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Billionaire Toxic Love

Billionaire Toxic Love



Claire's life changed as she got to work as a maid in Richard Reins's mansion, a formidable and ruthless billionaire. Richard develops feelings for Claire, his maid and decides to marry her. His ruthless attitude stands in between their love as Claire is unsure whether she loves him. He is a fierce beast when dealing with people but has a soft spot for Claire, so Claire tries to tame him. Claire develops feelings for Richard's best friend Joshua, and on one night of pleasure, she gets pregnant by him. What will Richard do when he finds out Claire is pregnant, and he is not the father of the baby but his best friend, Joshua?.


Claire stood in front of her helpless mom lying on their crooked bed, tears streaming down her eyes as she pitied her mom's condition.

"My daughter don't worry too much, your mother is a strong woman and you don't need to be so grieved about this", her sick mother, Martha told her daughter feebly.

"I failed you as a daughter! It's all my fault! If I had been a little more hardworking, I would've been able to afford your medical bill" Claire said now sobbing uncontrollably. Frustration written all over her face.

"I haven't died yet so please be strong for me my dear" Martha said with smile on her face now wishing she could stand up from the bed she's been laying on for the past two weeks in her home after she was been diagnosed with heart disease and stroke to comfort the only person she has in the world, her daughter Claire.

Martha had no parents or put simply she was dumped on the road as a baby and was therefore raised by an orphanage home. She was a bright child, and grew up to be a young beautiful woman. In her youths escapades, she fell in love with a man and had a child for him.

That child was Claire. Claire's father disappeared after that night and Martha couldn't find him to tell him about their daughter so she had to raise Claire all alone.

Since then it was her and Claire against the world.

"Don't worry mother, I'll do everything and anything within my power to get you out of this state. You don't deserve this! Even if I am to work twenty-four hours every day, I will do that without a second thought!", bemoaned Claire with determination and certainty in her voice as she knelt and started stroking Martha's hair.

They locked eyes for more than sixty seconds in that state as if they were communicating telepathically.

Claire's teary eyes stared deep into Martha's rheumy eyes as they both sensed the helplessness in their state.


"Knock! knock! knock!" banged Richard impatiently on the steel door to one of the guest room in his mansion.

"Open this door this minute!" Else you'll regret ever stepping foot in this house to work for me, yelled Richard still continuously banging on the door furiously.

Ella, Richard's maid was shaking in fear uncontrollably inside the room in which she locked herself after she mistakenly poured hot tea on her master's hundreds of thousand dollar Louis Vuitton timeless sophisticated shoe in the process of serving him tea.

Richard is known for his instant rage and absolute wrath to anyone who offends him. This made everyone around him to fear and respect him as if you act otherwise you will face the consequences.

His attitude made no one work as a maid in his house for up to a month. The highest stayed maid worked for him for three weeks after which she resigned due to the harsh and unbearable rules by which she had to live with despite the watery huge pay the work brings.

Ella was just a week in his house and had already had her cup full and couldn't bear it anymore. She wanted to disappear that moment!

Bang! Bang! Bang!! the sound of a metallic object hitting the door brought her back to reality as she knew she had to act fast and make a decision.

"Should I just jump out through this window?, or should I open the door for this monster to probably come and beat me to death?" Thought Ella in that instant as her hands started shaking, sweat dripping down her face through her dilated eyes.

She began breathing in so fast, and the adrenaline spike in her body that instant didn't give her the stable mind to go through her options well enough as she instantly jumped through the window that moment.


The door slammed open with the final hit from furious and fiery Richard.

"Where are you imbecile!? Rambled Richard as he charged furious into the room, anger and rage writing all over his face.

Puzzled and confused as he stood in the empty room. "Where did she go? How did she disappear from this room? I saw her run inside this room and I heard her panicky voice when knocking down the door. Am I starting to lose my senses?" whispered the baffled Richard who thought he was beginning to lose his senses.

Then Boom! His eyes flashed to an open window in the room, and in microseconds he rushed to the window side and looked outside.

"Ahh!" blurted Richard in bewilderment of the painful sight of Ella on the ground in her pool of blood.

His anger and rage turned into regret instantly as he immediately reached out for his phone and dialled 911.

"She locked herself inside a room and when I broke into the room after several attempts to reach her proved abortive, I found out she was not in the room and had took the alternative to jump free willingly out of the window" explained Richard to the detectives from the FBI at the hospital where Ella was being admitted.

Fortunately Ella was alive but had developed serious damage to her legs. Richard was later freed off all suspicions after thorough investigations from the FBI and due to his enormous wealth, no one could stand up against him.

"So it's been three months now after that incident and still no one has volunteered to accept the job offer as my maid in this house" reasoned Richard deeply on the bed late at night.

His mansion was so untidy and in desperate need of a home cleaner or maid. He decided to increase the job pay by an enormous eight folds and publicise it extensively.

"That would surely work out! Since people within and around here are all afraid of working for me in my home by my terms" spoke Richard on bed to himself feeling a sense of accomplishment, then slept off on his luxurious bed without a care in the world.


"Madam madam...what can I offer you?" Asked the store owner repeatedly to a young lady in front of him who appears to have spaced out.

Claire deep in her own thoughts stared dejectedly with a face of hopelessness.

"Uh sorry what did you say?" Blurted Claire as she was brought back to reality by the store owner's consistent voice pestering her oblivious mind state. "I'm sorry my mind wasn't here, can I have a bottle of almond milk, apple cider vinegar and half cup of baking soda please" she told the store owner.

Since the money to treat her mother, Martha and get her a heart transplant wasn't available at the moment, she resorted to using home remedies to reduce the rise of the heart disease and to keep managing it for the moment till she's able to raise the money.

"Okay I'll be right back" said the store owner as he left to get the items requested by Claire.

"The billionaire by the name Richard Reins is in need of a house maid, and this job is only applicable to young ladies within the age range twenty-one and twenty-five. The work is full-time. Its pay is a whopping sum of twenty thousand dollars weekly, with additional incentives.'TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY'" announced the mini LD TV that hung on the wall in the store. "Call this number for more enquiries" continued the television.


The sound of some notebooks fell from the store owner's desk as Claire, without a care for any other thing in the world, hurriedly searched for a pen and paper to write down the number being announced at that moment from the TV.

Store owner rushing to the scene because of the noise he heard, saw the same young lady that looked dejected a while ago writing down some numbers on a piece of paper with so much life and joy beaming on her eyes, face and demeanour.

"Thank you thank you! God bless you" Claire told the store owner happily with joy in her voice as she paid and collected the items she came to the store to buy.

She dashed off the store gracefully thinking that was the best day of her life, unknown to her the travails she is about to take on the path to Richard Reins mansion.

Will she be able to cope?

Or will the fate of all the past Richard's housemaid be her fate?

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