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Miss True and False: My Kept Man is a Billionaire!

Miss True and False: My Kept Man is a Billionaire!

Miss Koala


【Hazel Lively's Unveiled Truth】 Hazel Lively, the enigmatic founder of H.L., was told she is the true daughter of a powerful and wealthy family at 24?! The Fake Miss took the place that belonged to her, as the servant maliciously switched them as orphans, all to secure a better life for her own daughter! Hazel's biological families lavish the imposter with affection, while they look down upon her with disdain and contempt. The Fake Miss resorted to ruthless tactics to frame her. The entire upper-class circle mocks her, considering her crude and uncouth! But Hazel says, "I don't care!" When her concealed identity and talent are exposed, it sends shockwaves through the whole upper class. Her biological parents changed their attitude and wanted to please her, but Hazel had already disdained them. However, in an unexpected encounter, Hazel accidentally messes with the man in charge of a mysterious and ancient family. This man assertively kept her by his side, leaving her with no escape... 【Carlos Cavendish's Unexpected Challenge】 Carlos Cavendish, the formidable leader of the ancient Cavendish family, embodies perfection with his appearance like the sun god Apollo. Nothing seems to shake his cold world until Hazel Lively, a fiery and audacious woman, mistakenly barges into his life one night, absurdly assuming he's someone to be financially kept. "How dare this bold woman think of me as a kept man?!" Carlos Cavendish vowed to make her pay and draw her into a tantalizing game of cat and mouse. But as the game unfolds, Carlos finds himself inexplicably drawn to Hazel, pondering the unthinkable – keeping her by his side forever...

Chapter 1 A Wild Night

"George, find me a clean man to send to the hotel, now!"

A breathless girl urgently spoke into the phone, gripping the steering wheel tightly. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes nearly out of focus, breathing rapid and shallow. Sweat rolled down her pristine forehead, tracing the elegant lines of her chin.

After hanging up, she slammed her hand on the steering wheel, her inner fury reaching its peak.

Damn it! Who dared to drug her? She swore to make them suffer if she ever caught them!

Hazelle Lively fought the turmoil inside her, driving determinedly. A burning sensation gnawed at her lower abdomen, leaving her restless and agitated. With the last bit of her sanity and alertness, she drove towards the hotel.

Stepping out of the car, she hurriedly headed straight for the elevator, desperate to reach her reserved room.

Alone in the elevator, her legs weakened, nearly collapsing, forcing her to clutch the handrail for support. Eager to avoid being seen in her current state, she quickly walked to her room as soon as the elevator doors opened.

"2301... Where is it? Is it here?..."

Hazelle's vision began to blur. Struggling, she made out the room number on the door and opened it. Once inside, she collapsed onto the bed. At this moment, desire nearly devoured all of Hazelle's reason.

Several buttons at the front of her shirt were undone, revealing enticingly soft, fair skin. Her partially exposed bosom added to her allure. Her tempting red lips were slightly parted, her gaze becoming hazy and unfocused.

Why hasn't the man arrived yet? What's taking George so slow? Damn it, she's definitely cutting his bonus this year!

The mix of desire and frustration inside Hazelle intertwined, turning her into a creature nearly devoid of reason, longing to sink her teeth into a man's flesh.

She writhed impatiently on the bed, her own hands no longer sufficient to satisfy her needs.

What the disoriented woman didn't notice was that the room had a translucent, hair-glass bathroom. Inside, a tall, muscular man was taking a shower. 

As soon as Hazel opens the door, the man realizes that there is an uninvited guest in the room. However, he just calmly dries his body, and when he emerges from the shower, he simply wraps a towel around his hips.

This man had black hair, still slightly damp, partially covering his forehead. Water droplets traced a path down his long neck, following the contours of his chest muscles. His body was well-toned, with clearly defined muscles. The lines of his face were sharply cut, as if carefully sculpted with a knife. His captivating eyes seemed to hold whirlpools, drawing in anyone who met his gaze.

His strides were even and casual as he walked towards the girl who was lingering on the bed.

Carlos looked down at the woman with a cold gaze, thinking that she was probably another woman sent by some old fool to please him.

He calmly picked up his cell phone and was about to call someone to throw the woman out when he was suddenly embraced by the woman on the bed.

In her haze, Hazel saw a tall and broad-shouldered man standing by the bed. His face was like a work of art, making Hazel long to kiss every contour.

She wondered in a daze, "Where did George find such a perfect man? How does he fit my aesthetic preferences so well?" She decided that this man was now hers.

"Darling, is this your first time? Hmm? Don't be afraid, I'll take good care of you..."

Hazel embraced the handsome man's neck, her gaze fixated on his enticing lips. She leaned forward impulsively and planted a deep kiss on Carlos's lips, exclaiming, "Oh, darling, you taste so sweet!"

She eagerly reached out to lick Carlos's neck, her eyes filled with temptation. Carlos, having just taken a bath, his slender neck flushed with a light blush, seemed to entice Hazel to come and nibble at it.

Carlos extended one hand, pressing it against Hazel's forehead. Despite her attempts to move forward, her entire head was pushed backward, and Hazel's face was obscured by Carlos's hand. However, her hands still tightly gripped his neck, showing signs of struggle.

He furrowed his brow, looking at this audacious girl and thinking that she must be out of her mind.

No one had ever dared to do such a thing to Cavendish!

His other hand grabbed Hazel's collar, trying to lift her from the bed and toss her into the corridor.

Hazel kept struggling and swaying, her dark brown hair fell messily, revealing her fair, delicate earlobes. Carlos abruptly halted his movements, spotting a tiny red mole on the side of her earlobe.

A hint of unusual emotion flickered in his eyes. ‘How did those old fools know .... No, it couldn’t be, it should be a coincidence.’

He narrowed his eyes slightly and sized up this shameless girl.

Her striking features resembled an overripe rose in full bloom, vibrant and inviting. Her tender cheeks bore layers of colour due to her emotions. Thick lashes half-drooped, covering half of her amber eyes filled with confusion and distress.

Carlos casually observed from top to bottom, completely ignoring the eagerness and anxiety on Hazel's face.

He raised his gaze, one hand around Hazel's waist, one lifting her chin, looking her in the eye,

“——Do you know who I am? You still have a chance to leave."

“Of course! You are my little sweet pie, my sweetie, kiss me!!"

"......" Carlos had never met a girl with such a lack of manners in his life, in normal times she would have already been thrown out on the street.

But ......

He glanced at Hazel's earlobe with the small red mole, remained silent for a while, and then said, "I've already given you a chance. If you refuse to leave—"

“——then stay.”

In the dimly lit room, only the warm yellow light from the bathroom seeped through. In the darkness, Carlos's dark pupils seemed to flicker like flames. It was reminiscent of the beasts that pounced on their prey in the meadow, full of danger. His gaze seemed to tear her apart, causing her to shiver and make even breathing difficult.

A pair of strong hands grabbed the shirt on Hazel's body and violently tore it, the already thin fabric was torn to pieces, revealing Hazel’s beautiful body. Carlos's eyes traced the curves on her chest, the tempting waist, and slender thighs.

Hazel impatiently approached the man's lips, kissing them lightly before moving to his nose, eyes…

Carlos lowered his head, sealing the woman's full, rosy lips with his own, stopping her wild kisses. Their soft lips moulded and contorted upon collision, seeking each other's breath. Their tongues tangled, chasing each other in an entwined dance.

After the intense kiss, Hazel felt like a fish gasping for air finally back in the sea. Her eyes were unfocused, her slightly swollen lips slightly parted, a hint of saliva trailing from the corner of her mouth, a remnant of Carlos' withdrawal.

What, why did he stop?

Hazel raised her eyes slightly, gazing at the handsome man before her with a puzzled expression.

No matter who you are," Carlos leaned in slightly and licked the rose-coloured mole on Hazel's ear, "you have no way to escape."

Hazel was under the man's control with no escape, the drugs in her body had drained all her strength. She could only endure the man's intense and passionate movements, feeling the scorching heat of his skin.

The room was filled with the constant pleas of the woman, occasionally turning into screams and cries, mingling with the deep voice of the man, creating an atmosphere of ambiguity.

Hazel felt like a small boat, rocking and swaying on the turbulent sea, rising and falling with the crashing waves.

This delicate rose finally bloomed under Carlos's care...

The night has just begun...

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