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The President Is Chasing His Wife at the Crematorium

The President Is Chasing His Wife at the Crematorium




Chapter 1 Back

"It's either your crush or her, choose one, Shang Yunzhen."

On the open sea cruise ship, the fierce wind howled.

Su Qin stood on the deck, with a gun pressed against her head, her pupils trembling in fear.

Another girl beside her was in a similar situation, already crying uncontrollably.

Not far away, stood Shang Yunzhen, with a proud and arrogant expression.

Su Qin looked at him, then at the pitiful girl beside her, suppressing the urge to let her tears fall.

She didn't want to die; she hadn't even told Shang Yunzhen about the good news of her pregnancy yet.

If he knew she was going to be a father, he would surely be happy...

"I choose her."

A clear voice shattered all fantasies, and Su Qin's thoughts came to an abrupt halt.

When she saw the person being pointed at, her heart skipped a beat, and she almost couldn't catch her breath.

"Yun... Brother Yunzhen?"

A gunshot rang out, and the seawater swallowed everything.

Seven years later.

Half-past one in the morning.

In the Zhoushan villa, all was silent.

Su Qin glanced at the pregnancy test stick in her hand, feeling a bit annoyed.

A single line... still not working.

On the second floor, the master bedroom's light was still on.

Su Qin entered with a cup of coffee, and as expected, the person inside was sitting on the sofa.

The man leaned on one hand, with clear signs of tension between his brows.

Even in a brightly lit room, his pervasive and unbreakable gloom couldn't be dispelled.

An expression of confusion, much less sharpness, was revealed.

Su Qin lowered her eyes, suppressing the coldness and strangeness that surged within her. Her expression remained indifferent.

"President Shang, if you're tired, go to bed."

She spoke politely, but her hand grabbed his tie, dragging him directly to the bed.

Her movements unbuttoned a shirt, clean and decisive.

The force was a bit too strong, popping off a button. Su Qin ignored it, and her hand accurately reached his waist.

A bit impatient.

Her son was still waiting for rescue, and time was running out.

"Thud." The belt buckle was unfastened.

After a few nights of doing this, Su Qin was very experienced. Even igniting the fire while straddling him didn't require much effort.

The ambiguous atmosphere rose steadily, and a storm brewed in Su Qin's eyes.

The struggle lasted only a moment before being overpowered. She lowered her body.

In the next second, her waist was seized.

She raised her head and met a pair of eyes.

With confusion gone, Shang Yunzhen's ink-black eyes were as deep as a cold abyss, firmly grasping her.

Seeing this, Su Qin inexplicably felt her heart race, and she instinctively looked away.

The milk cup on the table was already empty, and the medicine inside was personally administered by her.

The dosage was not a problem. According to reason, Shang Yunzhen should be unconscious now.

However, his eyes, clearly fixated on her, contradicted that assumption!

The pupils held flames, madness, and the extravagant hope of surprise.

Mixed within was a variety of complexity that left Su Qin breathless.

Obscure and unpredictable, with deep affection like the sea.

It wasn't until Shang Yunzhen kissed her without any hesitation that Su Qin returned to her senses, promptly turning her head to avoid it.

Gritting her teeth, full of regret.

How did she get entangled in this?!

She only wanted what she wanted and didn't plan to have any extra connections with this man...

The hot breath landed on her ear, and Su Qin's fingers were about to explore downward when she heard the two words that made her stiffen.

"Qin Qin?"

Carefully and eagerly.

With a loud and irresistible force, it came, directly smashing the solid defense Su Qin had built.

Her breath halted, and a needle-like pain stabbed her heart, quickly spreading.

In such close proximity, Shang Yunzhen's voice was hoarse, and his brows were filled with grievance.

"You finally, are willing to come and see me."

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