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A Shadow Of True and Heart

A Shadow Of True and Heart



The world went into ruins long before I was born, and all knowledge came from the old history of the Great Mass.   The world's plague arose when Benders came into existence in the human world.    According to the legends, they were banished creatures from their own world, sent away by a cursed King named Frederick Harlow.   As a way to redeem themselves, they were brought to the human world, only to start an interspecies war led by King Nicholas Alveston, the strongest and most powerful of those banished creatures.   He and his Lords claimed all continents. He named the victory the Great Mass. He rebirthed humans, and his Lords ruled each continent. Seven Lords for seven continents, and he became the King of all Benders.   On my eighteenth birthday, I was gifted to Nicholas Alveston, one whom no humans dared look at and trembled at his presence. I was meant to be his Bleeder but that fucked-up word called fate has its plans in stock.

Chapter 1 ~Prologue~

3rd POV.

"Just stop, please!" She snapped pretty hard at him; her blonde, box-braided hair was drenched on the influence of the mysterious rumbling clouds, striking down rains onto the creatures below.

"Don't fight this. Nothing can change now; he's my mate." Her voice broke like a splinter. Betraying him wasn't on her bucket list, but if it was the only way to protect him, she didn't regret it as much.

She was in a thwart moment. He shouldn't have come back for her.

"No, Roslyn."

"I don't love you. I... I despise you!" Her voice was saying literally the opposite of her mind. She wanted him away.

"You don't mean it. You don't mean any of this, right?" He asked brittlely. He knew she was lying. She must be blaming the bastard of a king who's put them in a dilemma, not him.

"The... I." She sniffs in-between her stutter, as tears threaten to roll down her cheek, but even as she fights her weakness, a sprinkle of tears can still be seen on the surface of her inviting blue eyes.

She knew she had betrayed him, but it wasn't her fault. She had reasons. "See." Her voice was just a whisper.

She pointed out, with her index finger, a radiating light in the cloudy sky, whose presence brightened up the dreadful night.

"The moon is resting on the sea already, and you know the consequences and the rules!" She was on the brink of frustration.

Darting her eyes around, she feared her anticipation of a presence.

"And which is a brutal punishment for leaving you with that bastard...?" He trails off, "or having to face the damn mate-vows punishment?" He asked persuasively, knowing no answers could justify his question. He was not going to back off, not now. He has always wanted her, but not for selfish reasons, unlike the one she's been forced to settle with.

"My love!" A nice-looking man called out as he walked towards them, earning an awful glance. His hair was fixed royally, perfectly bringing out the fair colour of his tanned skin.

"Follow Allen. He shall escort you to our chambers safely." He spoke masculinely. His voice was not the same in her ears as before. His voice was like daggers piercing through her already shattered heart as they separated her from her own chosen beloved.

Ever since he forced his way into becoming the ruler of their world, his way's changed. He became another being that brought an imbalance into their world. Frederick Harlow, a beast in human form.

The king's Lord came into view as he bowed.

"My King." He respectfully bowed for Frederick, navigating his hands to a path in a gesture for Roslyn.

"Frederick, I'm your mate now, and I belong to you. Please keep your promise. Don't hurt him." She spoke.

Her heart felt broken when those words escaped her mouth. She was right; her real mate, who was standing opposite them in confusion, must loathe her. She turned back to Allen, who took her along with him in a direction, likely leading to the chambers.

She couldn't dare look at her own beloved; she was too ashamed to look him in the eye.

Once she was next to Allen, he looked over to her, accessing her features to see that she was ready. He shoved his hands into the air, yielding a cracking sound that rumbled the ground, and the earth beneath them detached from the rest. He raised his hands, causing the fragmented rock they were on to float into the air, and with a sharp jab of his hands to the back, the rock slid in the path he bent.

"We meet again, Nicholas." Frederick smirked as he stepped forward. His mate, Roslyn, and Allen are now out of their sight.

"You monster..." Nicholas didn't finish his sentence before Frederick roared with authority.

"Take him!"

Two hefty men from nowhere appeared, eight more coming from the shadows.

In the distance, the ocean soared with heavy tides and waves, clashing against its own body, and the night whirled with quaking chills in the wind. The nature around here was unsettling, revealing the anger of the benders in it.

However, Nicholas was dauntless. He was prepared. He had already lost everything, including his own mate, to Frederick.

With swiftness, in the distance, a cart lifted into the air on Nicholas' order as an airbender before it was hurled at a barrel bomb across the alley behind the guards. The aftermath is a collosal explosion that splits the earth, causing the tower close by to crumble straight down to the poles on the guards.

"Neither you nor your men would stop me!" He boisterously spat, anger and hatred evident in his tone.

In a flash, he was in front of the bastard that caused all his troubles, and in a canter, his hands were tightened against Frederick's neck as he threatened.

"What have you done? Why did she mate you? Don't you respect His rules anymore? Do you ever realize what you've done to your own people? Everyone is dead, and you banished them away into another world. You went against everything that a Bender is created for. You went against nature's rules and killed everyone I ever loved. I shall make tonight the last you'll see."

Frederick grinned as he spoke, content with his demeanor.

"You still don't get it, do you? I'm not just a bender anymore. I am more!" He spoke with rage, his eyes glowing a twinkle of scarlet red light.

"I have grown the powers of a mage. I am more. And you have no idea what that means. There's more to the universe than your feeble brain can handle. I have dined with the gods and tasted from the source. You have no idea what I'm capable of."

Just as Frederick finishes, Nicholas' grip on him lessens, leaving him unable to control his own hands anymore.

"You're lucky that you're not destined to die by my hands, and since my wife doesn't want me to kill you as well, I'd banish you to the human world. There, they'd make you suffer till the day you rot."

"How do you mean?" Questioned Nicholas as he went on his knees, Frederick frame now towering over his.

"I am an immortal, weakling." Maliciously, Frederick's voice rages, rollicking through the wind. "Ares has won this world already, as will soon the other worlds out there. Every rule and everything is about to change."

Then he spread out his hands into the air.

A white spark of electricity flows through his veins, making his body resplendent in response, and his deep blue oceanic eye darkens more with tons of lightning passing through them. The sky roars, thundering lucidly with mumbles through the clouds. Every bender that's still in their world could feel the blazing rage of their king's anger.

"Invoco vos ares; expelle sordes."

Frederick's voice was not his; they held a pile of voices. A darkness overlaying, and they amplify with authority with each second passed.

"Darkness rules now, and you shall soon inherit its imbalance, Nicholas Alveston." With time, Nicholas, the once-king of air benders, would find out the truth about the great change.

It was written.

A twinkling white admiral with screeching sounds devoured the beloved as he wailed. His heart beat incredibly fast, not because of the unbearable pain he was passing through, but because of his lost love and mate. Even though they shared no mate vows, they were actual mates.

Hatred and rancor were all he felt as they pierced and shred his heart malevolently. Soon, all faded out.

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