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The last days of high school

The last days of high school



This is a story of two best friends in high school ..... A new guy was transferred into the school at the second semester. Will the presence of this guy have any effect of the best friends relationship or not?

Chapter 1 The holiday is over

It was mid-August when school finally resumed . The sun was shining and the window glasses reflected the sun rays, flowers stood out brightly and the lawns were neatly mowed. Students were loitering in the corridors gisting and talking about how they spent their holidays. It was a busy and bright day for the students of royal crown college.

A girl was scanning the crowd of students with her eyes hoping to find someone, her eyes landed on a group of boys .


Jess POV

Wooow who's that handsome looking boy I haven't seen him in this school before.And also I haven't seen Alex the morning that's so strange.

Alex's POV

School is so busy today I honestly don't want to come if not for Jess , it's so busy and tiring. Where the hell is she

*. *. *. *. *. *. *.

A group of boys were instructing and teasing the junior students , Jess brushed past them in a haste still looking for Alex and mistakenly stepped on one of the boys in the group.

Hey Blondie are you blind the boy said .. I'm so sorry Jess replied. Oh you think sorry is enough for what just happened the boy said . Jess was getting pissed at this point cause she was in a rush to find Alex, I already said sorry what else. The boy then stepped forward and attempted to hit Jess. Then someone came in between and dragged Jess to the back and held the boy's hand . She already said sorry what more do you want . Back off!! He shouted at the group of boys and all of them scurried away he turned and apologized to Jess


Jess POV

OMG it's the new hottie I saw earlier... Awwnnn such a sweet charming boy I need to know his name .

Thank you so much Jess replied. Oh it's nothing, boys like them are trouble my name is Jayden by the way and you're?. Before Jess could reply she heard a familiar voice call out her name . She turned to the direction of where the voice was coming from and saw Alex she forgot totally about the handsome stranger in front of her and ran to meet Alex .

OMG Alex where have you been, I have been looking around for you since morning.Jess complained

Alex was the most handsome guy in school at that time and all the girls wanted to be friends with him but he liked Jess and they've been friends since junior high school.

Alex was always nonchalant about school and always Skipped school but Jess always complained and forces him to school everyday.

Alex replied: I woke up late so I couldn't make it to school early and I also missed the morning bus.

You're always late , did you play videogames all through the night, you look like a vampire starving Jess said slightly frowning.

School is stressful Alex grumbled and they locked hands and started walking towards the class

The first day of resumption is always free with less school work so student can arrange and settle down properly.

We need to talk Alex said as they walked down the aisle that led to the classrooms.

Jess was in class A and Alex in class D. In crown royal students are allotted to classrooms based on their academic performance.

Okay Jess replied and Alex walked her down to her classroom and he then proceeded to his own classroom

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The last days of high school

Chapter 1 The holiday is over
