves off my neck, her feet trampled over themselves to make her fall to the floor, staring in horror at the hands that were proud to stand on my neck. My back slumped down the wall and I collapsed back into consciousness. I cough violently to fill my lungs, my first instincts resigned me into a cocoon of my own limbs, my sobs speaking volumes. Resting my head on the cold hard floor, I uttered the foreseeable words to end my agony: " Ille, please. " Crimson was blood and blood splashed my ears letting me hear the massacre on a blind's choice. Weak and on the verge of passing out, the realization of such a butchery couldn't pump enough blood to reach my brain. My delusion didn't faze her, my safety was a priority in my new nightmares. She picked me up with a single arm as she usually does. With a harsh jerk, she efficiently removed my aggressor's blood from her hand and raised that hand to caress my cheek. Planting a kiss on my forehead without a once of regret regrets in her comforting praises. " Mercy is not something you should expect from me, little god. " She then begins to walk toward the exit. " Especially to something who had enough spunk to threaten the God who is soon to be mine to worship. " Please don't look at me, I am weak to her praises, and she was strong when she fed on my weakness.

Chapter 1 Love from the wild

The morning after, I wasn't in the mood to wake up, but I forced myself to. Added with below a bare minimum amount of sleep, my sole motivation was the delicious food that was being cooked downstairs.

Sometimes insomnia can go suck a green dildo if it thinks it would prevent me from enjoying my breakfast.

Green because... well because.

Brushing my teeth was the only option that I found to be the least energy-consuming. The last time I tried to enter the bathroom and take a shower before my breakfast. I fainted and threw up at the mere sight of my reflection in the mirror. So, I decided to just get breakfast.

Mom was the one who was making the food. Being the early bird that she was and also her job in the military gave her enough discipline to wake up at such an ungodly early, time.

" Morning. " I greeted.

Forcing my feet behind me, I sat on the metal stool that unfortunately was too rusted to turn anymore and picked up the ginger tea she left for me. " Pancakes? "

It was certainly rare for her to make something remotely made with flour in the morning. I don't know the problem with Haitian mom but even the mention of flour for breakfast was a curse.

We were an egg family. Scramble, boiled... Well, that's it.

In my mouth, the pancakes had all kinds of flavors. The ripe bananas that I brought from Harvey the other day, cinnamon, salt, and not a one of sugar, just sugar... A tiny bit.

Sugar was banned as well from our Haitian diet but was well-liked in cold water as a substitute for juice.

While eating my pancakes, I raised from my seat to put back the maple syrup and picked some cleaning products to wipe the touch screen kitchen counter.

Sitting back, with a harsh stab of my finger, its surface flickers up and barely can display the options to select.

We were running out of energy. " Thanks, mom. " She looked at me funny and I pointed to the food. " For the pancakes. "

She grunted in response. " Did you feed the demon? "

Just right after I mentioned it, the fat ball of fur just rubbed her side against my leg. A low purr vibrates from it, and an eruption of goosebumps evades my skin.

I ran to another chair, and without any hesitation, the silky spawn of hell climbed my chair and sat at my place.

A perfect replacement.

Sensing my glare, she trills her purrs, pats around, and shows me her fleecy buttocks in the process. " That's why you're adopted."

The living anti-life purrs louder at the sound of my disgusted tone. I drank my gag as well as my juice. " The day you gag on one of your furballs will be the day you'll ever get me to pet you. "

Mom rolls up her eyes and pushes my plate to my new place. Not because I was scared to get close to the cat.

" Stop being a dick, and for the last time, Chat la pas fawe anyin alò quitlel en paix! " She reprimands me and slaps the back of my head. ( The cat didn't do you anything, so leave it alone. )

" Ow! " Sliding the cat away from her path, she jabbed the screen and stroked the controls to open the curtains.

" Eat, so you can throw away the mess on my lawn. " I obeyed. Feeling the vulture's eyes on me, my mood got worse when I recalled Ameri's bitter words.

I really didn't want to remember it but I spent the night guilt-planning a way to make it up to her and my insomnia sure didn't help me think at all.

I thought with Ameri all of this not being able to sleep bullshit will all go away, and I would be stress-free but since college, I've never been able to get proper rest. I have graduated a long time ago, so all of this doesn't make sense.

Why can't I nod off or even when I do I wake up with nightmares and hallucinations about people lurking around in the house?

" Good morning residents," I grunt, interrupting my self-questioning paranoia and now I wish I had stayed in bed longer.

" Please wait for the distribution of energy to recharge your homes. We congratulate every one of you fellow humans, who will and have celebrated their coming out of age. " Same old shitty speech.

" Sadness echoes in all hearts but we wish them all the love and happiness they deserve and say farewell to them all. " I tap my finger repeatedly on the counter.

" Without any loss or accident. We all wish you a safe and productive day. " God, I hate this IA's voice.

" Good morning, awfully quiet people! " And that ma's way of saying good morning.

Like they weighed three times the size of their chubby figure, each step was loud and exaggerated, similar to a newborn dinosaur. " And good morning to my wonderful little baby. "

Mind you she was talking about the cat, not me.

I swallow the last syrup-drowned disk of diabetes, instantly more than full than ever. The only thing that was left to do was to relax and hope I get some sleep until my stomach digested all of this investment into future insecurities.

Ma had other plans, though. " Let's see what's on the news for today. "

Channel after channel, a migraine started to grow discouraging me from even trying to close an eye.

Mom finally ended my misery by giving them a pile of pancakes... While smirking down at me. " Oh, thank you, honey! You're the best."

This couple was praying for my downfall and they were winning but I'm not moving out anytime soon. " Breaking news!"

Here we go again.

" We are here at port B-37 for chocking news. " Any number below a hundred was noble material.

Thank you for interrupting my lovely thoughts for some princess who probably wanted to make a dramatic entrance.

" We had been informed that Admiral will make a short visit at A-70. Lismma..."

We all freeze as they shift location to stream the area near... our sector! The room turned deadly silent, and then we peeked a glance at each other, all confused and enrolled with a concerning excitement.

" Yes Skeshia, here at A-70-" The reporter took a deep breath, her lips trembling with excitement against her fangs.

And started again. " Here at A-70, we are all honored to surely be one of the first sectors she will park her vessel. "

" It's been over 70 years now since our dear prodigy discovered the wonderful humans and since then, our birth rate has climbed to new heights. " What an introduction.

" Though she has been awarded the title of The first claim, she's never taken enough interest to proclaim a worthy mate. So we all wonder... has she found an interest in any of you boys?"

Her voice got lost in the back along the lines of how we lost our earth and moved in ships. Yes, we lost Earth... Killing less than half of our population ... By mass suicide.

Mom sat beside ma, taking the cat off of their arms and pushing their pancakes towards them.

Our gaze stayed fixated on the scene in front of us. The mother ship was there, unbarking its content to ours. We all felt lightly faint-hearted that a few miles away was where the most powerful Kalma warrior known to Kalma history would land.

Honesty, it was terrifying and at the same time, I was beyond curious. I've never seen her, even in magazines.

The only picture they show is of her island and even then we have one old shot of her house from 200 years ago.

I could feel the tip of each of my fingernails drumming against the flesh under the length of my thumb as her vessel reached the registered parking.

The crowd roared wildly with fanged smiles. Everything felt so surreal, perhaps another nightmare that my brain had possibly imagined for me to wake up.

Again, I was proven wrong.

The vessel emitted an earsplitting cry, one of warning to not approach the craft. Long pikes sprout under its scaly armor emphasizing the threat.

The back door facing us melted into a steel waterfall and reformed into a range of stairs. The audience suddenly fell quiet, anyone could hear the following step.

Each of them was louder than the other as if she was stabbing the ground, mercilessly.

The anticipation was intense and quickly became horror when we all caught the glow of a pair of red eyes in the darkness.

A boot, shaped like a horse's hoof steps out, followed by powerful legs. The overstressed fabric ended at her large hips and dark blue proudly wore its faint scars on the shield of muscles.

The darkness uncovers her tall silhouette like a veil and we all behold the wildness of her features.

A pointy sharp pair of fangs sat facing up to darker blue lips and the other pair stood down facing light blue establishing her rank. A cat snout fooled us successfully but then... we saw her eyes.

A gorgeous predator entered preyland. When his entire face was uncovered it was like a punch as if she was a tiger waiting to pounce.

I stood up, so abruptly that the stool was thrown to the ground behind me. " I'm sorry, I..."

Strangely, a yawn ripped its way out of my mouth, and tiredness washed over me all of the sudden as I clenched onto the counter like I was going to fall down the stairs.

My hands unwantedly loosen and slide against the side. Why was I so sleepy all of a sudden? " Sathe?"

I couldn't feel my legs anymore. " Mom, " I yawned again. " ma?"

My eyes started to blink uncontrollably and my mouth opened slightly as a few tears ran down my eyes. My head slipped back, too heavy.

Closing my eyes, I felt hands slapping my cheeks a few times and Mom calling out my name. I gradually lose consciousness.

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