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The Alpha's Destined Luna

The Alpha's Destined Luna

Mercy Fisayo


"I don't need a weak mate, Ashley. It's time to reject you" Ashley felt her wolf protest bitterly at the word, rejection. "I, Alpha Leon Stone rejects you Omega Ashley Cambrian as my mate and Luna". Leon said coldly to the naked woman on his bed. Ashley suddenly felt a sharp striking pain in her chest and she cried in pain holding her chest as she watched Leon leave the room angrily. Ashley Cambrian, a weak Omega of the blue park finds her life in a mess when she realizes she is the destined mate of the strongest and most cruel Alpha, Leon. Her romantic world of being loved by her mate comes crashing down as Leon rejects her because of her rank. Leaving the marriage wasn't an option as she was used as a collateral of peace between her pack and the Dark pack fortress. What happens to Ashley when she isn't accepted in her new home? Would she be able to get Leon into accepting her? Or would she end up being caught in a web of conspiracies?

Chapter 1 One

Ashley's POV

I woke up with the rays of light shinning brightly on my face. Sitting up and sighing, today was my big day. I was finally getting married. Unlike other girls who would be beaming with smiles, I was the least excited, all I wanted was to get this whole thing over and done with.

"Milady, your wedding dress is here". I looked up and saw my head servant, Prisca walk in with a beautiful flowing white gown. I frowned immediately, "I thought I

asked for an Ivory colored gown, why am I getting a white one instead?" I asked her.

"I'm sorry milady but Alpha Elvis instructed us to get the white gown for you "

I held my hands tightly in rage, my father was overstepping his boundaries. First, he willingly gave me away as exchange to a heartless and domineering Alpha now he decides what I should wear.

"Unbelievable! I won't wear this" I spatted out in anger, throwing the wedding gown to the bed

"But milady, why do you insist on wearing an Ivory colored gown?' I heard Prisca ask

I sighed in defeat before looking into Prisca's eyes. "Wearing a white gown means you are in love with the person you're getting married to and the marriage is a thing of choice not something you're forced into. Unfortunately for me, I don't fall into any of the category, so why should I wear a white gown?"

I rose up and walked towards the door, I wanted to talk to the cruel Alpha Leon - my mate, maybe he could ask for something else in return for the release of the captured warriors of the Blue park instead of this darned marriage.

I kept walking fiercely without turning back, paying no attention to the warning of my head servant, all I wanted at that moment was to back out from the wedding but my legs stayed rooted when I heard my mate, Leon and a female voice talking about me.

"I said the marriage is only for namesake, Bianca. Ashley is my mate and I don't like her one bit but we can't deny the fact that I'd be more stronger when I have her around but you know it's you I love Bianca ". I heard Leon tell his female companion.

"Bianca? My head was rolling, she was Leon's best friend and a strong Alpha female. My mate had another woman he loved and he only wanted this marriage so he could be more stronger.

I didn't hear them speak again and subconsciously I opened the door on them, only to see Bianca sitted on a table, her shirt was gone and Leon was infront of her, pleasuring her.

I felt my breathe seize in disgust.

"And what the hell are you doing here?" Leon shouted at me, using his body to cover the half-naked woman he was having fun with.

"A…lpha" I found myself stammering, all my courage was beaten up by the sight that welcomed me

"If you have nothing else to do, why don't you go and get dressed. Our wedding ceremony begins in an hour" Leon meanly said

"I'm no longer interested in marrying you" I finally spitted out, only to get a mocking laugh from Leon

"Look at you, speaking like you have a choice here" he said holding my cheeks tightly, before pushing me back roughly

"Your park would benefit more from this marriage, Ashley. So quit being stubborn and go get ready " Bianca said to me after wearing her blouse.

"You bitch!!!' I was about rushing her when I heard the voice of my father.

"And what on earth is going on here?" Alpha Elvis shouted at me

"Dad!!" My father shut me up by raising his hand in the air and he walked to Leon instead

"Elvis, your daughter wants to opt out of the wedding" Leon said to my father, he didn't even address him properly but my father saw nothing wrong in it instead he turned sharply to me and hit me with a slap. I fell face down, groaning in pain

"You cursed orphan" Alpha Elvis said as he jerked me up, holding my hair tightly. Reality hitting me hard, he didn't really care for me since I was only adopted.

"You want to opt out of the wedding? Is this how you want to repay me for taking you in after your parents died?" He said dragging me out of Leon's presence

"Dad!" I weakly cried out, trying to get myself out of his grip but all my effort turned out futile

"All you have to do is get married so my son Williams would be free from Alpha Leon's hand and you want to opt out. How evil can you be?" My dad kept saying in my ears . "After all marrying Leon would also save your little boyfriend from dying"

I finally freed myself and looked into my father's eyes in shock. "How did he know my boyfriend was one of our park's warriors?"

" What? Did you think I didn't know of your little romantic affair with Bradley Kauffman? So quit being a pain and use your head" he said,using a finger to push my head

"Elvis! Stop it " I heard my mom, Luna Olivia say as she rushed to hold me from falling


"Woman! Speak some sense into this girl's head and get her ready right now" My dad said before walking away

"Prisca, please help me out here" my mom said as she and prisca raised me from the floor.

I walked to my room in tears and I watched Prisca and my mom doll me up for the wedding. My mom silently sobbed when she saw my bruised face

"I'm so sorry Ashley. If only I could save you" my mom said crying. I know she loves me, she and my brother Williams had never made me feel like I was adopted

"He's cheating already Mom" I subconsciously spitted out


"He loves someone else and he only needs me to get stronger"

My mom held my hands tightly before pulling me in for a hug. I don't know how long we stayed there, but my little peaceful moment were ruined when I heard that Leon was already waiting for me and all the guest were seated.

I stood up and walked to the garden where the marriage would be taking place.

"I'm doing this for you, Williams and Bradley"

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