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My Best Friend's Boyfriend Is My Mate

My Best Friend's Boyfriend Is My Mate



"It's almost like choosing between an espresso and a stuffed cheese omelette." I groaned. Amber was shocked, "Excuse me, did you just compare our mate to a bitter beverage?" I sighed, "No, I compared my boyfriend to an omelette. What is wrong with me?" -------- So, this is the dilemma I'm currently facing. I am Diana, a werewolf and Amber is my wolf part, who is right now screaming in my head. And we have a decision to make; mate or boyfriend? Sounds easy? Well, then throw in a dominating mom, a badass wolf, some hot guys, a bunch of crazy friends, a werewolf pack and oh, did I forget, some hormones, a few tingles, raised heartbeats, heartbreaks, huffs, and puffs, and tada this is my life. In short, it's a COMPLICATED MESS and, you're more than welcome to come and join and complicate it further.

Chapter 1 1



I am not a morning person. In fact, I hate mornings like the vampires hate sunlight: our own Cullens from Twilight. Don’t get me wrong: love the books, not a fan of the movies though, But that’s a story for some other day.

As I was saying, I hate mornings, it’s the waking-up part that I struggle with the most, But once that part is taken care of, things are pretty quick. I am not a ‘rise and shine’ person, one could tell. It’s quite obvious, considering that I’m the laziest person alive on earth.

“Diana.. get up NOW!”

Oh crap, that’s mom. I better get up and get going before she decides to throw her spatula at me. No, I am not joking, she very well can do that. The other day she threw a pan on Dad just before he ran for his through the front door and all that for not brushing his teeth before giving her the morning kiss. I mean who does that these days? Now that I think of it, I think I have taken after my dad in this.

I was quickly done with my morning business and went hopping towards the kitchen.

“Blueberry pancakes! AGAIN?”

“Give it back and GET OUT!” Mom said taking the pancakes back to the kitchen counter, I knew I was done for and if I didn’t cover up for myself now, I would be served blueberry pancakes till my death.

“What! Oh, no mom. I love them. What I meant to say is Wow blueberry pancakes again, Guess you missed the WOW part,” I said hoping she would fall for it, but I knew better. Dad was trying hard to stop his laughter by literally pasting his face on the newspaper he was reading.

On getting no response from Mom, I understood I had failed badly this time in lying. Ah, leave it, I thought. Next time maybe I would do better.

“You are never going to see the end of this Diana,” Amber said As I nodded my head dejectedly.

Amber is my wolf, I am a werewolf which means that I am half human and half wolf. I love it, the whole concept of being supernatural and all. It is like having two different forms in a single body. We have a strong connection, we can read each other’s thoughts and talk to each other when one of the forms is physically present and the other is not.

When I am in human form, it’s almost like having a wolf movie being played in my mind. Because I can see everything that Amber is doing in addition to having a normal conversation with her.

Like right now, she is yawning.

Amber is exactly like me. She is fun, loving, carefree, reckless, and all the synonyms that you could possibly think of. One thing that I don’t like about her and I guess my mum hates in me as well is that we are both stubborn like no man's business. It gets pretty difficult when my wolf and I are firm on something and both of us don’t want to relent. Apart from this tiny miny situation, we get along well.

Although, I have this feeling that one day, this unwavering attitude of ours is going to cost us all a lot.

Even though we are werewolves, we don’t stay far away from the city. Usually, werewolves have a ‘pack house’ where the whole pack stays but our pack members live amongst normal humans, our alpha and his family stay in the pack house while the rest of the wolves of the pack visit the pack house whenever there is any special occasion or during the whole pack meeting or seminars that happen twice every month.

“You sure about this Adam boy? We’ll soon find our mate, Diana.” I heard Amber say and that brought me out of my reverie, Like always, Amber made it a point to kill my joy by reminding me of my mate.

“Mate or not, Adam is my boyfriend and I have a feeling that he’ll be my happily ever after. Why don’t you understand that there is no mate for us?” I retorted.

“There is Diana, I can feel it.”

“Oh yeah, then where was he when we turned 16? Let me remind you that we waited one whole year for him after that.”

“Not everyone gets their mate when they turn 16 and you know that damn well. Why could you not wait for him a little longer, before jumping into this Adam boy’s arms?” Amber said and I could feel her getting irritated and pacing right and left continuously. I knew what followed.

“Well, I don’t want to wait. Adam is perfect, he loves me a lot and I deserve happiness like the rest of the girls out there,” I said a bit harshly.

“There is no use talking to you regarding this matter.” She huffed.

With that, Amber sat and placed her tail over her eyes, before curling herself into a ball.

Great. She has shut me off, AGAIN.

I reached my school and started walking toward my locker. Adam was waiting for me there, he waved when I caught his eye and smiled. I really liked this boy: he was calm, handsome, and hot, all at the same time. Even before we started dating three months back, I had always noticed how he was extremely caring and loving towards Sandra, my best friend.

Adam is Sandra’s twin brother, but it was not until my seventeenth birthday that I thought of giving it a shot. I was dejected at not finding my mate even after waiting for so long. So when Adam asked me out, there were no second thoughts and since then life has been wonderful.

Adam and Sandra are human, Ours is a mixed school with humans and werewolves but Sandra and Adam are aware of the whole werewolf thing and they are pretty cool with it. Sandra has a werewolf boyfriend Ramon. He has been away for two years for some pack business, something to do with him being the beta’s son. Ramon and I have always been at loggerheads with each other. We hated each other to the core but just for Sandra's sake, we had to try really hard not to tear each other’s heads apart.

Adam had no issues with me being a werewolf. He has been in love with me for years now, so human or not he was happy to have me in his life, His words, not mine.

I reached my locker and hugged Adam, Inhaling his mint scent. I reached for his lips. Yes, I had to reach. He is a tall guy, 6”2 to be exact and I have to climb a ladder to reach him with my 5’4 height and since I couldn’t carry a ladder everywhere, I do the next thing possible. I put my arms around his neck and pull him downwards. I could never get enough of his lips and the way he made me feel with every kiss.

Things were getting intense in an excellent way when we heard someone growl. We jumped apart in a second, I was breathing deeply when I inhaled a delicious smell of hazelnut chocolate topped with fresh strawberries, My mouth started watering and I could feel Amber suddenly jumping up and starting a funny kind of dance.

Is it? Could it be? No.. no… this is not possible. Please, not now moon goddess, I panicked.

I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself, and stupid Amber but she was uncontrollable.

“Yippee, our mate is here… Our mate is here.. la la la la la,” She started singing.

“Urghh… not now Amber,” I scolded.

I slowly turned and gathering all my energy, raised my eyes to look into a set of intense blue eyes that darkened with each passing second.

My heart came to a standstill. Was I dead? I hope not.


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