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Veil of Deceit

Veil of Deceit

Benny flitch


Embark on a journey of love, betrayal, and redemption in this gripping romance novel. Betty, the daughter of a humble chauffeur, finds herself swept off her feet by Tristan, the charming heir to the Aveeno empire. But their fairy tale romance takes a dark turn when Betty uncovers a devastating secret, her father is the killer of Tristan's parents. Caught between love and loyalty, Betty faces an impossible choice, reveal the truth and risk losing everything, or keep the dark secret hidden and preserve their fragile relationship. As tensions rise and secrets unravel, will their love survive the ultimate test of trust? Dive into this suspenseful tale of forbidden love and gripping suspense, where the truth may be the only path to redemption.

Chapter 1 An innocent escape.

Betty's POV

As I tidied up the nightstand in Mr. and Mrs. Aveeno's room, I couldn't help but notice their unusually early departure for work. I speculated to myself about their sudden hurry, assuming they must have had an impromptu meeting.

Lost in my thoughts, I was startled by the creak of the door opening. A smile spread across my face as I turned to see Terry standing there. . "Terry! what are you doing here?" I said sheepishly as he approached me.

Every chance he got to be alone with me, Terry never missed it. He took my hands, drawing me closer, and enveloped me in his embrace. I dropped the rag I was holding onto the floor, running my fingers over his chest.

"What are you doing here Terry?", I asked again, unable to hide my smile.

"You know exactly why I'm here." Terry replied with a soft smile. He leaned in to kiss my cheek, and I felt a rush of happiness flood over me. Despite spending the entire night together, his presence still made my heart flutter.

"I miss you, Betty," Terry whispered in my ears as he caressed my cheeks. I chuckled, teasing him about missing me already.

We reminisced about our epic night together. It had been challenging lately, with his parents constantly around.

"It's been tough hiding out in this big old house with your parents always here," I lamented.

"But they're back to work now, which means we have the house to ourselves," Terry pointed out, planting gentle kisses on my neck.

"Terry! That's enough", you need to go before someone sees us. I protested, attempting to pull away from his embrace.

"No one is coming, My Mom and Dad already left for work and my brother is probably dead asleep, you know he never gets up early. So no one is coming, besides the door is shut. "Don't worry baby, we won't get caught." Terry reassured me, his hands gently brushing against my lips.

We laid in bed and cuddled for a couple of hours, immersing ourselves in each other's presence, savoring every moment we've got to share.

"I can't believe we are cuddling in your parents' bed, in your parents' room?! That's bold of us don't you think? I asked with a hint of excitement.

"Well, your man has got balls". Terry smiled proudly.

" If you've got balls then why haven't you announced me to your parents, why keep me a secret?" I asked, a sting of frustration in my voice.

Terry words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of unspoken fears and uncertainty.

"You know why Betty." Terry finally responded, his voice steady and composed.

"There is a lot at stake, there is alot you don't understand Betty, you know my parents and how brutish they can be, at the right time, I promise I will".

Despite his assurance, doubts lingered in my mind. "Terry, How much longer will I wait? Will there ever be a right time for us to be together openly without fear or reservation? Terry, I just...I don't know how much I longer I can wait." I confessed turning to face him.

In response, Terry pulled me closer, his touch a gentle reassurance amidst the storm of doubts that raged within me. "Baby, please Trust me". He pleaded, his voice soft and earnest as he pressed a tender kiss on my cheek.

As we nestled together, though briefly, I felt myself drifting into a peaceful state of serenity until I snapped back to reality, realizing I had work to do.

"Oh my Goodness Terry, I have so much work to do,"I exclaimed, a tinge of panic creeping into my voice. "I'm not even done with cleaning your parents' room!"

He flashed me a confident grin. "I'll help you clean up." Terry offered, his tone reassuring.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his eagerness. "Do you even know how to clean? I mean, really clean?" I teased, raising an eyebrow. "You've had maids and servants all your life. The most you've probably done is make a cup of coffee."

Terry's smile widened at my playful jab. "You don't know what I'm capable of, Betty." Terry replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Actually, I do," I countered with a smirk, recalling a few instances where he surprised me with his hidden talents.

We shared a laugh as we both rose from the bed.

As I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders, I found solace in the strength of his embrace. Leaning my head against his chest, I felt the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a comforting reminder of his presence amidst the tumult of our circumstances.

In that moment, I wished fervently for a world where we were just two souls bound by love, devoid of the constraints of classism and prejudice.. A single tear escaped my eye, trailing down my cheek as a silent testament to the ache of our forbidden love..

I wiped it off with my hands almost immediately before he could notice and lifted my head up, stretching upwards to kiss his perfect lips. But his towering height made the task all more challenging, with a teasing grin, he deliberately kept his head out of my reach.

"Terry, lower you head" I demanded, a smile dancing on my lips as I playfully pleaded for his compliance. Yet he was persistent in keeping his head straight. I giggled and demanded a second time. "Terry, stop teasing and lower you head, please." I implored in the cutest way possible.

He smiled, lowered his head and kissed me so passionately that I could feel my undies get sticky. His lips trailed down my neck sending shivers down my spine, I immediately pulled away before it could get more intense and looked at Terry with a bright smile, "You're bad boy" I teased. "I know." He admitted with a smirk as he began to walk towards the door. "Don't forget to call me once you're all alone at the boy's quarters". He reminded me, his voiced laced with an hint of longing. "I will. Now go!" I urged, pointing towards the door.

Just as he opened the door, Terry stumbled into his mother. My heart sank as realization dawned upon me... I'm so dead.

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