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Deadly Fatal Attraction

Deadly Fatal Attraction



It is said that power and influence controls the entire universe.... People think what makes up a beautiful life is money, power and connections beyond all imagined... And yes i agree with them!!! My name is Crystal Felix....Daughter of one of the greatest and deadliest Mafia family in the whole of America...! I am everything you can imagine me too be! Beautiful but deadly however....i can be a viper...one that stings..beyond words In my past life, my family was murdered for a crime they knew nothing about...however, after my rebirth....I've decided to kill and destroy without mercy.... They would all crumble and beg but i will show no mercy...because I AM THE QUEEN OF THE MAFIA WORLD 👑... The story follows the rebirth of the deadliest female mafia....who is betrayed and brutally murdered along side her family... Killed with her heart practically dragged out of her body by her own betrothed...She is reborn and what she seeks is revenge....she only wants power...nothing else....however...it seems a powerful heartless devil wants nothing else but to give her everything and pamper her endlessly.... "I thought they said you are a demon from the underworld....why don't you live to ur reputation?"She asked with a slight frown to the man who kept giving her the puppy eyes... "Haaa....mi amour... To them, i am a demon but to you i am just ur little puppy...my life is yours baby" She instantly went speechless....*What a shameless man*

Chapter 1 Betrayal and Rebirth

Deadly ⚡

Fatal 😍


By choice novel 💅🏾

Episode 1❤

In the darkest of nights....deep in the heart of the biggest city in America...a huge mansion could be seen...one covered by the darkest night but still stood out because of how tall and gigantic it was.... It was so quiet almost as it the building was deserted....however a sick pain filled laughter could be heard....

"Why aren't you saying anything Freddy?, is it true?" The question came from a 25 years of age beautiful lady seated on the floor with a smile on her face but her eyes were dead cold...

What was attractive about the scene was not the bloody mess on the ground filled with dead corpse and the stench of blood...but rather...how extremely beautiful the lady who knelt down on the bloody floor

Despite the bloody mess...she looked extremely beautiful with her crystal cold eyes and hair....she wore a red short night strapless gown exposing half her skin making her boobs pop out looking huge and appetitizing to look at....

Every men at the scene could not help gulping hard just staring at her....she was Goddamn beautiful yet deadly....

Her name is Crystal Felix Anderson, the daughter of one of the greatest mafia family in America...and before her was her childhood betrothed and her bastard vixen of a cousin....

"Why can't you reply? Cat got ur tongue huh"She asked with a tsk tsk sigh and a little faint smirk on her lips...

"Cousin...you don't have to ask Fred anything....he aren't the little boy that obsessed your every command anymore" The other beauty standing next time to a cold man replied back with an eye roll

That was her cousin Lisa....although Lisa could not be described as extremely beautiful like crystal...she was also one of those rare beauties....unlike crystal whose beautiful could overthrow countries and start up a war....Lisa was more of a petite cutie, warm and sunny ....one who could stare up a man's protection by just batting her eyelashes...

"Sit down babe, you are pregnant, remember the doctor said you can't be too agitated...it would affect the child" The cold man said softly to lisa patting her gently while pulling her to seat on his thighs....

Crystal laughed widely looking at the scene with extreme coldness... This was the man she sacrificed her entire life for....

She and Frederick had been betrothed right from birth....it was more of a mafia betrothal as it meant to signify a strong bond between two mafia families..the Anderson's and the Jackson's...

Although the Anderson's had a much higher rank than the Jackson's..they sincerely treated them as family due to their long lasting decades of friendship

She and fred had been lovers and playmates right from childhood...Although she wouldn't say she was extremely or deeply in love, after all love was a forbidden feeling in the mafia lifestyle, however, she still cared and liked him sincerely. She never for once thought of any other man as her future spouse or partner expect for him....However, reality played a fast one on her...

Who knew the Jackson's had always hated her family and wanted to rise to the top of mafia world by destroying them...today was supposed to be her wedding night, however, the Jackson's were able to convince and rage a mafia war against her family...

It took almost five top families together with six small mafian families to bring down her family...including the government who had always wanted to put a stop to the mafian world...This night, just after the wedding, they rage their house and tore it to shreds....although her parents, uncles and aunts together with her 13 cousins fought hard together with their mafia gangs...it wasn't enough to stop the huge mascara...sooner or later, they were all killed and she was the only surviving child of the Anderson left...

But who could have known that her uncle...who was adopted would betray his family and coincide with the enemies...

She watched the betrayal plunge a knife right into her father's heart and use the same knife to also stab her weak grandma

Crystal folded her fist tightly remembering how tears rolled out of her grandmother's eyes as she stared at the ingrate in disbelief... Even in her last breath, she still couldn't believed she was stabbed by the child she took and cared for more than her own son...

"I know i will definitely die tonight...however, don't i deserve to know why the Jackson's murdered my family members despite treating you guys as own own flesh?"

The cold man turned to her with the gentleness he displayed before gone into the scary night

"Why? You dare to ask why?....Alright i will tell you why"He stood up and walked towards her

Grabbing her face in his palm roughly, he stared into her beautiful cold eyes

"The Anderson has been occupying this mafia seat for too long...and i guess we the Jackson's are not the only one's disqualified by this....other families seems to hate this motion...so why not capitalize this.."He smirked slightly pushing her face to the bloody floor...

He stood up and walk majestically to his seat and Lisa quickly handed him a tissue to wipe his hand as though he had touched dirt...

"Thanks my darling..."He smiled gently and kissed her which made her giggled softly

Crystal frowned deeply watching their interaction...

"And you, what made you betray ur own family!"Crystal asked addressing lisa who smiled softly yet one could see the slyness and cruelity in her eyes....

"Haaa...family? What family? You Anderson's always felt like you were gods and goddesses...you ruled over everyone and felt you were on the high table...how does it feel huh? To fall deeply and shamelessly... To be opposite for once in ur life....do you think you are special huh? Crystal i hate you...i hate you so much!, you...you had everything..ur life was so perfect....you felt you were never going to fall but tsk tsk see were life has taken you now huh? I want to see you fall...i want to see you crumble.. For seventeen years, we planned this day....i couldn't wait...i couldn't wait to see you crumble..., couldn't wait to see the day you would beg at my feet...finally it is here! Finally Crystal Felix Anderson is nothing but a pauper...a swine...a fallen orphan..."She laughed with great excitement and hatred....

Fred looked at her with a gentle smile on his face not minding her words....obviously they were a couple...A bastard and a slut...great combination

Crystal laughed widely with tears closed in her eyes but she greatly resisted it falling..she would never let her enemies see the worst of her....

"You planned to dethrone my family for seventeen years?....wow! And when did you both hook up together?"

Lisa smiled but refused to reply instead fred replied

"Since you so desperate to know...I've always loved lisa.... From the first day i saw her at the little tea party of urs, when u bullied and humiliated her, that day i saw the demon in you, You are indeed heartless!"

Crystal gritted her teeth in anger, that was when she was five, she hosted a tea party for all the daughters of the mafia lords....she never bullied lisa....she fell on her own and kept apologizing..then she thought maybe lisa was been naive and weak but she never looked down on her after all her family valued kingship very much.... Who knew the 5 year old had already started scheming at of that time....

"So all this, the schemes, plots and betrayal was all for ur greed for wealth and power?"

Fred frown and muttered something to Lisa who giggled in return smacking him slightly, while crystal looked on with her face void of every emotion...

"That is left for you to figure out in ur next life or who knows...you may not have a next life....but i do have to give it to you, you really contributed to this success...i mean if u didn't signed the documents of the coal acquisition 15 years ago...how would the plan set into motion?, however...you wouldn't be able to live to see the plan blossom!" Fred revealed with a devilish smirk...

Crystal laughed hard and this time her tears gush down her eyes...

15 years ago, she was just crowned the new queen of mafia, she thought she was asked to sign an important collaboration agreement between the government and the Anderson's over the coal mining...who knew she signed her death warrant....

Tsk tsk....what a pity....how foolish she was...

"Babe, can we get this over with? I'm getting tired and the baby needs rest!"Lisa whines softly which made fred smiled gently while peeking her forehead.

"In a minute babe..."

He turned to the man beside him and the man nodded softly and moved straight to crystal...5 able men held her tightly as the man took a long burning knife out of a furnace and walked towards her

"I need ur heart crystal...you see, lisa here has a weak heart, we need a transplant immediately...well I'm pleased to announce to you that you are the chosen one" He signal the man and he immediately dug the hot knife into the chest of crystal

She frowned in extremely pain as sweat formed on her forehead... With a extremely excruciating pain and long ever lasting despair, her heart was finally rugged out and placed into a box

In her last breath, her life flash before her eyes and she was in so much pain but filled with anger and the need for revenge...

The Jacksons, Fred, Lisa, her uncle, aunt and the other mafia families that conspired and schemed together....she wouldn't forget!!! Even in her next life, she will repay pain for pain, blood for blood....

Her eyes were dim and her body went cold that last thing she heard was "Dispose the body off, give them to the German shepherds for dinner"

Her soul floats in an empty space for God's known when however her rage didn't decrease, rather it multiple surplus....but suddenly a green light flash and the next thing she heard was her name

"Miss Crystal...we are here!"

She gradually opened her eyes, bore with confusion and a slight shock

Wasn't she dead?, wasn't her soul floating in space?

"Miss are you okay?" She turned to her subordinate Nate, who died in the war rage against her family

Her eyes were filled with shock and disbelief but her face was stoic and revealed no emotions...

"Nate, what's date is today"

"6 of April in 2016 miss,... Today is your fifteen birthday Miss and your coronation as the new empress of the Anderson's mafia gang"

Today was her coronation? She couldn't believe she has gone back 15 years in time just when she was on her way to sign bloody documents that would change her life forever

A small smirk formed on her lips...

This is perfect!, She came out of the car and stood in front of her family's huge conglomerate


The Jacksons Fred, Lisa, her uncle, aunt and the other mafia families that conspired and schemed together...She smirked...hope they are ready for her, because in this life time, she would slowly but surely pay them back....

Blood for blood, pain for pain, hatred for hatred, tears for tears, bones for bones, heart for heart....

She would destroy and conquer, in this life, she CRYSTAL FELIX ANDERSON would be a conqueror and she would destroy anything or anyone that crosses her path...

Because she has been REBORN!!!


Hey guys.....🤗, welcome to this fascinating and mind blowing story...don't forget to like,comment and share...pls....

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