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The Secretary

The Secretary



Anderson Brown was everything Sophia Smith should have avoided as she took over her father's company as a ceo, Anderson was not only her secretary but the guy she had a hot one night stand with and the night she still dream about, now when Anderson was the new secretary in her company all the spark came back when Sophia's intimidating eye's met with Anderson's smirk. Head into this twisted and steamy love angle of Sophia and Anderson.

Chapter 1 Sophia Smith

"Sophia, wake up," a feminine voice broke out in her ears as Sophia opened her eyes slowly, taking in the glory of autumn. A smile adorned her lips as she leaned on the headboard.

"Good morning, Marie," she addressed her house-help in return.

"Sophie, it's a big day for you. I can't keep my excitement in check. I am highly charged to see you giving your first press conference today," Marie said as she started making the bed.

Sophia gave her a soft hug and felt lucky to have Marie. She wasn't just an ordinary househelp; Marie was like a second mother to Sophia after her mother, Aurelia Smith, found Marie in search of a job and appointed her on the spot. Since then, there was nowhere Marie would rather be.

Sophia turned around and sat by the huge window, taking in the soft morning breeze with her eyes closed. She had dreamt of this day forever. All the hard work she had done would pay off, and there was no greater feeling than that.

Picking up the new navy pantsuit, she ran her fingers over it with an ever-so-soft yet powerful smile covering her face.

Turning her head, she headed inside the shower. An hour later, she was standing in front of her wall-sized mirror, looking at herself, a new version of herself for new beginnings.

Keeping her head held high, she walked with the power she owned with every move, picking up the keys of her favourite Aston Martin. She sat in her car and drove onto the road.

Taking a driver was an easy option, but Sophia believed in taking charge of her things. She liked to hold power over things. If she saw something she wanted, she would conquer it from a mile away, and if she was detached from it, she could ignore its presence as if it never existed.

Sophie held her head high as she parked her car, and stepped out of it, his newly appointed manager ran toward her.

“Good morning mam,” Richard greeted her.

“Good morning Richs, how's everything going? Sophia asked, greeting him back.

“Mam, things are as planned, now we gotta run a quick introduction session with the employee unit as per your command and the media will be present at the auditorium around 1 pm sharp, we have managed the space for all the employees in the auditorium so no one misses out,” Richard finished off telling her the process of the work she ordered for.

Sophia smiled at him.

“I am pretty much impressed with your work, Richard, and are you guys successful in choosing the perfect Secretary for me, I want perfection, you remember that right,” She said giving a small smile.

One could never judge what was going on in her mind with her face, she had a calm demeanor people could hardly judge, growing up in a family of high-profile people she was well aware of how to manage the people around her and how to make them sway on her fingers.

“Mam the secretary hunt is going in full rhythm, we have finalized a few candidates, would you like to interview them yourself or should we run a check over them,” Richard asked.

“Have I not made myself clear Richard,” She paused on her steps and looked at him with stern eyes.

“I want a secretary by the time I end the conference and that's your team call upon the details the told you all, I am not here to interview people one by one, and if was that interested in interviewing my secretary myself I wouldn't have asked you, right,” She spoke with her voice giving stern commands with each word.

“Yes mam, I understood very well, The Secretary will be here by the time you step inside your cabin after the conference, Richard spoke.

“I would highly appreciate it,” Sophia said and made her way to the employee unit.

Stepping in she inhaled the air deep inside her lungs and took a breath, every time she was making herself stronger than ever, after losing her father, she knew she would eventually inherit all his business and wealth, but she knew how the world worked, though she worked as a employee here from past two years, people would still question her place, but she was not here to prove her worth, she knew her worth, she knew what she was and what she wanted.

“Good morning all,” She announced, making all the employees stand in their positions.

“Good morning mam,” Everyone wished her back with smiling faces.

“I hope you all know what has been upon us in the past week, unfortunately, Johnathan Smith is not among us anymore, and we are highly wounded but it was his company, he made it from scratch as a high-held celebrity representative company, the Smiths held its position at the top, I would love to have you all with me, to make us best of the best, and make Mr. Smith smiles in heaven,” Sophia said, her smile turning sad at the end while remembering her father.

The employees smiled in return and one of them spoke.

“Sophia we all are with you, we will make feel proud at us and our company,”

“Yes, Sophie, Mr. Smith was like a father figure to us, he made us all work with our best calibre and now it's our time to pay back.

“We all will be present at the conference hall,”

“Go and conquer the world, Sophia Jonathan Smith,” They all said in unison.

This was what Jonathan Smith earned respect and that's what she learnt from her father, always respect what's being served on your plate.

With a smile that was sad a minute turned strong she walked towards her cabin. The new beginnings with new storms and silence awaited for her in this new journey, she entered her cabin and stood by the tall glass window, it was time for seeing the world with new eyes

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