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Lady Gangster (Mộng Cảnh Nhân Gian/ 夢景人間)

Lady Gangster (Mộng Cảnh Nhân Gian/ 夢景人間)

Tiểu Đề


"Sophia likes this designer dress, very simple, her parents will immediately buy it for her." "Sophia likes this Lamborghini car, it looks very attractive, very suitable for her. Very simple, her parents will buy it for her." "This luxury yacht is very beautiful, Sophia also likes it. Ok! Tomorrow her father will ask to buy it for her." The story "Lady Gangster" tells the story of Sophia, who was originally a rich lady, but after one night she suddenly became a poor girl, with no place to rely on. The male lead is the leader of a notorious gang. The two of them seemed like two parallel lines, never meeting each other. But because of fate, they became each other's half. There are sweetness, bitterness, deception, betrayal... After all the storms and challenges, can Sophia be happy with the person she loves? I wish you all a happy and relaxing time reading the story "Lady Gangster".

Chapter 1 Lady, Lady (Tiểu Thư)

Sophia did not like this blue car, even though it was the latest Mercedes model on the market, and her father had spent tens of thousands of dollars to own it. But the more she looked at it, the more she felt displeased, it was too flashy, and the color and style did not suit her personality.

Sophia's father was the chairman of a large real estate group, so since she was little, her parents had spoiled her, and they would buy her anything she liked. But because of that, she became very picky, and she quickly got bored of what she liked yesterday.

Sophia sat squatting, her chin resting on her hand, her eyes looking at the blue car in front of her, her face full of sadness. From inside the house, the servants came out with their bags, personal belongings piled up on the car.

A while later, a maid came over and gently said to Sophia:

- Miss, it's time to go to school, please get in the car.

Sophia looked listless, leaning her head against the tire, and said:

- I'm tired today, I want to stay home and rest for a day.

This maid was also about Sophia's age, she slightly frowned, then quickly smiled and said:

- No, miss, before leaving the house, the boss specially instructed that you are about to take the college entrance exam, so you must go to school today, otherwise the boss will hire a tutor to come home and teach you privately.

Sophia heard that, her face became even more gloomy, this was nothing but controlling her, hiring a tutor to teach her at home was worse than going to school, at least she had some freedom. Although Sophia was rich, she was spoiled since childhood, but that meant she also had to endure more supervision than ordinary people, and that was what she hated the most. Sophia immediately kicked the car door, and said gloomily:

- Always study, study, study...why doesn't he go to school himself, why does he force me. Look at this car, it's so ugly, how can I dare to go out and meet my friends. My friends, some drive Audi, some drive Porsche, some even take a helicopter to class.

At this point, she sat down and complained:

- Only I still drive this flashy and tacky car on the road. I'm really the most unfortunate person in the world.

The maid quickly covered her mouth and laughed, thinking: "if she is unfortunate, then there is no one lucky in the world. there is no way to talk to this sour miss!". The maid advised:

- Come on, after all, it's a special gift from the boss to the miss, you should bear with it a little. Besides, I think it suits the miss very well, look at the glass, the lights, they match the clothes you are wearing.

- It suits your head...

Sophia lightly tapped the maid's head. The maid's name was Lyly, they had played together since childhood and were very close. Seeing the miss tap her head, Lyly also poked back. The two masters and servants joked for a while, Sophia also agreed to get in the car and go to school.

Sophia's school was not far from home, about ten kilometers, the school was located in the center of the city, the special thing was that the school was opened by her father.

It goes without saying that most of the students who study here are children of wealthy families, but there are still a few from middle-class families, as long as they pay enough tuition.

From afar, they saw the big arch-shaped gate, above which were several billboards of the family business. When they arrived, the blue Mercedes parked in front of the school gate, a bodyguard quickly opened the car door for Sophia, she stepped down and he hurriedly opened the umbrella in his hand to shade her. Sophia leisurely walked into the school, drinking a cup of milk tea with pearls.

Today she wore a navy blue polka dot dress, sunglasses, and flats. This outfit was a bit mature for her seventeen years old, but she liked to dress like that, it helped her show off her slender figure and fair skin that was not tanned.

- Ms. Miller, hello...

- Hello, Sophia sister...

Sophia's surname was Miller. As soon as she entered the campus, the students passing by bowed their heads and greeted her, in their eyes there was admiration, as well as jealousy and envy. But these things, Sophia did not care, anyway, besides her father, she was the most powerful person here.

That said, it doesn't mean she doesn't have friends, rich people usually play with each other, Sophia also has a bunch of friends who are all rich kids. When she entered the class, they all rushed to ask her, Sophia was usually very generous, she ordered Lyly to open the bags of stuff she brought, inside there were a lot of food, expensive things like Rolex watches, Apple phones...she gave them all to her friends.

- A, Sophia...this time you got the highest score in the class!

Just then, a female student with a smug face, holding a test paper, put it on the table in front of Sophia.

Sophia glanced at it and saw a big 100, next to it was her name, Sophia Miller. It was a foreign language test in Japanese. Sophia just looked at it and then ignored it, as if she didn't see it. One thing was that Sophia didn't care much about studying, but her academic ability was not bad, this might be because she inherited the smart gene from her parents. She was good at foreign languages, maybe because her family was so rich, she traveled to many places in the world every year, so her foreign language skills were also much better than ordinary people.

Sophia didn't care much about this test, anyway, the score didn't matter to her. This school was opened by her father, there would be no chance of her failing the exam. But a cold snort, immediately attracted her attention.

The cold snort came from the back of the class, Sophia frowned and looked at a female student with a ponytail who was writing something. The friends around her who were chatting also quieted down. Looking at this female student with a ponytail, Sophia didn't even remember her name. She pointed, and said coldly:

- You, kid, you're expelled!

As soon as she said this, the surroundings became noisy, no one thought Sophia would suddenly issue such an order. The female student with a ponytail heard this, put down her pen, and clenched her fist.

Sophia looked at her coldly and said:

- From now on, you're no longer a student of this school, get out of here right now.

- No, Sophia...

The friends looked at each other, finally a male student stood up and advised:

- Jones is an exemplary student of our school, you can't expel her.

- Exemplary student, so what, I told her to leave, she leaves.

Sophia glared, hearing the name Jones, she immediately remembered, in fact, the two had a conflict in the past, that was Sophia stole her boyfriend. That's why she hated Sophia ever since. She didn't like her either, so she took this opportunity to kick her out of the way.

At this point, the female student with a ponytail named Jones stood up, slammed the table:

- What right do you have to expel me from school?

What right? Sophia smirked, this was the question that she found the most ridiculous she had ever heard. She replied casually:

- Because I think you are not suitable to study here.

Jones stared at Sophia, suddenly she turned and laughed faintly. She paused and said:

- In short, you are just someone who has a good father as the principal here.

Sophia didn't feel angry, but calmly asked back:

- So what, are you jealous?

- I'm jealous of you?

Jones shook her head, smiled faintly, then looked at Sophia and said in a low voice:

- I pity you more. Look, you have nothing but a rich father, you are inferior to us in everything, you don't even have a friend.

- You, what did you just say?

Sophia was stunned, she was this old but this was the first time someone dared to say that to her. She couldn't help it, she was about to rush over and teach Jones a lesson. But just then, a hand quickly pulled Sophia out of the classroom.

- Lyly, what are you doing? Let go of me.

Sophia's father, in order to take care of his daughter and prevent her from indulging in pleasure, he allowed Lyly to study in the same class with Sophia. Lyly pulled Sophia out to the yard and let go, bowed her head and apologized:

- Miss, I'm very sorry, but the boss instructed that besides studying, you are absolutely not allowed to get involved in any trouble.

- Talking about my father again.

Sophia was still angry, her face flushed:

- You always mention my father, I doubt you are his daughter, not me. Look at that girl, she dared to say those words to me.

Sophia's personality was stubborn and willful. Lyly smiled bitterly and said:

- Miss, you don't need to care about her like that. She is jealous of you, so she said those words, the more you show anger, the more you fall into her trap.

Lyly's words hit Sophia's mind. She lived with Sophia since childhood, so she understood her mistress's personality very well. Sophia thought more and felt reasonable, she shouldn't be so angry. But she wouldn't admit her mistake in front of a maid, she just said a few harsh words to save face.

The two stood there for a while, suddenly Lyly looked at the watch, shouted:

- It's time to go home, miss, you go to the car first, I'll go to the class and get the bag.

- No need.

Sophia waved her hand:

- You go home first, I'll stay at school for a while.

Lyly was a bit stunned, after Sophia confirmed that she would not cause trouble, Lyly agreed to go.

Sophia sat on the bench under the tree, as if she was waiting for someone. That's right! Sophia was waiting for someone, someone very important to her.

While waiting, every once in a while, Sophia looked at the watch on her wrist. It was only past 11 o'clock, he wouldn't finish school until 11:30.

A few minutes later, Sophia suddenly felt a bit of a pee, she got up and ran to the toilet, unfortunately on the way she bumped into someone.

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