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Business mogul's female bodyguard

Business mogul's female bodyguard

Little Feather


If it weren't for my incurable illness, I swear, even if God granted me a courage a thousand times stronger, I wouldn't pick up a random man for a one-night stand, and I certainly wouldn't dare to abuse that powerful business tycoon. Just by saying 'the test report was taken wrongly', are they announcing that I'm not ill anymore? Then what about the man who was dragged into this by her reckless behavior? What's going to happen to him? Delavin, billionaire, even a simple stamp of his foot can shake the global financial markets. This powerful business tycoon, who had never imagined he would stumble, was tortured continuously for five days and five nights by a woman he had never seen before. Being forcibly taken by a woman was acceptable to him, as it could be considered another form of flirting. However... Delavin tightly grasped the bloody carrot in his hand, a sinister smile appearing on the corner of his mouth. "Boss! We've found her. This woman left City A three days ago and flew to Malaysia!" Delavin played with the carrot and sneered, "She's quite clever, knowing how to escape. Prepare everything, we're leaving for Kuala Lumpur immediately!"

Chapter 1 a terrible day

"Since our Shelton Hotel was acquired by the Green family half a year ago, the business has been booming. Of course, this is also thanks to the unity, cooperation, and hard work of all the employees in the housekeeping department. The following is the list of outstanding employees in the housekeeping department this quarter..."

In the glittering hall of the Shelton Hotel, a middle-aged man with a protruding belly slowly unfolded the list of outstanding employees in his hand and read each name with great force. The rows of employees stood quietly, listening. After reading the last name, the man furrowed his brows.

"Rachel! I want to talk to you specially."

"Yes, sir!"

A tall woman responded. She was dressed neatly, with a sense of righteousness and dignity. Her hair was tied up in a bun, giving her a very professional appearance. Her face was oval-shaped with dark eyebrows and big eyes, and she didn't wear any makeup, indicating that she wasn't the type to care much about her appearance.

Rachel didn't show any dissatisfaction when she heard the manager's words. Instead, she raised her eyebrows and her eyes were full of confidence. "Thank you for the compliment, manager!"

The middle-aged man called the manager looked even more unhappy.

"Rachel, although you work hard and are always ready to help your colleagues, this quarter you tore 21 bed sheets, 36 pillowcases, and broke 38 cups. Oh, and you broke a gold-trimmed vase today!"

Rachel was originally in a great mood because being named an outstanding employee would earn her an additional 1500 yuan bonus. However, it seemed that the cost of the gold-trimmed vase alone was more than her salary for several months.

The manager continued sternly, "Rachel, since you started working at our hotel a year ago, the number of things you break every quarter has never been less than 100. This month was somewhat of an improvement with 96, but can you please be more careful in your work?"

Rachel felt somewhat embarrassed and lowered her head. In truth, she had always had more strength than most people, and fragile glass and porcelain items would shatter in her hands with just a slight effort. She was already very careful, but they were just too fragile.

The manager rubbed his forehead and sighed helplessly, "Do you ever think that it's because of your carelessness that you were transferred from the catering department to the housekeeping department?"


Rachel took a deep breath and smiled friendly to the manager, "Thank you for your help and support, manager, and also for recognizing my efforts. I will continue to work hard and compensate for any damages I cause."

"Manager, can I have a few days off to adjust my state of mind?"

After a summary and discussion, Rachel was granted a 7-day vacation.

Not wanting to see the various expressions of her colleagues and the manager, Rachel quickly left the Hilton Hotel after work, without even changing her clothes. She went to the parking lot, took out her bike key, and pushed out her bicycle, which cost her two months' salary. She got on the bike and rode onto the road.

She had lost her parents when she was young, and no relatives were willing to take her in, so she ended up in a welfare home. She started working at 15 to earn money and had always been diligent and conscientious. Now, even doing such a simple job, she couldn't seem to get it right. She felt so useless.

The more she thought about it, the more upset she became, and the faster she pedaled, not noticing the surprised looks of the people around her.


She pedaled like a gust of wind.


Wait, what was that sound? It was the sound of sirens. Curious, she looked back and saw several police cars chasing after her. When people are chased, their first reaction is to run away as fast as possible. So by the time she realized what was happening, a police motorcycle with a blaring siren was already blocking her path.

"Hey! I wasn't speeding intentionally!" Was she zoning out? What was going on today?

"Didn't? Then why were you running?" The police officer was strict, intent on enforcing the law even for a bicycle speeding.

Rachel gestured and growled irritably, "If you're chasing me, of course I'm going to run. It's an animal's instinct, isn't it?"

The forty-year-old policeman didn't listen to her words at all, handing her the summons coldly and saying, "Remember to pay the fine!" Then he rode off on his motorcycle.


On this sunny day in early spring, the wind carried the scent of flowers and warmth. Yan Qing stood in front of a flowerbed and slapped her forehead hard, feeling the urge to smash something to vent her anger. Finally, she cursed under her breath and continued on her bike, arriving at a convenience store where she locked it up.

Annoyingly, the key got stuck again, and after struggling for a while, she finally gave up and stood up, angrily kicking the bike.

"Even you bully me!"


The innocent bicycle fell over, and the metal frame was dented by 2cm. The key finally fell out. After venting her anger, Yan Qing picked up the key, straightened the bike, and turned around.

She was always a hot-tempered person and had to control herself at work, but now she was losing control.

After shopping in the supermarket, she paid for her purchases and carried a big bag of snacks out. She took out the key and walked towards where she had parked her bike, frowning.

"Where's my bike? It's gone! Was it stolen?!" She gritted her teeth and thought for a moment, then slapped her forehead again. Damn thief! She angrily kicked the iron railing next to her.


Many passersby looked at her in amazement. How could someone kick a railing and make such a big dent? Yan Qing ignored the pain and limped onto the road to hail a taxi.

In the hospital, the disinfectant stung her nostrils. Yan Qing sat on a chair and looked at her right big toe, which was bruised and purple. She helplessly leaned her head against the wall. Was there anything more unlucky than this? Breaking a vase, paying a fine, having her bike stolen, and now this! Was God going to pile all the misfortunes of her life onto this one day?

"Miss! I noticed that you look pale, and when I examined your injury, I found that your temperature is elevated. You should go for a check-up!"

The man with gold-rimmed glasses gently advised. He had been struck by the woman's beauty the moment she walked in. The hotel uniform seemed to have been made for her. Too bad he was already a father, otherwise he would have pursued her.

"Oh, thank you!" Yan Qing was surprised that the doctor had come out to remind her. She had been feeling unusual lately. Since the Green family acquired the Shelton Hotel, there had been rumors of layoffs, and she hadn't been able to sleep soundly. She had been coughing occasionally and hadn't recovered yet.

Health was the foundation of revolution. Since she was already here, she decided to have a thorough check-up.

Blood tests, urine tests...

"Next! Rachel!"

When she heard her name, she struggled to stand up and limp into the room.

The elderly doctor, wearing a white lab coat, pushed up his thick glasses with his index finger and looked at the uniformed woman with compassion.

Rachel felt a strange sensation in her heart and furrowed her brows. What was it about this doctor's expression that made her feel so creeped out?


The old man nodded and held up the lab results, trying to find the right words to break the news gently. He had thought of many ways to phrase it, but in the end, he said, "According to the lab results, your platelet count is somewhat low."

"Platelets? What are those?" The doctor's expression was so serious that Yan Qing became nervous too. She felt a sense of dread in her heart and urged the doctor to speak up. "Just tell me, what's wrong with me?"

"Well...this is quite a delicate matter..." The old man seemed very troubled. He didn't want to break the news to such a young and beautiful girl.

Rachel became even more impatient seeing his hesitation. She slapped the table loudly and stood up, shouting, "Just say it straight! Don't look at me like that! Do you want me to punch your head off?" She was so angry that she didn't even realize that her words were enough to be charged with "intimidation"!

"Leukemia, advanced stage, very late advanced stage, can be said to be... incurable disease. As the name suggests, you only have one month to live! God bless you!"

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