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You Only Live Twice

You Only Live Twice



After being maltreated and tortured by the people she considered “Family” Eliza dies a painful death but is later recanted as a stronger version of her past self, ready to avenge the ones she loved and get revenge on the ones she despised. But unknown to her, troubles and obstacles which she had not experienced in her past life start to surface in her current one. Will she be able to face them or succumb to death like the last time?

Chapter 1 The Truth

Beep.. Beep..

The phone rang continuously but there was no response from the person at the other end, or more like this person refused to pick the call.

Eliza’s grip around her phone tightened, her gaze fixated on the screen.

“Where are you?”

“Darn it! Pick up my calls!”

“Where’s my money? You better bring it back!”

“Atleast pay my hospital bills!”

She opened the messages she had sent but it still showed that it had been read it, so why wasn't there any response?

Eliza gazed at the ceiling, her hands clutching each side of the hospital sheets and with a barely audible voice she spoke to no one but herself.

“..I only have a few weeks to live, is it too much to ask that he atleast stays by my side?”


In the reception area just some metres away from Eliza's ward room, two nurses both gazed at her door with saddening expressions. They'd both release sighs every now and then.

“You’re the one in charge of her ward.. how is she?” One of them finally spoke.

“Not good, the doctor said she only has a few weeks to live.”

“She's still so young, I feel bad for her.”

“Me too. But there's something even more shocking..”

“What may that be?”

“She's married but i’ve never seen her husband come here to visit..”

“I’ve also not seen any of her relatives come to visit too. She must be living a sad life, maybe you should go check up on her.”

“Okay.” The nurse nodded and walked towards Eliza's ward which was a short stretch down the hall. Once she arrived at her door, she slowly opened it and walked in.

“Miss Smythe..?”

The nurse was surprised to see the room empty, she quickly checked the bathroom but it was also empty. Gazing at the bedsheets, it clearly showed that someone had indeed slept on it.

“..Where is she?”


Eliza unsteadily walked by the road side, earning strange glances from people since she was still fully clothed in the hospital gown she was given.

Ignoring them, she gazed up at the trees with its beautiful pink flowers falling down onto the road.

“Spring is here.. while I laid there slowly succumbing to cancer. They’re still beautiful as they fall.. I'm so jealous.”

A cab suddenly honked its horn infront of her trying to earn her attention.

“Hello Miss! Would you like to go somewhere?”

Eliza hummed and entered into the back seat of the cab.

“Lake View.”

The cab driver nodded and stepped on the accelerator. He then slowly took at peek at her through the rear view mirror, unfortunately, Eliza caught him in the act.

“Is there a problem?” She asked and the man shook his head with a small smile and focused his attention on the road ahead.

“You must be very ill.”

Eliza hummed and gazed out the window. “I am.”

“You’ll be better in no time.”

Eliza did not respond and her palms instead slowly curled into a tight fist.

Better her a##, he talked this way because he had no idea she was going to die in less than three weeks.

“There’s a saying that goes, today is a gift. It's the future that someone wished for before they died. Is that how it goes? I’m not quite sure if that's correct..” The cab driver added.

“I don't think I want tomorrow to come even if today's my last day on earth. It's not like anything good will happen tomorrow.” Eliza coldly responded, her eyes still fixated on the view outside the window.

“What do you mean?” The cab driver smiled. “You can always make good things happen.”

They finally arrived at the destination which was her house.

Getting out, Eliza suddenly realised that she had no money on her, she was about to ask the driver to wait a little so she could rush in and get some change but the man beat her too it.

“Here, take this.” The cab driver spoke, handing her a pendant.

Eliza creased her brows. “A pendant.. what for?”

The man smiled. “Today is my last day and so, I bought a dozen of these to give to each nice passenger I get. You seem pretty nice and sweet.”

A little dazed, Eliza slowly collected the pendant from him. It was heart shaped.

“Everything will be fine. You’ll get back on your feet in no time, you’ll make a lot of money too. You’ll also meet a nice boy who’ll fall head over heels in love with you. He’ll become your boyfriend and after a while, you two will get married *sigh* Today's my last day and your my last customer, so just promise me you'll live a happy life, that's all I ask.”

Even though shocked by this stranger's words. A small smile still crept it's way to the corner of Eliza's lips. “Okay, I promise.”

The man smiled before finally driving away.

Eliza gazed at pendant one last time and gazed at the cab which was now barely visible.

“Thank you.. for leaving me with a beautiful memory in this shitty life.”

She whispered and finally walked towards her building where her apartment was located.

Standing infront of her door, Eliza sighed.

God knows how long its been since she last visited this place.

She slowly opened the door and was surprised to see a pair of heels on the floor.

These were the shoes she gifted Cassie, what were they doing here..?

She suddenly halted hearing faint voices from the bedroom.

“And after I get my deposit, let's move somewhere else.”

She walked closer to the bedroom door.

“I wanna leave in a beautiful penthouse babe.”

Eliza slowly opened the bedroom door and found her supposed boyfriend tightly hugging her best friend with their bodies stack naked.

“Of course, let's get a place as soon as I take the insurance money.” Her boyfriend, Jaden spoke.

“How much will you get?” Cassie replied with a big smile.

“500,000 USD.”

Eliza's body trembled, that was..

“Really? That's so much money!”

Jaden smiled and pulled her closer. “Her dad died of cancer too, I guess it was hereditary. She kept having stomach aches and digestive issues so I took out an insurance on her before taking her to the hospital.”

Eliza's palms flew to her mouth.

“Then babe will you buy me a designer handbag?” Cassie cutely spoke, drawing circles on his chest.

“I thought I bought you one last month?”

Cassie pouted. “Please..”

“Fine. She'll be dead in some weeks, so just wait, I'll buy you everything you want.”

“Says who?” Eliza spoke and the whole room instantly fell silent.

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