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Dear Ronni, Tame Your Heart For Me

Dear Ronni, Tame Your Heart For Me



Emily who was Ronni’s supposed bride committed sucide, the ruthless billionaire asked for a replacement, her sister Ruth, Forcing her into an arranged marriage with him to save her family from his wrath, Ruth discovered hidden secrets about her sister’s death and slowly fall in love with Ronni, will she be able to pull him away from darkness and escape from his puppeteer string?

Chapter 1 Unwanted Union

Ruth broke down into tears and said, "I can't marry him." You still desire that I marry the same man, even if Emily kills herself since she doesn't want to.

The loss of their daughter, their debt to Rossi, and the union of their lone kid with the Mafia made for a difficult week for the Marcos family.

"I know this is difficult, but he'll kill us all, Ruth, if we don't replace his bride," stated Mr. Marcos.

Being married to a Mafia was more than just a nightmare—it was a living misery. Emily committed herself to avoiding being married to Rossi because she would sooner die than be with such a merciless man. Ruth hurried up to her room and closed the door. She lay on her bed and sobbed uncontrollably.

"I have to agree to it in order to save my family, but there's always a loophole in life. I can't... marry him; he has no emotions or regard for a woman."

“ Life was never this hard until day lost his job to a Ponzi scheme and mom had nothing to, I’m only a mere artist. “

“With no other option he asked Rossi Bills for help a ruthless mafia, he helped dad but when it was time to repay the debt, dad couldn’t and Rossi asked to marry Emily instead or our family generation will be cut short”.

“Ruth darling please come out of your room”, her mother was hopeless knocking on the door but Ruth didn’t answer.

“ I lost my only sister because of that animal, Emily couldn’t imagine getting married to him and took her life, and with no feelings whatsoever he asked for a replacement immediately, Me!”

“I miss my sister, she was so happy until the devastating news but if I decide to follow her path my entire family will be wiped out”.

However, her family is still in debt, and Ruth was the replacement that Rossi demanded.

Ruth expressed her desire that the marriage be merely a show and not more.

similar to a company. her body in exchange for paying off a debt.

Rossi went to their mansion with a lawyer the following morning.

The door flew open, letting Rossi Bills and a phalanx of bodyguards charge in. He was as tall and well-built as everyone said, and he was handsome.

"Where is she?" he asked in a firm tone.

Neither did Ruth and her family anticipate him, nor were they ready for the purpose of his visit.

Mr. Marcos remarked, "Mr. Rossi, what a surprise! We were just wrapping up the wedding arrangements."

Rossi gave them a disapproving gesture; it seems that he had other intentions for their property.

With a sigh, he asked Mr. Marcos directly, "Where is she?" looking him in the eyes.

"Mr. Bills, here I am, I’ve already agreed to get married to you so why the impromptu visit”.

She was all that he had ever desired in a woman—slim, gorgeous body, she had beautiful blue eyes, her blond hair styled in a ponytail and the only way he could make her his personal puppet was to marry her. He had never seen her in person.

The room had a calm atmosphere, but it appears that he had to start moving forward with his plan. With a snap of his fingers, Ruth was shown a document by the lawyer.

Upon reading its contents, she was taken aback and forced herself to hold back her emotions so as not to reveal any vulnerability to the mafia.

"License for marriage, just like that isn’t it to soon?

He grinned and added, "I don't need a big ceremony for a wedding; just sign it and I'll be on my way. I have a flight to catch in two hours."

Ruth had said nothing at all.

She did not say anything, but instead just looked at the paper and said, "You disgust me."

When Rossi began to chuckle, he motioned to his bodyguard and raised a revolver to point at her father and mother . "After the stunt your sister pulled, do you think I'll let your family get away with it? Everyone in Halland believes I'm coming back with a wife," he questioned.

"Just be thankful and sign it, or they'll pull the trigger. I'm the only reason you are all alive right now."

She couldn't help but sign the document since she could see the worry in her parents' eyes, and he was being serious.

This is it! Now, kindly be considerate and leave my family out of this, I’m yours now.

"Time to go home, wife," he said in her ears while holding her hands and grinning.

She attempted to pull away, but was unable to stop him as he dragged her out of the mansion and into the car. She was no longer anything more than Rossi's wife and his puppet.

Her parents watched as they drove away, they had no other choice but to marry off their daughter to that monster.

Ruth was filled with wrath in addition to despair, but she was powerless to stop herself and had to maintain the façade of a married life.

Soon after, they arrived at the airport. "Put this on my own; I don't want the media taking pictures of my wife," he said, glancing at her and handing her a pair of sunglasses.

Acknowledging him with a nod, she trailed him into the airport. She remained silent till the aircraft touched down in Halland.

The driver escorted them to his large, exquisite villa after picking them up. Ruth's expression was emotionless, as indifferent as ice.

She stepped out of the car and wondered to her” this is my new home? Or more like a prison, I have to stay strong and play along with this charade.

The staff members in the mansion applauded them as they made their way into the house.

He lifted her up and headed up to the stair case and went into the master bedroom, where he dumped her on the bed.

She screamed, "Ouch! You need to be careful. I'm not a doll or toy that you can throw around however you please."

It appeared as though the room was decked with candles and flowers for their wedding night. Ruth felt irritated by the gesture.

"Is tonight supposed to be our wedding night, in just a minute?" She enquired.

Rossi walked to the bed and said, "Shower before you sleep, you stink," not intending to respond to her.

The fact that this was how her life would always be made her feel sad and insulted.After taking a shower and putting on her pajamas, Ruth headed to bed.But there was only one big bed and she was not going to share it with him.

Glancing around, she noticed a small couch by the window, so she grabbed a blanket and pillow and curled up to sleep on it.

The following morning in Rossi's villa, Ruth was having difficulty opening her eyes due to the window's beaming light on her face. She glanced around and saw that her husband, whom she assumed was absent, had removed the flower petals from the room.

She had never been to another city, so this was a whole new beginning for her. Despite her unhappiness, she was lost in thought when someone knocked on her door.

“Ma'am, the master told you to get ready because he was looking forward to having breakfast with you”.Says the maid

To convey her message, Ruth shook her head angrily and declared, "I am not having breakfast with that animal.”

After her return, the maid brought a note from the mafia that said, "I will make you want to scream my name in pain if you do not come down and have breakfast with this animal right now. “

The message's content alarmed Ruth, so she hastily prepared to have breakfast with him.

The recently married couple ate their food at the mouthwatering dining table without making eye contact or talking to each other.

Ruth's hands were shaking from fear—she thought her husband would do something to hurt her.

"My darling wife you do not have to fear me I would never hurt I need you alive to achieve what I want," he said, fixing his gaze on Ruth, who appeared to be a scared little child.

She muttered, "What he wants.”

"I apologize, Mr. Bills.”What does "what you want" mean?She questioned him.

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Dear Ronni, Tame Your Heart For Me

Chapter 1 Unwanted Union
