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Dear Ex, You Belong With Me

Dear Ex, You Belong With Me



Penelope “Penny” Kings is the girl every guy wants but she chose Andrew Lopez. They have been together since highschool senior year and remained so in love through first year of college. A week into second year together and it took one date for Andrew to shatter Penny's heart as well as her hopes. When Penny thought things couldn't get any messier, she received a message stating that her mother had been involved in a ghastly accident. Her world crumbled to bits. Months passed and Penny chose to move on only to get tangled in a peculiar love hate relationship with her ex boyfriend and a messy love triangle which opens up a flame of desires which only Andrew can quench. Will these desires bring them together or tear them further apart? What dark secrets led to their breakup?

Chapter 1 1. Let's break up

~ Penny's POV ~

“Hmm” I heaved a sigh as I hugged my pillow tightly to myself. I attended a class and was back in my apartment almost thirty minutes now, bored and exhausted.

It has been a week into my second year at University but I was not feeling it at all. I guess it has something to do with my boyfriend giving me the cold shoulder. Drew has been avoiding me literally, he even stopped texted talk more of going through mine. We're not even fighting. Even when we fight, he never made me feel unwanted.

Maybe I wanted too much. His grandpa had been laid to rest two weeks ago. They guy was probably having a hard time absorbing everything. His grandpa meant a lot to him, I met him once and he was such a well learned and easygoing old man.

I was visibly shaken when I heard about his demise, and wasn't with Drew to see how bad he had taken it. I wish I was there weeks ago but I'd gone on a vacation with my family.

I did attend the funeral though. Drew's little sister was bawling, I couldn't help but cry along. Funerals are never a happy affair.

My mind went to the moment I had seen Drew and his best friend, Bruce secretly discussing behind the yard where the ceremony was taking place, and when I walked in on them, they became nervous. On confronting Drew, he didn't say much in relation with that, he brushed it off and we didn't talk about it again. I can't help but wonder if that had anything to do with his attitude of late.

Sighing, my mind wondered to Hazel. She's Drew's cousin and my friend. The day before, her twin, Nate, announced that she switched to a military academy.

It was sudden cause I didn't even see her at her grandpa's funeral and everyone seemed to avoid speaking about it like a plague.

Nothing was adding up the more I thought of it. Why would she suddenly decide to swap to a military academy? And she didn't tell her friends? Who does that?

I was slowly getting furious at the thought.

“Hell! y'all see the girl I'm talking to?” An annoyed feminine voice chirped and I blinked, snapping out of my thoughts. My phone was right beside me and I was on call with my best friend, Auby. I forgot we were still on call.

Auburn Day has been my best friend since middle school. We are almost inseparable, she's that one person I'd fall back on when I'm stuck and she'd gladly catch me then drag me to a club to shake off some steam.

My IT girl. She's a whole mood, even her name suggests burning, auBURN, hehe.

My best friend decided to keep us close by choosing the same University as me, not that I mind or anything. Either way, she could have ended up here as she's dating my boyfriend's best friend. Best friends date best friends, is that even a saying? Well Auby as I call her thinks it is.

I love her so fucking much, even when she's cranky and unbearable, sometimes.

“What are you thinking about that made you forget about me?” I can make out through her tone that she's pouting.

“Hazel, Drew…everything. Isn't it weird that she…”

“Switched schools? I know right. Who would want to go to a military academy? They don't use phones there.“

“Hazel loves her phone” I pointed out and there was silence for a moment from her. I wonder if she's thinking in the direction I was.

“Yeah. True. Okay, this is getting creepy, what do you think?“

“I just feel there's something… I don't know but I feel something's up”

“Did you ask Drew about it?”

“He's not responding to my texts, feels like he doesn't want to talk or see me even. He's been cold lately” I said with a dejected sigh, he even changed the passcode to his apartment so I can't get in.

“And hanging out with that bitch…”

“What?” I sat up immediately, hanging out with who?

“Wait, I didn't tell you? I thought I saw him and that girl Dorothy or something talking the other day…but it didn't look like anything serious. Don't overthink it” She explained and tried assuring but I was thinking the worst now. I know I shouldn't be but I can't help it.

“Penny!” I jerked hearing Auby snap, I zoned out again, shoot!


“Oh for goodness sake stop going MIA on me, now I have to say this over again” She whined and I rolled my eyes

“Say what?”

“I think that guy Simon has a crush on you, you guys should hangout, maybe your boyfriend will come back to his senses then.”

Simon Lanes is a guy from my department and true he seems to like me but I don't give a fuck. And yes, Auby is mad.

“Idiot!” I hiss and hang up before she could protest. Pouting, I checked the messages I sent Drew again and sighed, he didn't even check them. It suddenly feels like he doesn't care, but I do and I'm fucking worried

I hope he is doing alright. His grandpa's demise must've hit him hard, this is what I should think but it's not that easy. His cold attitude towards me began a week ago around the time his grandpa passed and this one makes it two weeks.

I stood to go to the bathroom and my phone dinged almost immediately. It's a message from Drew.

Wow, he finally acknowledges me, that asshole. I love that asshole

He was asking if we could meet. I rolled my eyes in disbelief staring at the message again. When did he start asking, he literally barges into my apartment whenever he feels like so why this approach. Andrew Lopez never ceases to amaze me.

I texted a sure and lots of love emojis before hopping happily to the bathroom.


He didn't come to pick me up like he used to do before. Instead, he sent the restaurant's address to me to find my way. I found it odd but I brushed it off reassuring myself that he was having a hard time.

Out of excitement, I arrived the restaurant early, too early. Thirty minutes before the scheduled time shocked that for the first time since we started going out, I was early and Drew would be late.

I didn't order, my eyes were outside the see through windows, scrutinizing every person that walked into the restaurant.

My palms became sweaty as time passed, my thoughts were running bizzare and out of place. He should be here by now, it's been an hour already.

Drew would never bail on me, I assured myself, clasping my fidgety palms together and placing them on my laps.

A smile crossed my lips when he finally arrived and I breathed a sigh of relief.

He saw me immediately he stepped in and began making way to where I was. I just sat there checking him out, like it was my first time seeing him. Drew possesses sharp features, his eyes are dark brown, has really dark hair and when he smiles, it feels like he dropped a million dollar. Underneath the jacket he was wearing, are inks and the body of an athlete thanks to never forsaking the gym. Sometimes, he bribes me to join him working out since I don't like it. I hate working out and thankfully, I have a great body.

I pressed my thighs together to stop the throbbing of my pussy as I watched him but that didn't help. I was dripping wet down there just because I was staring at my hot as hell boyfriend. I really miss his touch. It's been weeks since we did anything intimate other than kissing and now, I badly want him.

I smiled when he sat down on the seat across the table.

“You came early” I teased. He didn't and it was unusual, he's always excited for our dates. Maybe he's tired.

“Sorry you had to wait” He mumbled not looking at me. He's so moody, gosh!

“Did you have anything yet?” He asked, his voice husky and eyes burning with concern and a hint of hesitation. I didn't miss the bags under his eyes, has he not been sleeping well?

Is he okay?


“Let's order something” He cut me off reaching for the menu on the table, I also picked mine and scanned through silently.

This is wrong. He always makes jokes of the food on the menu anytime we eat out so what changed today?

“Hey, are you ok_”

“Pasta?” He cut me off yet again, annoying crap out of me but I calmed and nodded. Pasta isn't bad.

He placed the orders and when our food came, we ate. I ate. He made me eat while he picked on his quietly as he watched me.

We were silent, no jokes, no compliments. I tried making small talks but he didn't engage.

I stopped trying and just ate my meal. Soon we were done.

I thanked the waiter that came to clear the table, watched him walk off before facing Drew who had his eyes on me like he was getting a photo of me in his head. It made me blush and shyly tuck a tendril of my brown hair behind my ear.

“I loved the pasta. We should come here often” I grinned and he exhaled deeply before speaking

“Let's break up!” My smile dropped, a single brow shooting up, did Drew just suggest that? Woah. Why would he say something like that?

I chuckled. “Seriously? Sorry, but joke's on you”

Drew ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath, “I swear, I'm fucking serious right now. Let's break up Penny”

My heart skipped a beat and I blinked staring at him with intent.

His tone wasn't nice, nor was he smiling. He looked dead serious and I felt my skin crawl out of dread.


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