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Sarah Bernard

Sarah Bernard, an ambitious young lady is put in the crossroads between loving Smith, her billionaire boss or Lucas, her best friend of ten years. She eventually makes a choice and takes a chance at Smith when Lucas consistently fails to own up to his feelings for her. However, this choice affects her relationship with Lucas and comes back to haunt her later in future as it turns out Smith was only using her to get his father's blessings as a heir to his company. He is already tied to another person, Paul, who doubles as his office personal assistant. This revelation opens up on the night of the arraigned wedding between Sarah and Smith, leaving Sarah completely heart broken. Her life is turned in two, and she desperately needs someone to confide in, Lucas. Unfortunately, when she leaves town to another place, she stumbles on one of his art pieces, and contacts him, but he's no longer the same person anymore.

Chapter 1 Interview Day

"How dare you?" I barked loudly like I could beat the huge man before me.

He was dark, tall, and had a full shiny beards. His eyes were the cutest I had ever seen. His biceps and triceps clung tight to his white shirt and his chest muscles were big enough to be my pillows.

It was my second day in the city, away from home and my parent. Many things were still not clear to me, but I still wouldn't take it if anyone took my parking space; not even the smoking hot man of my dreams.

He smiled at me. "Do you know who you are talking to?" he asked and then chuckled.

I couldn't look at his eyes. Something about it made me want to smile, hold his hands, and ride to the moon. It was the first time I saw him and I was already having fantasies. I could only imagine how hard he could hit me from behind.

His voice didn't make things any easier for me. It was calm, deep, and poise. At that moment, my legs shook.

Sarah don't embarrass yourself here. I know you haven't had some in your entire life and you crave or badly, but you don't even know this man. He could be a serial killer for all you know.

I was giving myself reasons to stay focused. I stood my ground.

"I don't care who you are. You can't take my parking space. Are you the president of the United States of America?" my loud, yet tiny voice started drawing attention.

We stood just in front of a huge building and a pretty lady walked out and advanced towards us. Immediately, she made me feel insecure. Her outfit looked as beautiful as she was. She was on a red tights gown that contoured her shape. Her curves were prudent.

The way she walked in her heels was amazing to behold. I could only imagine the pride of the man that bad her.

"What is going on here?" she asked in a polite calm tone. I was impressed. "I could hear a voice from way up there." She added, looking at the man.

He didn't respond; he was smiling, so I jumped in to explain.

"I came for an interview here," I pointed at the building. "I was trying to reverse properly into this parking space. Just as I was slowly doing it, he just drove in. Such disrespect..." she cut me off when before I finished what I had to say.

"Shhh!" she hushed me. "You talk too much. I didn't ask you." She said.

I was immediately embarrassed. I immediately disliked her.

"Don't worry about it. I will give her the space." The man said calmly and got into his Range Rover SUV. He drove out and gave me the space.

I drove my old model Mazda into the space, stepped out, and advanced toward the building.

"See how she looks like a boy." The lady said loudly.

I heard her and examined myself. I was on plain black pantstrousers and a white shirt. I wore white sneakers and my hair was cut low.

I really do look like a boy.

I thought about it again. I was looking good even if not as good as her. I entered the building confidently and met the first person I saw over the counter.

"Hi, please I am here to see Mr Smith Stone." I voiced.

He looked at me and pointed to the waiting chair. "Seat there. Mr Stone is not on the seat yet. He is running late." He said politely. "What are you here for?" he asked.

While I made my way to the chair, I answered him. "I am here for an interview."

"Okay, he will be here shortly. Just wait." He said.

"Okay, thank you." I sat down and waited. In ten minutes, I was already sleeping. The previous night was hectic as I stayed up almost all night, preparing for the interview. It was my first job interview after I finished school and I wanted to get it right.

In my sleep, I saw the man that I met outside. He was in tight underwear and his chest was bare. The muscle lines contoured his thigh and his skin looked shiny as if he rubbed oil.

I was on the bed, waiting for him inside a revealing nightwear. Almost every part of my breast was out in the open. My white pants could be seen from a distance away. The room was well-decorated with petals.

He smiled at me and started advancing towards me. As soon as he touched me, it sent a pleasurable shiver through my body like an electric shock. Then he kissed my thigh from near my knee up to my waist. I was letting out mild moans while he did it. His lips felt so cold, it was sensational.

Then, he held my pants and slowly pulled them off, as well as the nighty. I was already dripping like I had a fountain between my legs. He places his thumb on my clit and his lips on my navel. He kissed my body from my navel to my breast while his thumb rolled gently on my clit.

My mouth was wide open, as I gasped for air like someone who was losing breath. I let out soft moans while he was at it.

"Yes, right there. I like it." I whispered as his tongue and teeth played with my nipples and his finger slid into me.

He stroked me gently with one finger and then added one more while he sucked my breasts. My hand clutched the bedsheet tight as though it would tear. I couldn't hold the moan in any longer, so let it out loud.

"Do you adore me?" He asked in a soft and sexy tone.

"Yes, daddy. Yes, Daddy." I responded in the same tone, but I stuttered because of the pleasurable shocks.

He gently held my neck with his left hand and took off his underwear. I was so expectant at that point. I wanted him to just go in. Instead, he played around me, increasing my hunger for him. I felt a rush run through my legs to my head.

"Fuck me! Damn!" I yelled and pushed him closer by his waste. Then, he penetrated.

The pleasure was more than I could handle; I gasped loudly. My mouth stayed open for a while, as well as my eyes.

He went in and out slowly and gradually increased his pace. My finger clung to his back and my nails pressed against his skin. He then hung my legs over his shoulder and pounded at a faster pace. I could feel something run through my spine, but I didn't know what the feeling was; only that I enjoyed it.

"Do you like it from the back?" he whispered in my ears.

"Hit me, baby," I responded.

The hunk spun me over and forced my back to arc. Then he went in slowly. I could fill every inch of him as he took it in and out. He stayed on it for a long time and my legs started shaking. There was a sweet sensation I felt that I couldn't control.

I grabbed the sheet with both hands and pulled it. With my eyes shut and my teeth pressing against themselves. I groaned but in a lighter manner. I didn't know what was happening, but I let it; I couldn't control it enough to stop it.

Is this how people cum?

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" I moaned when it felt closer. It was only a matter of seconds before it happened.

A hard tap woke me up aggressively. I landed myself in reality. My eyes immediately moved to the clock, it had only been seven minutes since I started sleeping.

"Oh my goodness, it felt longer," I said under my breath.

"What was longer? The dick you were framing about?" The receptionist said. He stood there flapping his arms like a woman would. "Hey! You have been making a hell of a noise since you started sleeping, moaning all sorts of words. You better stay awake and stop making me horny." He added.

I was shocked; my eyes widened and my palms found theirway to my chest. "What! Me?" I gasped. I was trying to deny it.

"Say no more, bitch." He said, brought out his phone, and pointed his screen to my face.

I saw a video of myself moaning in my sleep.

"Damn! Delete it please." I said with urgency in my tone.

"Why would I do that? He put his phone back in his pocket and walked away, leading his hips to the left and right.

"Because it is embarrassing." I stood up to follow him, but the unimaginable happened. I felt a slimy liquid between my thighs and on the chair, I sat on.

"Oh, my..." He covered his mouth with his palm. "Is he that's good?" You came in your sleep. Don't tell me it's your first time." He said.

I looked at him dumbfounded. There was nothing in my mind to say to him.

He gasped. "Oh my goodness! Your first time was a dream. I can't even imagine the kind of fantasy you must have had for this to happen," he sounded happy for me, he was smiling and his cheeks blushed.

It was an embarrassing scene for me, but for some reason, he found it interesting.

"Don't worry, I will help you clean the chair. Just go to the toilet and clean up." He moved to his desk and got a small piece of cloth. He was smiling like he found me fascinating. I weirdly looked at him. "Go on; you need to be fast before Smith Stone gets here." He added.

Oh yes! My interview. I almost forgot that I had that.

"Where is the bathroom?" I started hurrying.

"It's just down the hallway. The last door you see is for the ladies." He pointed to the hallway and I moved immediately.

As soon as I got in, I hurriedly closed the door and sighed heavily. My mind chose not to stay bare, as different thoughts clouded it. I turned on the tap in the sink.

Alone in the small bathroom, embarrassment and confusionenveloped me as I stood beside the streaming water. A mishap had unfolded, leaving me fumbling for composure. The cold tiles seemed to mock my predicament, amplifying the awkwardness of the situation. I could not stand properly because it felt weird under my foot.

How did I even fumble myself to that extent? Is it a crime for me to have never had sex in my life?

The sound of the rushing water was both a refuge and a reminder of my momentary lapse. I took some of it and started washing myself. Droplets danced around me like silent witnesses to my discomfort. As I tried to wash away not just the slimy liquid but the lingering sense of shame, confusion clung to my thoughts like mist.

Now, what would that receptionist think of me?

With each drop of water that fell, I replayed the incident in my mind, questioning how I had ended up in this predicament. The rhythmic drumming of water on the tile mirrored the beat of my racing heart. Alone with my thoughts, the bathroom became a sanctuary for self-reflection, a place where vulnerability clashed with the desire to regain composure. I stayed there for longer than I would have.

I had finished washing and I just needed my pant trousers to dry up. If finally did and stepped out.

"Hi, sir. You are welcome." The reception guy hailed the tall bearded hunk as he walked in.

"Hey, Paul, you good?" He asked.

I was already feeling anger tightening my chest.

This same man got me upset outside, he made me mess myself up, and he is here again? Is he stalking me?

I asked myself as I walked towards the receptionist.

"I am fine, sir. What took you so long today?" Paul asked. He looked feminine.

"Well, I met this girl that got me a bit upset, so went out to have ice cream to calm my nerves." The man responded.

Then I got to them and stood by Paul.

"You again? Are you stalking me?" I had so much contempt for my facial expression and my tone.

"I am stalking you?" He chuckled. "You are here for a job interview right?" He asked.

"Yes, I am. Do you have a problem with it?" I sounded arrogant. I was pissed, seeing him there with me.

Paul was trying to give me signs from the side, but I was not interested. I was acting out my frustration and nothing else felt better.

"Okay," He said and turned to Paul. "Paul, you know what to do." He said.

"Yes, Mr. Smith Stone." Paul bowed.

The man walked away, heading to his office.

The name rang through my head again.

"Mr. Smith Stone?" I asked in shock.

"Yes," Paul retorted. "In the flesh. He is the one you came to see for your interview. The son of the owner of the company." He answered even what I didn't ask him.

"What!" is exclaimed loudly. "Why didn't you tell me?" I started lamenting and trying to push blame. "I was just blabbing and spitting out whatever words my mouth could carry," I added.

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