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Reborn to take Revenge: Master Maurice, please help me

Reborn to take Revenge: Master Maurice, please help me



Acacia had been a hot topic for seventeen years—from the time she debuted at the age of five with her pure and cute look all the way until she was twenty years old. She had all the glitz and glam that even veteran celebrities in the industry hadn’t reached in all of their years. However, only she knew that behind that perfect and bubbly young lady was a wounded little soul that needed healing. Since her family found out that she could make a lot of money by debuting as a child actress, they have used any possible means to keep pushing her into the limelight, though she didn’t want it. They finally drove her to her death. Before that, she found out a shocking truth about her birth, but it was too late. If only she could go back in time... If only… "Young Master Maurice, how about you help me get revenge?" Acacia asked meekly. She knew this wasn't right, but she had to stay firm. "You didn't have to ask; it's already been taken care of."

Chapter 1 She wanted to end this fast.

Laying on the ground, Acacia’s life withered before her eyes. She revealed a smile of despair.

The extreme pain and the fact that she was in an ice-cold bathtub made her feel a little numb. After all, no matter how painful it was, it could not be compared to the despair she was feeling right now.

Just now, her younger sister, Sarah Wood, whom she had treasured since their childhood, stared down arrogantly at her. She kept on revealing past events that had taken place in their lives over the years and how she had a hand in each and every one of them. She was a completely different person from the weak and innocent image that surfaced in Acacia’s mind every time she wanted to give up everything. She looked really scary.

Before she left, Sarah injected drugs into Acacia, leaving her in the room with the words, “There’s another big surprise for you. Don’t be wild just yet."

Acacia's last bit of strength collapsed as she watched Sarah walk out of the room. The aphrodisiac started kicking in. All of this was so ironic, thinking of all that just took place. Now even living simply seemed to be an extravagant hope. After all, the one she was holding up for all this while, had been the master mind of all her misfortunes.

As she laid down on the bed she begun to undo her shirt, while foundling with her breasts. She bit hard on her lips to give herself some sanity as she figured the drug was what was making her behave this way. She kept biting on her lip as she got up and walked to the bathroom. She opened the cold tap into the bathtub and sat in it. She heard staying under a cold shower could slow down the effect of the drug. But that alone won’t be enough, she had to get the antidote.

She laughed at her current situation. It’s not as if Sarah was going to come back and say “This is the antidote, take it.”

Acacia suddenly recalled what Sarah said before leaving the room. Her eyes suddenly turned cold. She’d rather die than to let these events repeat itself. If she couldn’t get out of here, then she’d rather make this place her grave yard.

She looked around the bathroom trying to search for an object with a sharp edge. She saw a bottle of wine on a chart not far away from the door, with a fruit platter beside it. Sarah really prepared for this event. She used the little bit of strength to walk out of the tub, took the fruit knife and entered the tub again.

She knew the person Sarah has would be there any moment from now. If she has to end things, she has to do it now. Thinking about this, she cut her left wrist, then switched hands and cut the other hand as well. She wanted to end this fast.

The pain that both wounds brought was so intense that she turned pale at once. The corners of her mouth twitched as she laughed at herself depreciatingly. She was the one who wanted to end this life, and now she’s getting scared of pain.

She submerged herself into the cold water, drowning her petite body.

As her consciousness faded, the life she had lived for the last twenty years begun to flash before her life. It was really stupid and pitiful.

Acacia made her debut as a child actress at the age of five. She was adorable, pretty with her doll-like appearance and cute. She was spotted by a veteran industry agent, and was given an Ad from a renowned company. Her eloquence coupled her cute and pretty little face stole the hearts of viewers, both young and old. Since then, she has done numerous advertisements and quickly became a well-known national child actress.

As Acacia grew up, she improved so much so that entertainment companies brought her roles and advertisement. It was needless to say that she had gathered a lot of loyal fans and the people both young and old had a particularly good impression of her…

You could say her popularity almost rivaled that of a veteran actress in the industry. Even some of the adult actresses who are in the industry called the goddess of the box office when she’s just a teen.

No matter what product she advertised or which movie she filmed, it broke records of her previous ones.

Just when everyone thought she’d grow out of her glory before she hit a legal age, she received the most prestigious award in the entertainment industry three times.

Acacia won the Best Teen Actress award twice and the Best Actress Awards on her eighteenth birthday.

The whole world was cheering for her as she walked onto the podium to receive the award, her smile shining as dazzling as the stars in the night.

However, only she knew that behind that dazzling smile, lay a weak and lonesome soul whose parent have turned her into a money-making tool.

Ever since she debuted, all of Acacia's schedule had been decided by her parents. She had never signed with a company before. To outsiders, it was her parents who felt sorry for their child and were thus protecting her from the harshness of the entertainment industry.

However, who would have known that it was the greed of not having to save all of the profit from her gigs for themselves, rather than the wellbeing of their daughter.

At that time, Acacia was only five years old, and she had just stared to go on screen, so it was understandable that they’d take care of her every project personally.

But as she grew older, Acacia begun to realize that not only do her parent turn away known agencies who bring in profitable proposal to them intending to let her join them, even Mr. Ace who scouted her has had to drag them for years, with them giving him one excuse or the other.

In their eyes, the innocent and naive Acacia was their ticket to a good life of luxury so they had to scape whatever wealth she’s bringing in for themselves. Who’s to say that she’d grow up and start to restrict their lavish spending

Acacia was like a puppet being sent from one set to another. She smiled when she should, cried when she should. Sometimes she was so tired that she accidentally falls asleep on the way to her next set. The little time that she had in-between set hours would always be used to either read lines for either her script or be on the phone, discussing lines of a few carry-on advertisements.

Acacia had never had a normal life among her peers. She didn’t use to spend much time in school. Even on days that she thought she’d spend a day in school, she spent it alone without interacting with her class mates because she’d be shunned by her peers. She didn’t know why but for some reason no one wanted to talk to her, although she was a celebrity. They either look at her with contempt, or avoid her like she’s some vampire or plague or something, making her doubt herself.

It was not that she had never tried to resist, but she was always severely criticized by her parents. They scolded her for being young and not knowing anything, even when she knows what is right and wrong at her age. Sometimes they’d threaten her by letting Sarah take her place. She’d be glad if that were the case, because she didn’t want any of this. But Sarah was young, and she did not want her to live this kind of life. She didn’t want her to be a tool for their parents like she is. She’d rather carry this cross so Sarah could live an ordinary life.

As long as she was obedient, it would be fine. The whole family had to rely on her to support them.

Acacia originally thought that all would be fine as long as she reached legal age. She'd endure even when she wasn't happy.

However, after winning the award at the age of 18, things became even worse.

With the honor of being the youngest female to ever win the Best Female Actress Award, Acacia’s status in the entertainment industry rose even higher, more than any of the debuting actresses her age. Her name was in the tabloids for a long time. Coupled with the fact that she was celebrating her birthday, she thought she'd be able to free herself now.

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