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Wolfbane Retributiom

Wolfbane Retributiom

Benny flitch


In the ancient woods, Ember, a charming werewolf finds herself entangled in a web of revenge and rejection. She was rejected by her original pack for falling in love with Ragnar; the alpha's son. Ember was adopted by the Alpha when she was young, she doesn't know much about the pack. Ember then seeks refuge in a rival pack led by the alpha Lycan. As Ember and Lycan become intimate, secrets unravel, creating a dark quest for vengeance against Ragnar's pack. Loyalties are tested,alliances fracture and Ember must go through a dangerous path of Love and betrayal. Will Ember's choices save her? Or will it lead to a cataclysmic clash of fangs and hearts?

Chapter 1 The Forbidden Desires  

Ember's POV

"Where is the noise coming from?" I said to myself as I walked in the woods.

My pack was having fun,under the silver glow of the moon,my senses were heightened as I navigated the ancient woods.

I was an outsider who had been taken in by the pack when I was just a pup. I was raised by the compassionate Alpha, As time passed by, I grew into a striking young wolf getting the attention of the pack members.

I heard the sound of a bullet,as I ran to take refuge, silver objects are our weakness so I had to hide for my own safety.

Under the moon's silver glow,my werewolf transformation started. A primal energy coursed through my veins,my bones were cracked and reshaped.

My skin turned into a dense fur coat,my fingers became claws.The process was painful and exhilarating.

The moon's reflection hit my eyes as I stood as a powerful and majestic wolf ready to attack.

I peeped from a distance and it was humans who were hunters looking for prey.

When I saw they were not hunting for Werewolves, I retained my position.

They later went as I returned back to my human form walking towards my room.

"Where is everyone?" Why is everywhere silent?" I said to myself as I couldn't find them

"I thought I heard their noises a while ago,where could they be?" I soliloquized.

"Hi Ember." I heard a voice behind me and turned back to look, it was Kristen, a member of the pack.

"Hi,how are you? Where's everyone?" I asked him out of curiosity.

"The Alpha ordered that everyone should go inside due to the hunters that came into the woods to hunt." He replied.

"Ohh you guys heard it too."

"Sure we did, goodnight Ember, I need to go." Kristen said walking away.

Kristen was a member of my pack,he was known for his strength and courage.

I waved at him as I went towards my room, I was staying alone because I had no parents.

I arranged my room,ate and slept off.


I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping, I yawned loudly as the transition from my nocturnal creature of the night to the human form is a gradual process.

My muscles were tense and now relaxed as furs got back into my skin as the wolf form gradually became dull as the transformation was now complete.

I blinked against the morning light as I adjusted to the world of humans.

I went out to meet the pack members as I greeted everyone.

"Ember where were you last night?" The Alpha asked me with a deep voice.

"I was in the woods,I just took a stroll sir."I said.

"Humans came hunting,you could have been hurt,it's not safe out there alone."

"Yes sir, I took refuge immediately I heard the noise,I'm fine, I wasn't hurt."

"Next time don't walk alone and at that time of the hour, you should be among the pack members most of the time." He said.

"Yes sir." I responded with a smile as he left.

The Alpha was our leader,he had a commanding presence among the wolf pack standing as an embodiment of strength and authority. He had a muscular physique denoting years of experience and battles fought defending the pack.

"What of Ragnar?, I haven't seen him since last night," I said to myself.

Ragnar was the Alpha's son,he was the closest person to me and he understood me better than anyone else. I had feelings for him but I wasn't sure if it was a mutual feeling.

"Let me go and check him." I said walking towards his place.

"Ragnar! Ragnar!" I called with a tiny voice,As

Ragnar came out to check who it was

"Ember! It's you! Please come in, you are not a stranger." He said with a smile

I noticed that he was the only one in the room and could sense the quietness.

"I had not seen you since last night and I came to check up on you to see if you are fine." I said.

"I'm fine Ember,Father gave me some tasks which must be completed, I've been busy." He responded calmly.

"Alright then."

"I'm sorry I wasn't available for you." Ragnar said.

"Nah, you must obey your dad,he is the Alpha, our leader."

Ragnar smiled looking at me, I fixed my gaze elsewhere as I was about leaving.

"I'll see you later Ragnar." I told him.

"Why don't you wait a little and keep me company?" Ragnar said.

"I would love to but you know the Alpha must not see us behind closed doors." I replied.

"Well I understand,"he said.

I was about to leave when I tripped on her my own steps, Ragnar in his speed quickly held me.

We were very close to each other and I didn't say anything. My eyes moved to his lips, I couldn't imagine it was what I was thinking,he isn't planning on kissing me,is she?

"I love you Ember." Ragnar said.

I tried to pull back, but he put his cold hands on my cheeks. A cold feeling ran through my veins,causing me to shiver.

My breath seized for a second, I exhaled slowly as if my nostrils were thin enough to let the air leave freely out of my lungs.

Ragnar pressed his lips against mine and kissed me slowly, I couldn't resist and kissed him back.

"What!" Kristen's voice stopped the romantic atmosphere as we quickly adjusted. He had bared in without knocking.

"It's not what you think Kristen."I said, trembling with fear.

"The Alpha must know about this." Kristen said as he walked away.

Ragnar tried to persuade me to calm down but I left Immediately. I knew Kristen liked me but I don't have any feelings towards him.

"Kristen would expose my secret." I said to myself walking back to my room as tears rolled down from my cheeks.

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