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Belong To The Ruthless Mafia Boss

Belong To The Ruthless Mafia Boss



I wrapped my arms around myself, to help me console myself. The lingering smell of his musk was in the air, making it harder to walk out tonight. The night's cool breeze kept me in chills. "You did it again." I said to him, his back to me. "Leave." He almost whispered. "You promised." "I gave you what you wanted." He said. "What I wanted? I never signed up for this. I never signed up for the torture you are showing me." I said, the tears rolling down my cheeks now. "Leave." He warned again. "You will always be a Giovanni." I spit at him. "I gave you what you wanted, you wanted your darkest fantasies to come to life. I gave you that." "No- I wanted a boyfriend. A man that would love me." My voice turns into a whisper. He was infuriating... he was... him. And I knew that nothing was going to change his mind. After all, I'm just the stupid item he bought. I could never really be his. I wanted to be his. ***** Mia was a free spirited woman. Although circumstances made her doubt her life. But would Mafia Lord Dario Giovanni be the right option for her? Would he truly and utterly bring her darkest fantasies to life? Or would he make her regret the very first day he bought her? Her love for Dario Giovanni will make her get entangled in his life and everything about the Mafia business. All Mia wanted was love, from the only man she wanted to love her- Dario.

Chapter 1 Mia's Pov

My hands shook as I watched my dad in the little box face to face with the judge.

His eyes were bloodshot red, probably worn out due to the anger and tears.

My eyes darted to the man suing my dad; Robert Lansford. A disgusting smirk plastered on his scarred face, I could perceive the alcohol he'd drank from where I sat.

Watching my dad broke my heart, his hands behind him and his head down in distraught. My eyes watered and my palms were all sweaty, I wiped away the tears and held myself together, i needed to be strong for my father.

This was the first trial and a warning to my father, He had taken a loan from Robert and everyone knows Robert is cunning. But Dad's business needed a boost and now here we are; he couldn't meet up with Robert's needs and now he is in court with a heavy fine of over 200 million. I took on jobs, part time jobs to be able to pay off the debt and yet it still wasn't enough to pay off the loan. I closed my eyes, my ears not hearing anything in the room. It was misty everywhere.


"No further questions, your honour." the defendant lawyer said.

"Very well." replied the judge.

"Your honour, the prosecution would like to ask Mr Albert here some questions."

"Mr Albert Dickinson, what day did you have the agreement with Mr Robert?"

"It was on a Thursday." Dad said.

"Thursday and at 8pm, correct?"

"I am not too sure of the time. i think it was 10pm when i-" Dad said.

"And what was stated in the document given to you?" the lawyer interrupted

"I didn't go through the document, we-

"So you would sign a document or a legal contract without thorough examination Mr Albert?"

"No I wouldn't. We agreed on it before he brought the papers." Dad said.

"The papers, you didn't read." "Your honour my client pitied a broke man and lent him a huge amount of money but it is clear to that Mr Albert has no accurate answer whatsoever-

It was this or nothing. Getting the lawyer was expensive as hell. If I could plead to Robert, maybe he could take pity on dad.


"Dad, you need to pay Robert back. He won't let you go." I said to my dad as he sat weakly on the cushion. His watery eyes, looking confused.

"I can't pay enough. He wouldn't let me go Mia." Dad said weakly. I couldn't take it anymore, I was on the verge of tears. I looked at my Dad. I watched him hopelessly.

"If I talk to him, I think he would let you go." I said to my dad. He shook his head tirelessly, disagreeing with me.

"He won't Mia. I'll talk to him again and maybe this time he will listen." Dad said.


"Don't, Mia. I know you are worried about me but I will be fine." He finishes.

I walked out, hiding the tears in the corner of my eyes. My lashes are already wet. I laid on my bed, sobbing softly. Dad was stranded and I couldn't do anything. I had to stop work midway when I heard my father was arrested. Going back, I got fired. I feel so terrible.

I close my eyes, trying to sleep off. Maybe a little sleep would do me some good.

My eyes settled as the calm environment was all I needed. There was no noise and probably Dad had gone to bed.


Large hands covered my mouth, making it difficult for me to shout. I screamed into the palm of the stranger. Two large hands held my arms tightly. I couldn't scream and I couldn't breathe properly.

The men covered my face with a bag, making it difficult for me to see them.

I struggled as one of them carried me over his shoulder, I hit his back screaming.

I could not see anything but I felt him going down the stairs. I screamed, but my shouts were muffled by the bag, which covered most of my face.

A car door opened and I was immediately thrown in like a bag of grains. The bag was removed from my head and I was faced with no other person than Robert Landsford.

I don't know what was more disgusting, seeing his face or watching him take a whip and puffing it right in my face. I hate this man to the core that it gave me chills. The air conditioning in the limo was already doing its job. He sat facing me, looking at me with such pleasure and it was disgusting.

"Where are you taking me too?!" I shouted. Fuck him, if he thought he would have any power over me.

"Kids these days." He answered with his laugh. The man was an ugly sight but his laughter was worse.

"I promise you, when my dad notices my absence, you will pay." I said with so much confidence. Even if we were owing him a certain amount, I knew my dad would get me out of this man's custody.

"Who? The man who sold you off like a dog?" He said laughing, crossing his legs together.

That's not true. Dad would never do anything like that. Never.

"You really are a naive little girl." He said. Now relaxing his arms comfortably. He takes his cup filled with alcohol. Gulping it and slurping, making disgusting sounds in the limo.

"My dad would never do anything like that, you son of a b****. Get me out of here!" I screamed. He loved it. He loved the way I shouted, the way I was in pain.

The way he lied to me about 77uDad selling me off. Dad would never do anything of that sort.

"Oh yes, he did. The old man sold you off to cover his debts." He laughed again. The two body guards joined in. I wouldn't believe him.

"You spit shit out of that gutter of a mouth!" I shouted at him. Spitting right at his face.

He held me by my neck, squeezing it.

"If you do, I will send you to the big boss."

The car comes to a stop and soon my head is covered again with a bag but this time with holes in the eyes.

The body guards held me aggressively. I see nothing clearly, just the fact that it was near a dock. Robert was talking to someone and his back was to me. I couldn't hear enough because the place was just ships and noises. They bind my hands with a thin rope that is too tight for blood to flow through. I'm standing with the bodyguards.

They were anticipating their master's next words.

"Put her on the ship." Robert says and watches as they take me into the back of the ship.

Helpless. Dad could not have possibly sold me off to this beast of a man.

They push me right into the ship, some sort of a boot and I hit my head immediately, knocking me out

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