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The Taste of true love

The Taste of true love

Cristina Bella


"I'm sorry about that, really, but it's for the best. I don't think this is going to work between us," Harry confessed. Annie watched him with narrowed eyes. "What are you talking about? We've been together for the past one year and now you're thinking it's a bad idea?" She stood up, disbelieving. "You've got to be kidding, Harry." These were Harry's parting words for Annie before leaving for Paris. As Annabelle starts to rebuild her life and heart with Richard the guy whom she least expected to fall for, the unexpected occurs—Harrison returns from Paris, expressing a desire to re-enter her life. Faced with the dilemma of her past love seeking reconciliation and her newfound connection with Richard, Annabelle must navigate the complexities of her emotions and make a choice that will shape her future. The reappearance of Harrison raises questions about closure, forgiveness, and the strength of newfound love in the face of old scars.

Chapter 1 A sad begining

Annie ignored the sign instructing her to knock and pushed the heavy door open which led to Harry's office.

"Annie," Harry looked up from his computer screen. "Come in. I'm glad you could stop by; I need to talk to you."

"You've been ignoring me," Annie said, closing the door behind her. "You haven't returned any of my calls. We were supposed to meet on Friday, and you didn't show up. I waited for two hours for you, Wilson."

Harry looked surprised. "Why did you wait so long? I couldn't make it."

"And let me guess, your cell battery was dead, and you weren't anywhere you could plug a charger in. You've been ignoring me, Harry," Annie stated.

Harry perched on his desk, his legs long and shapely, and cleared his throat. "I don't know exactly how to say this, honey," he began.

"Don't honey me," Annie retorted, feeling a wave of fatigue. "Just say it. Just tell me why you called me in here. This is not about my thesis which you promised to help me with. I got the message that you're planning to leave. Is that true?"

"I'm sorry about that, really, but it's for the best. I don't think this is going to work between us," Harry confessed.

Annie watched him with narrowed eyes. "What are you talking about? We've been together for the past one year and now you're thinking it's a bad idea?" She stood up, disbelieving. "You've got to be kidding, Harry."

Harry smoothed his suit adjusting his neck tie. "I'm no longer feeling the two of us, I feel we're just wasting time, you know."

"No?" Annie retorted.

"Look Annie, you're young and beautiful, just starting your career. There's a different path for you. I don't know where this is leading us to anymore. I'm tired of pretending Annie," Harry explained, taking Annie's hands in his own. "I have to end this. I'm sorry it had to end this way. I really had a nice time with you."

Annie leaned back against the door again. "Okay," she said at last on a sigh. "Okay."

Harry handed her a key. "This is the key to the cabin I told you about. I know we'd planned a vacation there. There's no reason you shouldn't go anyway, that's if it's okay with you. It's beautiful there by the beach. You can go for walks and who knows it might help you forget about me."

"This is all because of Trisha right? I saw you two last night," Annie said, sighing.

"I don't know Annie. Trisha is helping to pay for my business trip to Paris. She's really done alot for me." Harry explained.

"I thought you said the trip was cancelled? I should have known that none of this meant anything to you. It's her after all," Annie replied.

"I'm sorry Annie. I lied. Trisha and I are flying out to Paris on Saturday. This is probably the last time you'd see me. Please, Annie, I'm sorry. I hope you find someone better who'd really love you. I know I'm a jerk and I don't deserve to look at you in the eye. I'm really sorry."

Annie stared at the key and then at Harry. "Flying out to Paris?" she repeated. "Sure, Harry. That'll be great. No problem." She opened the door. "I wish you and Trisha all the best. It was fun while it lasted. I love you Harry and I wish you all the happiness you deserve," she said and left.


As Trisha locked the door of her office behind her and headed toward the parking garage where her trusty S.U.V was parked, she couldn't shake the feeling that the day had been an endless marathon of tasks. Work had consumed her, but she was resolute in her determination not to let it intrude on her date with Harry. The memories from the previous night had kept her smiling all day. They had kissed so passionately in Harry's office that she wished it wouldn't end. Too bad, they couldn't go deeper than that as it appeared someone had seen them together. She had initially thought it was Annie, Harry's poor and naive girlfriend but when she stepped out to see who was there, she was disappointed that no one was actually there. But they had to end it before they got carried away.

She had met Harry a couple of weeks back and had been so attracted to him even if she knew he already had a girlfriend. She probably wouldn't have continued if Harry hadn't shown interest in her too. All she wanted was a man who'd make her happy and Harry had been that man since the day he came into her life.

As she started the car's engine and fastened her seatbelt, a wave of anticipation washed over her. She couldn't help but wonder how the outcome of her date with Harry would go this time around. They've booked an hotel in anticipation of a night of bliss. She hoped she wouldn't be disappointed at the end of the day. She just couldn't help but imagine how her night with Harry would turn out to be should everything go as planned.

The bustling streets of New Orland were their usual vibrant and lively self that evening, teeming with activity. The traffic gods smiled upon her, allowing her to reach Wasley's restaurant in New Orland swiftly. To her pleasant surprise, Harry was already there, waiting for her.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting," Trisha apologized swiftly.

"It's quite alright." Harry replied greeting her with a kiss.

They wasted no time to call for the waiter and to enjoy the evening together.

"I broke up with Annie," Harry confessed just half way the meal.

"Why'd you do it? Is it because you really chose me over her?" Trisha asked.

"Come on, Trish, I wouldn't have done that if I don't love you." Harry replied.

Trisha kept her gaze fixed on him as if she could read his mind. Even though Harry was saying what she wanted to hear, she could still feel he wasn't saying the truth. She knew how much he loved Annie.

"I told her we're both leaving for Paris on Saturday." At that point Trisha got convinced because it was all she ever wanted, for Harry to leave with her for Paris to start life far away from Annie..

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