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The Incredible Quest Of Alex Dexter

The Incredible Quest Of Alex Dexter

Elysian Pegasus


In a world of financial struggle, Alex's boss, Marcus,takes advantage of his weakness,threatening Alex's job unless he agrees to give up his wife. Caught between preserving his livelihood and protecting his 5 year marriage,Alex faces a tormenting choice. But a surprise reunion with his billionaire mother changes everything. With newfound wealth and connections, Alex takes on the powerful CEO to rescue his kidnapped wife, leading to a gripping tale of determination and ambition as he fights back to claim his place of power.

Chapter 1 The Enigmatic Folder

Alex stood in front of the large mirror in the bedroom as he combs forward his curly hair preparing to go to his work.

Evelyn was awake but still in bed as the family doctor has advised her not to engage in any strenuous exercise.

“Maybe your hair is one of the reasons I'm deeply in love with you” She said, staring at Alex while still laying on the bed.

“Hmmm” Alex chuckled and walked towards Evelyn then he bent his head, moving his face very close to her face,his lips near her forehead.

“How was your night,Mrs Alex?” He muttered, finally landing a kiss on Evelyn’s forehead.

Evelyn replied forcing herself to frown “Mrs Alex? I'm not yours yet,stop dreaming”

With a sly grin, Alex replied, "Oh, but you will be soon, Mrs. Alex." He leaned in, planting a playful kiss on her cheek.

“I'll be dreaming until then."Evelyn couldn't help but smile as she rolled her eyes at his antics.

"Alex stayed beside Evelyn,gently running his fingers through her hair. "I can't help but dream of our future together," he murmured softly. "Each day brings us closer to that moment."

Evelyn's expression softened as she reached out to hold his hand. "I know, Alex," she said, a hint of affection in her voice. "And I can't wait to officially be Mrs. Alex.”

Alex smiled then planted a tender kiss on her forehead.

“I would like to be on my way now” He said then he turned back as he was about to step outside.

He walked back to Evelyn,then lingered beside the bed and whispered some words to her protruding belly.

Evelyn looked at him and a broad smile infiltrated her cheeky face then


She gave him a resounding knock on the head then looked him in the eye.

”What are you telling my boy?” She asked

With a playful chuckle, Alex rubbed his head, pretending to wince in pain. "Ouch!That hurts" he exclaimed, feigning injury as he sat up, grinning at Evelyn.

Laughing, Evelyn leaned forward. "I hope he's telling Daddy to bring home some ice cream today!" she teased, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

Alex got up, playfully holding his hands up in surrender. "Alright, alright! Ice cream it is!" He pretended to tiptoe out of the room, adding, "But our little secret, okay?"

Evelyn giggled, nodding in agreement. "Absolutely! Let's keep it between us three," she said, gently patting her belly with a smile.

As Alex walked out, he looked back, waving at Evelyn. "See you soon, Mrs. Alex-to-be!" he called out with a grin before disappearing down the hallway.

Alex smiled all through his journey to work. The joyful moment that had just transpired at home played in his head, making him forget to greet the receptionists as he walked past them.

As he was about to settle down in his office chair,His boss,Marcus,came in.

"Hey, Alex! Got a minute?" Marcus asked, leaning against the doorframe.

"Sure thing, Boss. Good morning sir?" Alex replied, gesturing for Marcus to sit.

Marcus stepped into the office, a folder in hand then he sat on the chair across from Alex.

“Alex,I've got a proposal for you”Marcus said, handing over the folder to Alex.

“Great,thanks for that.” Alex took the folder wondering what in the world the contents are.

“What does it say sir,can I open it ?”Alex inquired,his expression fully showing how much anxiety has taken over his joyous morning.

Without any answer,Marcus stood up and left his chair then placed his hand on the table mischievously looking at Alex directly in the eye.

“You can,but only when you get home.that folder is about your wife,so you should read it alongside her” He said then he proceeded to leave the office.

But as he was about to turn the door knob to step outside,he turned around and said

“Get back to me as soon as possible” then he stepped out.

Alex was in a mixed state of anxiety and confusion.he still wonders what contents might be in the folder and at the same wondering why it involves his wife.

Alex sat there for a moment, the weight of the folder palpable in his hands. His mind raced with a mix of emotions - concern, curiosity, and a hint of fear. What could possibly be in there that involved Evelyn?

Taking a deep breath, he tucked the folder securely into his briefcase and hurried through his workday.

He attempted to focus on his tasks, but his thoughts kept drifting back to Evelyn and the strange folder.

Some of his colleagues who noticed his unusual behavior tried convincing him to speak.

“Oh Alex,why are you not cheering up?” They inquired repeatedly but he carefully insisted that nothing was wrong.

As the clock struck the end of the workday, Alex felt a surge of urgency to get home. Rushing through the familiar streets,the once cheerful anticipation of being with Evelyn in the morning now morphed into a knot of worry, clinging to the unknown contents of that folder.

Finally reaching home, Alex found Evelyn in the living room, a serene smile adorning her face as she flipped through a magazine.

Her gentle smile made the whirlwind of emotions that had overtaken him since morning disappear.

"Evelyn," Alex called, his voice betraying a trace of unease.

Evelyn looked up, noticing the hint of anxiety in Alex's expression. "What's wrong, baby?" she asked,as she leaned forward to give Alex a kiss,concern lacing her voice.

Wordlessly, Alex handed her the folder. Evelyn's brow furrowed in confusion as she took it, opened it, her eyes scanning the contents.

Minutes felt like hours as Alex anxiously watched her reaction, his heart pounding with each passing second,his sweat glands now producing more sweat than ever as his shirt was now drenched in it.

The silence between them felt suffocating until Evelyn finally closed the folder, her gaze meeting Alex's.

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