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My Mafia Lord

My Mafia Lord



Alessandro Lorenzo, only child and heir to the Don empire proposes to Aurora Matteo, this girlfriend best friend. The wedding takes place rather quickly after Laurel Lorenzo, Alessandro mother guilt trip Aurora into marrying her son. Aurora is left alone on her wedding night after Alessandro goes to meet his lover Britney. The two elope a week after, keeping Aurora in the dark, who thinks he went to complete his training so he can take over his father's empire. She receives flowers and love note weekly, thinking it's Alessandro, unknown to her that it's from his best friend Enzo who knows everything and couldn't help but pity Aurora, after growing feeling for her. Alessandro comes back five years after with Britney as his mistress, he meets with a near death experience which changes his life, now he hopes to win Aurora back from his best friend.

Chapter 1 I

"Will you marry me Aurora Matteo?"


The brunette widened her eyes in disbelief.

"You mean me, Aurora?"

Alessandro nodded his head, stretching the ring closer so she could take a good glance at it.

"But why? Why me? We just shared one kiss by mistake and you've been so nice to me since then Alessandro."

Aurora was still in shock trying to figure out what was going on that she didn't notice that her life long crush was still on one knee for over two minutes now, awaiting her answer despirately. But who could blame her, how much could someone's life change in a week?

"Say yes, say yes!".

Alessandro's male friends roared, waiting impatiently.

"I must be dreaming, this is a dream, surely this is a dream. No no no, this can't be real, oh wait, this is Real? "

The confused lady took one step back, this was too good to be real, she was sure that there were paparazzis hidden somewhere and everyone was waiting for her to make a fool of herself.

Aurora stopped in her tracks when she felt a warm hand behind her. She immediately turned her neck to meet the eyes of her best friend Brittany.

"What do you think you are doing girl? Everyone knows you have been in love with him since forever, I never judged you once, didn't embarrass you over it either, except that one time in fifth grade and I apologized for it, so go for this girl, say yes and end his misery. Just see that pity face, he must have gathered a lot of courage coming to do this in public".

Aurora still nodded her head, suddenly getting really emotional.

" How can you be so cool about this Bri? He is your boyfriend for crying out loud. I've had a crush on your boyfriend from the first time I saw him, you knew about this still you didn't try to get back at me. Britney you belong with Alessandro and not me. I'm sorry about hurting you Bri, but not about saying no to his proposal."

Using up all the patience In her Brittany half screamed.

"We've broken up Aurora, you know that. There are some things you can't force and one day when I saw him staring at you, I knew I had to make things work. I was the one who intentionally dared him to kiss you during the game last week, I needed to make sure I was on the right track, so now you would not make my plan fall through so go say yes to the most handsome man you have ever seen".

Britney left her friends arm, going to collect the ring from Alessandro and put it on Aurora's finger. "See? there you are engaged".

Clapping and cheering erupted from the boys.

Alessandro stood up and went close to his wife to me.

"Is that the way you keep your husband to be waiting? You don't have to be shy, I know you like me, and I'm attracted to you too. I don't care what people say or call you, I go for what I want."

Alessandro adjusted Aurora's glasses properly on her face, " In fact I love the nerd on you, my personal nerd".

He placed a soft kiss on her cheek before leaving. Britney followed, waving at Aurora.

The brunette hailed the first taxi she saw, telling the driver her house address before entering.

The journey felt long, Aurora kept stamping her legs and biting on her finger nails.

She didn't wait for the man to park well before throwing the money on the passanger seat and jumping off.


" Mother"


Aurora kept screaming in the house while walking into the room in the mansion that she knew her mother would be in.

"Aurora darling, what's the noise about? You know the Silverados don't like noise. So please keep your voice down child".

She turned a deaf ear to every single thing her mother just said. Her life was a rollercoaster right now.

"If you hear what I have to say, keeping quiet would be the last thing you would do".

Karen was about to reply her daughter when Aurora raised her left hand, putting the ring in her mother's face.

"Wha.. what is this? Where did you get this from Aurora?"

"Exactly mother, Alessandro proposed to me in front of his friends and Brittany".

Karen's hand moved and she slapped her daughter right on her left cheek.

"Are you crazy? You know he is Brittany's boyfriend Aurora. How can you be so inconsiderate to the family which provided for you when your father left us. In case you have forgotten, this mansion is hers. You've gone stupid, now you would go return that ring and apologize.

It's my fault, I'm sorry you got this kind of life, I'm sorry you were born into a poor home, and have to watch your mother be a slave for your best friend's mother. No matter how much I apologize, it won't ever be enough Aurora, but I hope you do understand".

Karen left Aurora in kitchen to her thoughts, standing like a statue as tears kept running down.

*. *. *

Alessandro ran into his family mansion like a mad man, running into his mother's room first.

"It's done, I did as you asked, and I hope you are happy now. You made me break up with the only woman I love, and propose to another. I've done my end of the bargain, and I hope you fulfill yours. And end this guilt tripping game of yours. You can start planning the wedding of your dream daughter in-law, but just know that I would never be a husband to her, she is just a necessary baggage right now. My heart belongs to someone else mother. It's either Britney or no one else.

Laurel half smiled. "Thank you son" The fifty year old mother said, happy with her decision.

Alessandro turned his back to leave, too angry to be in the same room with the woman he calls mother when the sound of a gun blew off and Laurel dropped down unconscious bleeding from her stomach.

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