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Collided worlds

Collided worlds



"What was the point of leaving a life where you had to spill blood for a living only to be stuck in a similar one?" After running away from her duties as the heir of the Demon, king of assassins, Katherine found herself in the modern world. A world her parents kept her away from. She immediately took a liking to the world before her and its people until she was kidnapped and encountered the a mafia leader whom she can't control her feelings around. Soon, they realize they face common enemies and must work together to win the upcoming war.

Chapter 1 1

Chapter 1

Katherine's POV

No one actually knew how it felt like to run away from home. Sure, some girls ran away from their homes with their boyfriends because their parents were against their relationship, some found it hard to live with their parents because they were "controlling" and they refused to let anyone, even their own parents control them.

I had been on the run from my father, my mother and their men ever since i found out that I was to take my father's place as his only and rightful heir. My father, otherwise known as 'The Demon' by mostly everyone who believed that somewhere out there, there was actually a hell on earth, and my mother, their love story beat Romeo and Julliet's.

My father, Ethan Clair, and my mother, Hera Clair, were so infatuated with each other. I admired that type of love- ready to die for each other, kill for each other. They were the rulers of their own personal hell. They hurt, they kill and they were feared by many. King and Queen, they were called.

Whilst i loved my parents, i did not love their way of living. They recruited people, trained them, and those same people pledged their loyalty to them, ready to die for them and if they betrayed my parents, they would suffer a fate worst than death and everyone would be forced to watch- including me.

I had been training since i turned five years old, something that made my parents proud. Back then, i would have done anything to make them proud of me and i did. I did everything they asked me to. I killed for them, i inflicted pain for them but never have i once fancied living like this for the rest of my fucking life. So when my parents requested a family dinner when i turned fifteen only to drop the bomb that i would have to take over when i turn twenty years old on me, i knew i had no choice. My parents' words were law.

See, i was never given the opportunity to see the outside world. I had no idea what it looked like. My parents kept me far away from whatever resembled a normal life, i was home-schooled and it was a dream to have a taste of that life and i knew if i was to become a ruler, i would be stuck here forever. I pretended like i was so fucking happy that i will take their place but on the inside, i was already planning my escape and when the time came, i was successful. I ran like hell and did not look back even though the thought of betraying my parents broke my heart- sometimes, you have to do things which makes you happy. I knew, living a life like theirs would destroy whatever is left of me and when the time comes, i shall return myself if i see fit.

I moved to a place called New york, it was absolutely beautiful here. It was extremely hard to settle in but the amount of money i had with me covered the necessities such as, getting an apartment. Although, i still remembered the look on the manager's face when he set eyes on a fifteen year old, asking to bug an apartment, living alone but he did not question it further and i appreciated it.

New York was very crowded and throughout these 5 years, i made friends, became familiar with a normal life and even got a job. I don't have much experiences when it came to jobs but i found that pays well and avoid attention. There was a café near my apartment and they were recruiting so i easily got accepted.


I was working my usual night shift when Jonathan, an elderly man who spends his evenings at this cafe, reading newspapers and drinking coffee with a slice of cake, came to me, asking his usuals. We usually talk when i am not busy with other clients. Once i served him, i glanced at my watch and realised that it was nearly almost 6:30 and we usually close at 7 on Saturdays. Jonathan was like one hour late but it wasn't my place to ask him questions so i dropped it and took out my phone to play some game.

I was so fascinated when I first found out about these tiny objects called smart phones and the thing called internet which makes people act like zombies. I was so out of this world, living with my parents, i was missing on so many things. But that does not mean that i don't miss them. There hasn't been a day when i did not think about them and wished that they were safe. Then again, with the work that they do, the only thing i can do is pray for their safety and health.

"Katherine, darling," Jonathan's voice brought me back from my thoughts, "Do you have a minute?" nodding, i left the counter and made my way to his table. "What can i do for you?"

He smiled at me before removing his wallet, tipping me as usual despite my numerous request of telling him that it is not necessary. "You always made me feel welcome in this cafe. You have been a friend."

"Im glad." I returned his smile. He looked outside the glass window and frown when droplets of water started covering the glass. "How are you going to get home in this rain? You'll be drenched."

As thoughtful as he is, i actually like walking in the rain. It always brought me some sort of peace and ease my mind as much as i hate to admit it. "I'll be fine. I don't mind walking in the rain."

"There's no way in hell i am letting you walk in this rain alone even if you live just a few blocks away." He said in disapproval before glancing at his watch, "My son will be here to take me home any minute now, you will come with us and i'll drop you home."

"I don't want to disturb-" He interrupted me with a "This is not up for discussion." sighing in defeat, i took away his plate and glass, washed them before removing the apron and wore my jacket. The honking of a car earned both of our attentions, "This must be him. Let's go."

I followed the old man to a beautiful car, i haven't learn much about cars and neither do i know how to drive one. We had no use for cars back home. We had others to do our bidding for us. The only thing i know how to ride is a horse.

Jonathan being the gentleman that he is, opened the door for me being jogging to the front seat.

"You did not mention we'll be having company." A manly, very manly voice spoke. I tried to catch a glimpse of his face in the mirror but in vain. The only thing i could see were his eyes, his dark grey eyes. Beautiful fucking eyes-

"It's raining. I could not let her walk in a rain like." Jonathan replied in a monotonous voice, "She lives down the street. Drop her off."

"Of course." Jonathan's son spoke again, more like gritted out. He sounded like he was angry, very angry. I wonder why. It could not be because of me, right?

I was feeling suffocated in this car, i needed to get out here. Thankfully, my apartment soon came in view. "Stop here." Once he did, i was about to get out of the car when Jonathan's voice stopped me. "You live here all by yourself?"

I could see the judgemental look on face but that did not bother me. What bothered me was that his son had his eyebrow furrowed when he was looking outside. I could see it in the mirror.

Granted, my apartment wasn't That luxurious but it's home to me. I have been living here since i was fifteen and I can afford it. Not that i care about luxuries, i just needed a place that did not draw attention.

"It's home." I shrugged before saying goodbye to both of them and got out of the car. Said son did not drive away until i got inside my house. I guessed Jonathan had a hand in this.

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