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Mismatched Billionaires

Mismatched Billionaires

John Dee


Darya's life assumes another dimension when her step-sister returns home. Memories are provoked, and the sisters are caught in a web of sourness toward each other. Amidst the rising tension in Darya's family, billionaire Antonio returns home to step into his family business after his father's death. Darya's stepmom offers consolation to Antonio's family by encouraging Antonio's marriage to her daughter, Claudia. Darya resolves not to interfere in the matchmaking until she realizes there's more to her family than meets the eye. While her mind steers off the boundaries of love, her heart succumbs to an hidden passion for Antonio that might consume her and tear their families apart

Chapter 1 The Family Tree

Darya hurried her pace on the sidewalk, breaking into a run as she remembered her stepmother's stern warning. The latter had requested groceries, and Darya had delayed due to her shift at the mall. Her mind wasn't prepared for another intense fallout with Jessica. To make matters worse, Claudia would be arriving that day as well. Beads of perspiration dribbled down her face as she took a sharp turn, narrowly avoiding a collision with a car.

Darya halted, venting her outrage on the driver with one word that suddenly gave her the upper hand. "You're crazy!"

The mall was bustling with people, and the air was filled with resounding chatter. Darya slipped into her uniform and wiped her sweaty face. Following Jessica's rebuke for her tardiness and casual courtesy with Claudia, she focused on her reality. Her stepsister was back, and all she could think of was the last time she saw her father's pale eyes and shriveled skin on his sickbed. Claudia brought back memories of a life cut short and a conflicting past.

"Darya!" Her boss's voice snapped her back to attention. She quickly assumed her position as a sales attendant, avoiding another tongue-lashing. Her cheerful demeanor left customers satisfied, each leaving with excitement over their purchases.

"I heard your sister's back," Charlie whispered behind her. He was her childhood friend, and nothing was news to him. How did he find out about it? Darya nonchalantly nodded in response.

Charlie seemed to be enjoying himself. "The last time I saw her, she was off to university with a box in hand, and now she's back," he chuckled, admiring Claudia's success within himself.

"To take over the family business," Darya thought. Initially, her mind was in turmoil, wondering what could have brought Claudia back home. Lost in her own thoughts, she momentarily forgot Charlie's presence when a slight tap on the tabletop jolted her.

"Hello! Welcome to Charlotte and Sons. How can I help you?" Darya greeted the customer, who dropped a book on the table and frowned. Darya smiled knowingly; it was her duty to make customers feel better.

"You're a fan of Tami Hoag," she said, expertly packaging the book in a brown paper bag. The man raised his eyebrows and smiled briefly. Darya's eyes trailed his suit and Oxford shoes as he sauntered out of the mall. His expensive cologne permeated the air, and Darya mused to herself. Men like that were exclusive, wealthy, and arrogant. With that thought, she shook her head and flashed a smile at the next customer.

The old mansion was bustling with workers attending to the daily activities of the household when Darya arrived home. Adjacent to the mansion was a large stretch of farmland in the yard. Darya's father preferred the countryside for its subtle atmosphere, far from the hustle and bustle of city life. Over time, Darya had developed a certain fondness for the old building. She stepped into the kitchen and warmly embraced Zaza, the old cook. Zaza had become a maternal figure to Darya after her mother died at childbirth. This was the only history Darya knew of her mother, aside from the fact that she was mulatto, with arching brows, full lips and a great head of hair. Darya took a big bite of the baked pie and munched bread crumbs on the tray which consisted of layers of home-made bread, topped with Zaza's favorite pudding. Darya wondered what the occasion was for such a feast.

"Why, haven't you heard?" Darya shook her head childishly. "Your stepmom arranged a match for Claudia with the Stones family, and they are coming over tonight for an introduction," Zaza exclaimed with delight as she placed another tray of pie into the oven.

"The Stones family?" Darya whispered, confused by the sudden turn of events. The Stones' had been rivals with her family since her Grandfather's time, so a match with them seemed peculiar. Darya made her way towards the hall adjoining her room when a soft voice stopped her. Claudia pouted her rosy lips and smiled widely. Darya turned and smiled back. Claudia's olive complexion radiated in the hallway, her blue eyes curiously examining Darya's plain appearance. Claudia's captivating beauty had often weakened Darya's resolve.

"We didn't get a chance to talk earlier," Claudia said musically, pouting her rosy lips.



Both women called the names simulataneously.

That was their earlier exchange, and this pattern of conversation excited Darya. Claudia, being twenty four and four years older than Darya, was the complete opposite of her. While Darya's features made her seem average compared to Claudia, Darya made up for it with her kindness and caring nature. Darya wore her hair in a bun of natural braids, with full lips, sparse eyebrows, and dark eyes that gave her an appealing appearance. She compensated her plain lifestyle with a resolute disposition and humble nature.

Claudia began, stepping towards Darya. Darya towered over Claudia, but Claudia had a peculiar way of making Darya feel small, as if she were only 5 feet tall.

"Delightful," Darya simply needed to approve Claudia's conversation. Claudia noticed her sister's impatience and finally issued a stern warning. Darya was not to appear until the Stones had left. Darya nodded briefly and took her leave. The whole house had been talking about this strange union yet she was apparently ignorant. Darya mused as she walked through the hall leading to her room. Jessica had plans. If they were open to such a peculiar union with father's rival, certainly, something would be uncovered. She peered downstairs, watching the maids scampering to dust the furnitures and set the curtains. Darya suddenly stopped short, an unusual thought manifesting in her mind.

What if it wasn't about Claudia taking over the family business. Could it be possible that Jessica had found a means to finally exert her revenge on the family's rival using Claudia as a bait? Darya shook her head , smiling off abruptly. Strange things were happening.

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