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Clover….a timid yet humble girl who never had a say in her own life. As a daughter of a prestigious Alpha, Clover has never been treated as one. Wash the dishes alone after each meal? She did it. Clean the entire house, including the bathroom and toilet? Yup, she did that as well. Unlike her younger half-sister raised as a princess from birth, Clover was the exact opposite of her, treated as a lowly servant in her family. Happiness was deemed as luxury in Clover’s meaningless life. Until…. She discovered her destined one to be another prestigious Alpha, a newly ordained one. What she experienced with him was something like never before. Every day, every second, after she met him was different from her entire life spent with her family. The single ray of light that he brought to her world filled with only darkness was what she never wanted to let go of…never. However…. A certain incident changed everything and before clover knew it, she was forcefully thrusted back to her former life without that single ray of light. Will clover swallow her sorrows and live her life as an unwanted daughter of a prestigious Alpha… OR Will her vain life find its meaning with all the hidden secrets coming out of nowhere, especially when she meets another man claiming herself as his? **** ''B-But….t-this…this is your father, the Alpha's clan! By birthright, you have more entitlements over the clan. What are we supposed to do when we have no Alpha?!'’ ''Fight over it.'' came her instant reply. ''W-What?'' Her words left the middle-aged woman stunned. Her eyes filled with incredulity, staring closely at the beautiful young black-haired lady who uttered such absurd words, only to be seeing such gravity in her gaze. ''S-She wasn't joking...'' A shaky breath left her lips, her eyes trembling in realization. ''B-But…Y-You can't…'' She tried again, forcing a smile on her quivering lips. She hoped to hear that those words were a joke. Surely, one couldn’t be too heartless over thousands of werewolves. ''Oh, I am not joking.'' Clover interrupted, returning the forced smile back to the middle-aged woman. Though hers was more natural and relaxed. It even had a hint of an amusement. Clover was greatly amused…No…these people really entertained her…to the point the pit of her stomach felt nauseated. Lead the same clan responsible for her darkest times? How shameless of their requests. ''Pardon my interruption....'' Her smile still remained tranquil though altered to an icy sneer. ‘'but you really don't expect a woman like myself to have this clan under my lead….do you now?'’

Chapter 1 Lower status

On a certain time, a certain moment, a certain day….in a world always with void, four gods descended onto the lands without a sign of life.

‘Let there be life.’ Their words settled onto the empty lands, filled with unique energy, reverberating all through the lands like an awakening.

As the gods ordered, and wanted according to their will, life crept up into the world with void little by little until the gods stopped intervening in the life of their creations. One creation of a god occupied most of the lands, and the creations of the three gods occupied a tiny but different portions of the lands.

As for the reason, no one knew or could guess the thoughts of the four gods.

In the creation of a god lived creatures with hairs all over their bodies. Their fangs sharp and pointy protruding down from their snouts, capable of tearing anything down in their way. Their claws, always digging deep into the soil of the lands, when running after their preys. Their eyes gleaming as always in the endless abyss of the night.

These creatures were known as werewolves, the beasts of the full moon.

Werewolves were two creatures in one body, and two minds in one body. A creature with two walking limbs and skin, and a creature with four walking limbs and hair all over their body.

The god of this creation made it certain that werewolves, the beasts of the full moon were two minds in one body. The inner and outer creatures in one body could communicate to themselves without failure.

This was the same for another god with similar creatures as well.

Because of these unique creatures called werewolves, each generation governed the lands created for themselves, and brought it to prosperity with its own riches and power.

The name giving to their lands connected to one another was known as the Werewolf society.


The first faint light of the day appeared in the sky, bidding the stars to take their rest. As darkness surrendered, every color changed from tinges of charcoal to a vibrancy. All these happened before the first sunrise of the day.

In a room with curtains shielding the faint rays of light from sight, a figure could be seen underneath a thin blanket, laying on single bed.

‘’um…no…don’t…please…’’ Incoherent series of words from the figure on the bed. There was a sign of little movement before a sharp intake of breath. The thin blanket was flung one side on the bed, and the figure could be seen hurriedly sitting up on the bed. Back hunched forward, and a chest heaved high and low, going after a hurried rhythm.

‘’Ah..Ha…Ah..Ha…’’ Heavy breathing escaped the figure’s lips, and dark pupils of the eyes dilated, shaking fearfully and cautiously glancing around each corner of the room. After a moment of looking around, the gasps gradually reduced, and the dilated pupil returned to normal. A faint sigh of relief came after.

‘’A…dream…’’ A weak feminine voice said softly and slowly. Eyes had quick glances of the room again, before they lowered to the ruffled blanket over her lap.

‘’Mother….’’ Tears gathered around her sagging eyelids. Just before they could fall, a beeping alarm suddenly sounded, almost scaring the woman to the core. Still with the remnant of fear, her eyes snapped over to the lighted screen of her phone.

‘’Ah…right…’’ With her hand over the pounding heart of her chest, she released another sigh of relief. It was yet another same day for her.

Tapping the lighted screen of her phone, the beeping sound instantly disappeared. Pushing the blanket off her lap, her legs swung over the bed frame and her feet touched the cool tiled floor of her room. Standing up steadily, her arm went up high, extending upward into a stretch. Her toes and her sleeping short followed as well.

Wordlessly, she made her way to another door inside her room, leading to a cubicle-sized bathroom. Switching on the lights, the figure walked in, and turned to the side, the reflection of her appearance coming to sight.

Plain black hair, stormy grey eyes….there was really nothing spectacular about her looks…that is….from her own perspective.

‘’Good morning, Clover….’’ The figure greeted herself in the mirror, forcing a smile on her lips to look as enthusiastic as ever. Without wasting much time, she started her day with her simple morning routine.

From changing her overnight contacts to laying her bed and preparing for school, clover did all this in a matter of time.

‘’I hope I am not forgetting anything…’’ She glanced around, zipping her black school bag on the neatly arranged bed.

*beep* *beep*

The alarm from her phone beeped once more, gaining her full attention.

‘’Time to work.’’ Clover said to herself, almost like a reminder. Tapping the lighted screen of her phone, the beeping sound went off, leaving the room in silence again.

Hoisting the arms of her bag pack over shoulders, Clover made sure she was comfortable with the load on her back, then grabbed her phone charging on the nightstand.

‘I really need to stop overcharging….’ She thought, making her way to the door leading to the outside of her room. Taking a deep breath, clover twisted down the handle and carefully pushed the door outward, hoping that the regular squeaking sound wouldn’t occur. Her steps outside her room was soft and wary, almost as if she was sneaking in to a forbidden area.

Before going to her high school, Clover made a stop at the kitchen. She knew that if there was no food for the family, her step-mother would obviously make a deal out of it.

Though there were omegas to clean the houses of the clan, none were permitted to come this house, as she was solely in-charge of the hygiene around here.

‘The kitchen looks clean, and I cleaned the entire house recently. The meals for this morning are in the refrigerator….’ After making sure that she was definitely in the safe zone, Clover’s steps out of the kitchen were in haste. She couldn’t afford to be late for her classes.

To get a perfect grade throughout her years in high school, she had always made sure not to be late for class. Even if she was a bit late, the teachers always pardoned her, knowing that her place was quite distant, and they also had a good impression of her.

To achieve her goal of entering one of the best universities in the country, clover knew she must absolutely do her best, especially when she had a higher goal.

‘’Are you leaving for school?’’

Just as Clover was about to open the door, a voice suddenly came from behind her, causing her flinch in fright. Her eyes dawned in realization, and her fingers released faint trembles. Steeling her petrified self, Clover turned around, her gaze lowered to the floor along with her head, for the nape of her neck to be seen by the person standing on the lower stair case.

A sign of reverence and honor from a person of lower status in greeting the leader of the clan.

‘’Alpha.’’ She greeted softly.

‘’I asked you a question.’’

‘’Yes, Alpha. This lowly one is going to school right now.’’ Clover replied, her hands clenched on both sides in nervousness.

‘’I see…I hope I won’t hear your mother’s angered voice this morning.’’

‘’This lowly one made sure to do everything as the Luna desired, Alpha.’’ Replying back, Clover bit her lips, hating the fact that this man could easily call that woman her mother. Though it wasn’t the first time, Clover just hated how everyone easily referred her step-mother as her mother.

As if her actual mother wasn’t the Luna in the first place.

‘’You may go and make sure no being of the mortal world sees your beast form, Clover.’’

‘’As you wish, Alpha.’’ This time, Clover’s upper body lowered, offering a full bow before stepping out of the house.

It wasn’t until Clover crossed over a secluded part of the border that she paused her steps and exhaled the breath she knew that she was holding.

As a person of lower status and beast, she could never withstand the direct presence of an Alpha, even if the man was her father.

‘’Huuuu….’’ Taking a deep breath once more, Clover calmed her anxious heart. She took a quick look around herself. Noting the sight of dense trees belonging to the forest surrounding the clan, Clover strained her ears for any sign of danger.

Though it had been many years since the appearance of the enemy, Clover just wanted to be careful since she was a werewolf who frequently left the clan.

Sensing no danger around herself, Clover closed her eyes. In a wink of an eye, her figure was nowhere instead to be seen. Rather, a furry creature down below struggled to remove the clothes around its body.

Grey eyes, and black fur as the night sky….the same as Clover’s features. Seeming to have successfully gotten rid of the clothes tangled around its body, the furry creature grabbed all the clothes in one go, including her small school bag.

Crouching its four limbs down to the ground especially the two back legs, the furry creature flexed its shoulders, eyeing the path of the forest.

Shooting out like the wind, the furry figure raced down the forest. Its small size gliding through the trees, hopping from one bark to another time to time, and its paws digging deep into the earth producing a faint rumbling sound. Pink tongue stuck out its snout as the cool breeze caressed its protruding face like a morning greetings.

If there was one thing Clover absolutely enjoyed about her mornings to school, it would be running through the forest in her beast form.

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