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Written in the stars?

Written in the stars?



Riele Morris is the reigning CEO to the biggest construction company in the world. Having had her trust broken by her ex, the idea of having anything to do with any other man repulsed her. What happens when a Woman that vowed never to be caught up with any man is thrown into a roller coaster of them?. What happens to her "no man rule?" especially when her ex comes into the picture wanting her back! ...... (Sneak peak) "So come on girl, let us know which of them it will be" Candice asks excitedly. Riele looked around at their expectant gazes and after much thought, gave the first answer that seemed like the truth to her. "None". With that she up and left them with confusion swarming in their head and faces.

Chapter 1 Thoughts of the past


How the hell am I stuck in traffic on a weekend?. I'm pretty sure not everyone is going to the grocery store as I currently am. Shouldn't they like be in bed?.

"Hey move it!!".

A yelling behind me caught my attention followed by the continuous blaring of a horn.

Realizing I had gotten lost in thought, I looked forward to notice the cars in front of me had moved out and I was now the one creating the traffic.

"Shit!" I muttered stepping on the gas.

The grocery was not so packed and I thanked God for that. Last thing I needed was a difficult time moving around. That and the fact I don't do too well with large crowds.

I busied myself with what I needed at home. Throwing them inside the shopping basket I had picked up by the entrance.

The ringing of my phone stopped my actions as I picked it up using my shoulder to hold it up to my ear while I resumed shopping.

"Riele! Are you up for clubbing tonight?".

"Hello to you too Vanny". I rolled my eyes even though I knew she couldn't see me.

"Yeah yeah whatever" she replied and repeated her earlier question.

I could stay here and argue with her on how to begin a call or I could just accept it. Choosing the latter, because I'd only be giving myself a headache if I started an argument with her.

I was a little skeptical of her question but I couldn't hide out in my house forever reading books and getting lost in thoughts.

'of him'.

I shut my eyes tightly at the comment from my subconscious. Definitely going to be needing this outing.

"Alright" I replied.

"Okay!. We'll all meet up at the location I'm sending right now to you with the time. Bye!"

I was about to say something when I smacked right into something hard.

My phone fell down along with the basket I was holding and I made a quick move to pick it up.

A pair of hands made it down the same time mine did and I finally looked up at the something or other someone I had ran into.

"Hi" he smiled charmingly and I stared shamelessly at his beauty and perfect dentition.

Bad bad Riele, look away now!.

The voice in my head cautioning me didn't work till I heard him clear his throat.

I quickly looked down, picking up my stuff and hoping my red hair would cover the blush I knew was making its way to my cheeks.

Well That was embarrassing.

"Here you go" He stretched out his hand to me. Looking at it I saw it was a box of sanitary pad and I suddenly wished there was a hole to throw myself in.

"Uh th...thank you". Why was this man so beautiful?. I never stuttered.

"You're welcome" , his pearly whites still on display and I wondered for a moment if his mouth didn't hurt from smiling so much.

"I'm Tyler" he stretched out a hand and I shook it nodding.

He kept looking at me expectantly and I raised a brow questioningly.

"You are?".

Oh my name!.

"I'm Riele. Bye now"

I tried stepping around him to leave but he caught a hold of my hand.

I looked at his hands and back up at him. He immediately let go apologizing.

"Sorry I uh" he scratched the back of his neck and all I could think of was CUTE.

"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out sometime?" He looked nervous now and I felt better that he did. Gone were minutes ago when I was the nervous one.

"It's just that I have been watching you since you came into the mall and I just felt I should uh...."

He paused probably not knowing the words to use. Enjoying this whole exchange way too much I encouraged with a nod of my head for him to continue.

"I was wondering if we could just sit at some place and you tell me a little about_____"

"About myself?" I interrupted before he could complete that statement cause damn I freaking hated that line. He looked taken aback by my sharp tone.

That statement of his was all it took to snap me back to my senses.

What was I doing in the first place standing here and talking to him like I was interested in what he wanted to serve?

"Look, I wouldn't want someone wasting my time so I'll do the same for you". I released a breath and continued. This is something I always do, so it shouldn't be that hard but with Tyler I actually felt some kind of guilt ?. He seemed like a nice guy

'don't they all?'.

Agreeing with my subconscious I faced the matter at hand.

"We both know where this conversation is headed and I might sound rude but truth is I don't have time for all this and I'm really sorry but I have to leave" he looked hurt after my statement but I really didn't give a fuck about it .

"Wow" he seemed confused. "I didn't mean to upset you, I just wanted to get to know you but...." I didn't let him finish his statement before holding up a hand to silence him.

"I really don't wanna know" I left him there looking completely dumbfounded

I know it might seem like I got some personality disorder right now. One minute I'm gawking at his pretty face and the next I'm being a bitch. Don't get me wrong he's cute and all but I don't need things like that in my life right now. Couldn't he have just helped pick up my groceries and leave?. I wasn't Interested in whatever he was offering. I was never going to allow myself to fall for that shit. Never again.

I made my way to the counter and paid for the stuff I bought leaving the mall in a rush.

Thoughts of the past had begun to flood my head and I couldn't help but wonder if it would ever stop. It was becoming too much and I never liked the way it made me feel.

I hit the accelerator picking up an unusual speed that I knew could be dangerous if I didn't control it well.

It was just who I was. Once I feel a little panick or my anxiety kicks in, my sense of reasoning just tends to fly out the window.

Now more than ever I was glad to be going to the club tonight. I needed to clear my head and rid my thoughts of HIM. Well as much thoughts as I could clear.

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