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Loving You Mr. Manyak

Loving You Mr. Manyak



Francine is an orphan, she doesn't even know where her sister is. And he was under the care of his aunt, who did nothing but get angry at him. The fate was painful and terrible. But what if one day while he was bathing in the river, he met the young Chezter Aldrin Nicklorson. While he was bathing, he realized that he had been looking at him for a long time. Although the girl has a beautiful face, he is immediately attracted to her. "I won't take you by force, but I'll make sure you'll end up with me." "Let's take it slowly, because you won't like the consequences once you gave yourself too me..

Chapter 1 naked girl singing

Chapter 1


"What?! Chez! Let go!" When the girl struggles.

The young man faced him. "Didn't I tell you to stay away from other men's?" He angrily said in jealousy.

"That's too much! I'm with him because we're working on our project!" He didn't fight, but he just put more emphasis on holding her hand, which he liked.

"Project? Huh! Just make sure that the reason why you are with that man is a project, but I won't allow that to see the light of day." When it threatens.

"That's really bad! You make everyone jealous, including my professor! You know you're not only stupid, but also crazy!" The young woman snorted in annoyance, and continued to struggle.

"You're all mine! Remember that!" He claimed.

The girl shook her head. "Yes, something happened to me. You were the first man to take a picture of me when you were a woman, and I am your boyfriend. But you have no right to possess me like that, we are not married!" He was annoyed with it and used all his strength to break free from its grip.

"Then we'll get married, whether you like it or not." It was his final language that stopped him.

"What?! I don't agree!" He protested here.

"I don't care." He said then carry her like a bridal style that made her scream, she struggled but it was useless.

And flipped him on the bed, he just fell back on the bed. He saw that she took something from the cabinet, and handed it to him. "Explain that, explain yourself!" He said angrily she picked it up.

"How did you know that?" He asked confusedly, it was a birth control pills that he was taking.

"Why are you using that?! You know how much I wanted to have children's with you, that's why I was surprised and you couldn't get pregnant, I thought I was infertile. That's your using that sh!t?! Why?! " He angrily asked and grabbed her both shoulders.

"You wanna know why?" He will challenge the young man.

"I heard you! You and Kuya Hades talked, he asked you about your plan to me. You said you plan to get me pregnant so that I can be yours for good, and to make sure that no one will try to take me away from you, to make sure that you are the only one I failed!" She confesses what she heard that night.

"So what? I'm claiming what's mine." He said and smirked.

"Yours?! Let me tell you, I'm just your boyfriend. Boyfriend, not parent or husband so know your place!" He said annoyed here, which darkened the mixture of his face.

"Know my place? Let's just see what my role will be with your snake in what I do." He said that she was nervous, he grabbed her uniform then forcibly ripped it apart.

"What! C-Chez stop! Have mercy on me." She begged, and it took all her strength to kick it.

Lucky she succeeded, she quickly rushed to walk through the door without looking at him. And he groaned just as he was about to turn the doorknob when someone suddenly pulled his hair.

"Your not going anywhere! " He said then forcefully dragged her on the bed again and apparently took it off.

He grabbed her both hands, and handcuffed her to the other side of the head board. "C-Chez! Please know that I'm not ready to have a child with you...." She begged while trying to protest on his kisses.

"Fvck! Just accept it!" He angrily shouted, and grabbed her jaw and forcibly kissed her.

"Hump!" She tried to protest, but he bit her other lip causing her to scream in pain. And he successfully managed to enter his warm tongue inside her mouth.

His tongue traveled inside her more like finding something. And it came loose. "You'll not gonna ever use that damn sh!t again, your going to be pregnant whether you like it or not." He said while undressing himself.

"don't please, I'm too young, let me out of here please...." She begged, while trying to break free from the handcuffs but the more she struggled the more it hurts.

He ripped her school uniform, unhooked her bra. And massage it, she was protesting but it's not use, until the next thing she felt was her boyfriend pulled down her panty. "Don't." She shook her head, but he just gave her a smirk that gave her a shiver.

Until she felt a familiar thing, he's inside her again. "You'll be pregnant and you're going to marry me." He said and began to trust her deep, hard manner.

She was biting her lower lip to prevent herself from moaning, he chuckled while moving faster and harder. "You can hold you moan but not your cum Mine." Its language.

And struts her more and more harder, as she felt her orgasm cums but he didn't stop. Instead, he insisted even more, he even more expertly. She's heating, she can't deny that she's liking it, but she didn't want to get pregnant yet. She can't give him what she wants, she was still young and doesn't know anything about motherhood.

"Ugh! I'm near Mine." This language she shook.

"Don't please take it out, not to me please!" She begged but she just gave her a crazy, yet scary look and smirk.

Until she felt his cum, filling inside her. She cried, she knew what this would be. "T-that's right please." She begged, she thought he was already finished until she felt that he began to trust her again.

The girl was confused when someone poured cold water on her.

"Hey! Girl, it's noon! Cook us breakfast quickly!" Her aunt openly talked to her who did nothing but mistreat her

He followed it immediately even though his mother was still sleepy, and was counted because he was wet. But he has no choice because even if he doesn't follow it, he will definitely get beaten up.

He immediately cooked breakfast, and when it was finished, he immediately put it on the table. The mother and daughter immediately gave up.

And just as he was about to sit down in the chair, he suddenly stepped on it. "Oops! Sorry." It's snobbery.

So he did nothing but take his food, and sit on the floor. She stared at her aunt's son when she saw him holding her wallet. He immediately came here.

"Wait, angel, I don't have that wallet." She said, and it just made her suffer.

"What now?" It's plain language.

He sighed before answering. "There's my money to pay for our project. Maybe you can come back because I need it." Please talk to her calmly, as long as possible, she doesn't want to interrupt her because she always does.

"I also need money so I can be with my rich friends later, it's mine." Its language.

" But because I struggled-" Before she could finish her word's she suddenly threw a glass of water on her.

"Hey! I don't care!" She shouted.

And stood up, apparently took his bag. "Mom, talk to me, huh? You thought you were just working. Hey, I don't feel like it, I'll go first!" It moaned loudly.

"Nathan called me, why don't you answer the person yet huh? More money to get from him if you happen to be a girl." She said she took a bath.

"Aunt, I don't love him." It depends, he stopped chewing and looked at her intently.

"Are you crazy?! Hey! It's already money, you're going to give it to me?!" She angrily said, and she grabbed the rice and threw it onto her.

"Hey, you're not in the mood, it's better for me to gamble than to see your face!" Annoyed, he pushed her, causing her to fall to the floor.

"Don't tease me, I need to have something ready to eat when I come back!" He said this before completely leaving.

She can't help but to cry in pain. "Sister! Mommy, daddy!" She cried.

She felt like she was really unlucky person since she was born, the world was always cruel to her.

"Is it because I'm not mad?" She asked while walking, she was going to the river.

"Ayt! Putqkte!" He was so cheap when he was almost hit by a speeding car, and it didn't even stop him.

"I'm almost there? I still love my life! If you want to die, just die!" He followed up with an annoyed shout here.

He continued walking towards the river.

On the other hand, the young man expressed his feelings easily when he found out that he could finally buy the land he wanted.

"Sh*t!" It was cheap when he almost bumped into the girl who didn't seem to be looking at the road, because she was just bending down.

He didn't hesitate to come over and see if it was okay because it wasn't a collision, totally.

"Mr. Nicklorson so are we gonna talk the price?" This was an open question to him when he arrived.

He smirked. "Price is nothing, tell me how much and I'll pay." He said, the land is perfect for what he wants to build a Casino.

"But what about those who are still here, have you told them that I'm going to buy this land?" He asked, and the old man faked a smile.

"O-opo, don't worry. We won't have any problems with those who stay here." If he lies, he's not dumb he knew he was lying, but he doesn't care as long as he'll definitely have the land.

He told him the whole lot, until the old man's phone rang. "Ah wait a minute Mr. Nicklorson, I'll just answer." It's goodbye and he nods.

Someone told me to stay away from things that aren't yours

But was he yours, if he wanted me so bad?

Pacify her

She's getting on my nerves

Until he heard an angelic, yet beautiful voice.

You don't love her

Stop lying with those words

Pacify her

When she continued to be with him, so he decided to fallow she is that voice camping from.

Until it took him to a river.

She's getting on my nerves

You don't love her

Stop lying with those words

I can't stand her whining

Where's her binky now?

And loving her seems tiring

He seems as naked girl singing, with his back turned while bathing in the river and singing. The girl suddenly turned around, that's when he doesn't know what, what should he do? His world seems to stop up, and his heart started to beat so damn fast as fuck!

"Manyak! Ah!" A quick scream brought him back to reality, and something threw him, and when he saw it, it was a underwear.

"Manyak! You're a maniac! Give me back my panties stupid!" He screamed and wrinkled his forehead, because he didn't take it, because he was the one who made it up to him.

He quickly wrapped the towel around his hub@d's body, and took some sand, apparently he threw it at him so he fell asleep.

"D@mn! He's a fighter!" He said annoyed in his mind.

Until someone came, and approached the girl.

"Well what's going on and I was on the bridge when I heard you scream?" I asked this, it's was a young women's with his cousin Sedrick.

"Here! Here we are!" He said angrily and he came to him and slapped him hard, holding his cheek. He's mad, gosh!

"This woman is different! How dare she slap me, when a lot of girls are rolling over me?!" He asked a question in his mind and looked at the girl closely.

" you bigot put back my panties if you don't want me to pull you!" He said angrily.

I straightened up, and faced him then smirked.

"This woman doesn't know who she's fighting for."

"Go ahead, and I'll make you crawl." His promise is crazy, and he's not just playing around cause he can dare to make it real.

He smiled when he saw the fear in the girl's eyes and was slightly surprised.

Then the beautiful woman, just attacked him, she was going to stroke him.

Manyak! Ah! Mayak!" He snorted while he was hitting him wantonly, his friend tried to pull him away but he didn't move.

He didn't fight as if he had no feeling, then he grabbed something on his pocket, and the girl screamed when he grabbed her hand.

"H-hey?! Wait, what?!" It's a strange question, but he will force himself to wear the pearl on the girl with the pendant "C" he bought it long time ago for the woman he'll love.

"Hey! Wait b-bat don't want to get rid of your hinayup@k!" Francine said annoyed and trying to remove the bracelet from her hand but she really didn't want to do anything.

"There, your now my property." He said that the girl stopped him.

"H-huh? Are you crazy? What property are you talking about, you're a bigot?" The young woman asked one after another.

She just grinned, because this is a sign that she was now already of Nicklorson. And it was about to be answered when someone suddenly arrived.



He heard some men calling.

"Babe, why are you here, isn't my brother in the hospital?" The man asked, but doesn't care at all. He just wanted the women, her attention.

He was about to open his mouth to say something. "Where are your clothes Francine? Put this jacket here, you might get cold, especially since you're only wearing a towel." The man said and approached the girl, he took off the jacket he was wearing and put it on the girl.

He doesn't know but he just suddenly goes mad when someone approaches the woman.

"Fuck?! Why do I feel mad, and Jealous?! Have I already met my Obsession?! Is it her?!" Annoyed and confused, he asked in his mind.

"Thank you Nathan, let's go." The girl spoke and the young man swallowed it, who was even more annoyed and his blood boiled. He knew, he can't deny that he's really fvcking jealous.

He grabbed her hands, she looked at him.

"Pre, do you have a problem? Will you please let go of her hand?" This is a question.

"Ah-eh, let's leave it at that, maybe he just drank." When he changed the subject, he waved his hand.

This made him, mad. "How dare she ignore me?! When we meet again, I'll make a plan I'll do everything on my own. And who ever dare to get into my way, will be punished in hell." He grinned menacingly in his mind.

To Be Continued...

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