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Juni's stories


In the world of power and wealth, "Robert Liam, the influential and charismatic billionaire and CEO of a Fortune 500 empire and a prestigious company, shares a single unforgettable night with a mysterious woman named Emma Byrant. Their encounter becomes a pivotal moment in both their lives. Little did he know, that night would set in motion a relentless pursuit to make her more than just a one night stand for him Emma Byrant, a young woman exists as a commodity, sold from one person to another. She lived a lifestyle of slavery. From being a maid to something more intimate, she adapts to survive. Desperation led Emma to Robert's door, a one-night stand she thought would be forgotten. But fate had other plans in store for her which she wasn’t aware of. Robert Liam, a genius of industry, was captivated. He vowed to find her, to make her his partner in life and business. Caught in a web of need and ambition, Emma and Robert embark on a harsh journey. As their worlds collide, secrets unravel, and passions spark up, their love-hate relationship shapes the lines between possession and partnership. Emma's past is covered in shadows, her choices driven by survival. Robert's pursuit is relentless, fuelled by a desire to unravel the mystery that is Emma Byrant. Is she merely the right one, or could she be the missing piece to a life he never knew he yearned for? Will Emma remain just a prize to Robert, or is there something more profound at play? In a world where power and passion collide, can two souls forged in the vessel of need find a way to build something lasting? “His Property” is an interesting story of ambition, love, and the thin line that separates possession from partnership."

Chapter 1 Dgvg

"Oh, fuck, come on!" she said, throwing her hands up in the air and walking back to her backpack. I was glad I held firm, glad that I saw through her act, but beginning to wonder if it wouldn't just be easier to talk to Mrs. Lynn about what a pain Kaitlyn was being and finding another student I could tutor.

I was about to tell Kaitlyn as much when she turned around and gave me an offer I didn't see coming.

"Fine, would you sign the form for a handjob?"

If it was impossible to pick my jaw off the floor, it was only because it hit with enough force to break through to the basement.

"What?" I asked.

"Look, I know you look at me like all the other boys do, so this has gotta be some kind of sick nerdy fantasy for you, right? Sign the form, and right here, right now, I'll give you a handjob," she said. Impressively, she was able to hide whatever disgust she might've had for jacking me off. She wasn't exactly enthusiastic, but I knew she was 100% serious.

I considered how much my morals meant to me and weighed that against this being the closest I'd ever been to losing my virginity, and in the end, the choice was clear.

"Handjob first," I said.

Disgruntled, but seeing an in, she said, "Fine."

"And can we at least go to my bedroom? I don't want my dad wandering in and catching us," I said.

"Sure," Kaitlyn said, leading the way back to my room as if it hadn't been years since she'd been here. She took a quick look around my room, at the movie and game posters, my shelves full of books, comics and figures, nodding softly as if this is exactly the sort of room she expected.

While she did this, I was doing everything in my power to convince myself this was actually happening, up to and including pinching myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I knew I wasn't, but, still, it was so fucking surreal I had to be sure. My swelling cock told me that it was real, though, and I was as ready to follow its instructions as ever.

I closed the door behind us turned to Kaitlyn, doing everything I could to keep my heart from jumping into my throat.

"So, uh, do I take my pants off here, or there, or which side do you want me to sit on?" I asked nervously.

"So you're a virgin, right?" she said.

"That obvious?" I asked.

"More obvious than that, actually. Just sit down here, unzip your pants and let's get this over with," Kaitlyn said, patting the bed beside her. Looking around, she quickly grabbed the box of tissues on my desk.

Nervously, I sat beside her, unbuckling my belt and unzipping my jeans, my briefs the only thing covering my now rock hard cock. I'd never been naked around a girl before, didn't know how she'd react when she finally saw, well, me.

Urgently, she pulled at the elastic of my underwear, pulling it down. "One great thing about virgins, at least, you don't usually last- HOLY SHIT!"

Now remember earlier when I said I had one thing that might've made me noteworthy if anybody knew about it? Yeah, I was talking about my cock. While I knew I wasn't much to look at, I knew I had a pretty impressive cock. Ten inches and almost as thick as a soda can, I was proud of it.

And now every inch of it was pointed up at Kaitlyn Pruitt, a bead of precum already formed on the tip.

She was at a clear lack of words as she looked at it. "I, uh... wow. Fuck, that's... wow. How is it exactly you've never, uh, had sex before?"

"Because I'd have to get a date first," I said.

"You don't need to go on a date to have sex," she said.

"No, but it helps to get to this step," I said.

"Huh," she said. "Makes sense."

Confidently, she reached out and took the head in her hand, rubbing it back and forth and smearing precum around. I groaned softly, my cock twitching at her touch.

"Fuck, I can't even get my hand all the way around it," she said, slowly jacking it up and down, taking agonizingly long to get from the head to the base. Her other hand cups my balls. "Fuck, even these are huge. I just can't believe it."

"Believe what?" I could barely ask as she started to pick up her pace, jacking me with one hand while her other fondled my balls.

"That this cock has gone completely untouched-"

"Not completely."

"Well, that I've never seen it. I mean, I like to think I'm a pretty accomplished slut, but I've never seen a cock this fucking big before," she said, jacking me even harder. I was in heaven as she used her "accomplished slut" skills to jack me better than I'd ever jacked myself before, twisting her hand delicately and applying just the right amount of pressure. I might've just come then and there at having one of the school's hottest and sluttiest cheerleaders jacking me off, if she hadn't kept talking.

"You know you could've gotten all the dates you wanted just waving this around at school, right? I mean, Regan Hills High is pretty much fucking slut central," Kaitlyn continued.

"It's... not... that... easy..." I croaked.

"No, it really is," she said. My cock was slick with precum now, and I knew I wouldn't last much longer.

Kaitlyn, her mouth watering, seemed to have other plans.

"Fuck it, I need this in my mouth, right now," she said, bobbing her head and taking the head of my cock in her mouth. I might've yelped with surprise, but she didn't let on that she cared, looking up into my eyes as her mouth stretched obscenely around the head of my cock.

Then, with practiced motion, she slid nearly half of its length into her mouth with one bob, then on the next getting it all the way down her throat. If I thought that her handjob skills were excellent, they had nothing on her blowjobs. Kaitlyn was a fucking blowjob artist, sliding up and down my shaft with a practiced grace. Coming up for air at one point, her her face was a mask of pure obscenity, tears streaking her makeup down her face, thick strands of saliva and precum connecting her perfect cocksucking lips to the head of my dick. Steadfastly, she caught her breath and then went back to swallowing my cock. I put my hand on the back of her head, running it through her hair and guiding her, and for once, she didn't have a bitchy response, groaning in kind as she went faster.

Coming up for air again, she said, "Tell me when you're gonna cum, alright?"

"Soon," I moaned, pulling her by her hair back to my cock. She took it back into her mouth, sucking harder and harder, slurping her tongue around the head.

I bucked my hips, grabbing her hair tight, "I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'M CUMMING, FUCK!"

I thought she wanted to know so she could get out of its way, but she didn't, only sucking harder as I fired shot after shot of thick cum deep down her throat. I don't think I'd ever cum this much in my life before, and I don't think she was ready for it either, because after the first few heavy spurts, she gave up on swallowing and lifted her head from my cock. I wasn't done cumming, though, not by a long shot as more shots blasted across her lips, her face, her neck and even down onto her shirt. She continued to jack me, aiming as much as she could into her mouth, before I was finally spent.

I collapsed onto the bed, feeling like I'd just run a marathon. A marathon that ended with the biggest fucking orgasm I'd ever had instead of with me tired from running, but one that had me spent all the same.

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Chapter 1 Dgvg
