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Spy on Two CEOs

Alexandra Johnson is trapped under the control of two CEOs. The cunning of a man who defrauded her family's company returns to make her the instrument of someone's destruction. How will Alexandra get out of the problems that occur? Follow the rest.

Chapter 1 Meet again

"That guy?" Alexa lowered her head, having accidentally met the gaze of the light gray-colored net, belonging to the man who had just gotten out of the car.

"You really came through on your promise, little one.” The man said.

Yes. Alexandra kept her promise, after two years ago, the man in front of her now had helped her. Providing assistance, to help her daddy's company get back on its feet.

Alexa thought of selling herself, to get a large sum of money in a short time. To help her father's company that was about to be seized by the bank. However, she realized that if her actions were discovered by the media, it was possible that her company and family would be tarnished.

"Yes, I came. Thank you for helping me at that time. I really don't know if I didn't meet you then, Mr. Ef." Alexa said.

The man called Mr. Ef, pulled one corner of his lips and looked at Alexandra meaningfully.

"I believe you are a trustworthy girl." Mr. Ef added.

Two years ago. Alexandra was very frustrated, she didn't want her family's company that had been built long before she was born, to collapse just like that due to being cheated by her daddy's business partner. At that very moment, she met a man 15 years her senior, Ef.

Without much questioning, Ef immediately offered to help her with whatever she needed.

"Does he really want to help me?" thought Alexa.

There was no one in this world Alexa could trust. That was her mommy's message, but right now, Alexa really needed the help, so Alexa told her the amount of money she needed.

"That's too small for me, I'll give you a check." Ef said without hesitation.

"Before that, sign here first." Ef said, handing Alexa a blank piece of paper.

Alexa accepted it, flipping through the blank paper. Afterward she looked at Ef, with astonishment.

"I-this isn't wrong, sir? Why would I sign a blank paper?" Alexa asked.

"Just sign or I won't help you." Ef said, making Alexa afraid to refuse.

"You don't need to be afraid, right now I haven't thought about what rewards I want from you," said Ef.


Ef smiled a smirk, making Alexa a little uncomfortable. "You think it's all free? Don't be naive, nothing in this world is free, Alexa."

Alexa didn't know what to do after hearing Ef's words. She couldn't refuse, she needed the check, to help her daddy's company from going out of business.

"Alright, I'll sign," Alexa said, then put her signature on it.

"Good girl. See you in two years, in this place, same time, same month and same date. Do you understand Alexa?" asked Ef to which Alexa quickly nodded.


Currently, Alexa was already in Ef's apartment, as per Ef's request.

"You're really very obedient, Alexa. Sit down!" pleaded Ef, who had been sitting on the living room sofa since Alexa's arrival, with her feet on the table.

Alexa sat down opposite Ef, her heart racing with fear. She had never had any kind of cooperation with a man, especially since he was 15 years older than Alexa.

"What is it exactly, you asked me to come here?" Alexa asked.

Ef handed her a sheet of paper filled with letters. Not much was written on the paper, but it still surprised Alexa.

"Read this, this is our cooperation agreement, which you signed two years ago," said Ef.

Alexa began to read the sheet of paper.

"The first party is Ef and the second party is Alexandra Johnson. The second party is willing to cooperate with the first party, and obey whatever the first party orders. Including being a spy from Ef." Reading the agreement, successfully made both of her eyeballs perfectly rounded.

"When did I sign this agreement?" Alexa didn't think she had ever signed it.

"Two years ago when you signed the blank paper... and this is our cooperation contract," Ef said.

"I'll tell you your initial duties. Have you prepared the files I asked for?" Ef asked.

Alexa nodded, then handed over the files Ef had requested. "Here, sir."

Ef took and examined the file. The man nodded happily.

"Starting tomorrow, take this file and apply at the Williams Group company. As Arley Williams' personal assistant," Ef said.

"W-Williams Group, didn't I hear wrong? That's the company that-"

"The one that defrauded your daddy's company," Ef interrupted.

Alexa smothered her own mouth, Ef knew a lot about her and her family. Alexa shook her head, she couldn't possibly apply for a job there, her parents would be furious if they found out.

"Why would I work there? I don't feel like working," Alexa said.

"This is the job for you Alexa. Your job right now is to be my spy, to spy on Arley Williams and his company," Ef said.

"Remember, you already signed the paper.”

Again, he could not help himself when Ef reminded him of their contractual agreement.

"Currently, the CEO of the Williams Group. is looking for a personal assistant and this is your chance to get into the company, Alexa," Ef said.

What the hell was this? How could she so carelessly sign a paper that she didn't even know what would be the partnership between them.

"If I refuse, what will happen?" asked Alexa.

Ef chuckled.

"There are many losses you will receive." Ef turned the paper over and there it was clearly written, about the losses Alexa would get if she tried to break the cooperation.

"However, for now you don't need to know what those losses are," Ef said.

Alexa just sighed, hearing Ef's words. She was really trapped, it was true what her mommy said. There is not a single person in this world who can be trusted. Including Ef, the help Ef offered, made Alexa trapped in it.

"For how long will I work with you, sir?"

"I'm not sure yet," Ef replied, "ah yes, just call me Ef," Ef said.

"It sounds rude, but I'll think about it. Then you'll have to excuse me," Alexa said.


This morning, Alexandra was already at the Williams Group, she was escorted by Ef to get there.

"Don't be tense like that," Ef said.

It was easy for Ef to say that, while Alexa's forehead was already sweating, holding back all her fears.

"What are you thinking about? Let's hurry up and come to the front office. Tell me you're going to apply for a job as the CEO's personal assistant!" Ef ordered.

"I'm not ready yet, let's adjourn tomorrow, sir," Alexa said.

"Get out." The voice sounded very flat with a gaze fixed on Alexa.

Alexa had just arrived at the front office, when she got there she did as Ef had instructed.

"You can wait a moment, I'll call Mr. Arley's room," the staff said.

While the staff contacted Arley's room, Alexa's gaze focused on a crying woman walking towards her.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?" Alexa asked.

"I got rejected, the CEO here is so cruel."

Alexa swallowed roughly. What if she too was rejected, she had absolutely no experience whatsoever. Alexa quickly took her steps away from there.

She didn't care if Ef would scold her.

"Miss Alexa! You've been asked to come to the CEO's office!" the staff shouted.

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