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The love story of us

The love story of us

Black Reign


The sky blends with ash, orange, and red, indicating the approaching sunset. The wind intensifies, a sign that the day is drawing to a close. I smile at the beautiful scene, tears streaming down my face. My chest tightens, realizing this might be the last time I witness the sunset. Tomorrow... tomorrow, I won't be able to see it anymore. I release a sigh and gently wipe away my tears. I'm content, knowing I'll have more moments with my loved ones, even if not in this world. I turn as I hear approaching footsteps, and my heart flutters seeing the man who holds my heart. "Don Brill," I say, using the name I fondly call him. Denbrill Arkun Brilliantes is his full name, but I've always called him Don Brill, a playful nickname from our early days when love hadn't blossomed yet. It stuck, and he seemed to like it. He smiles as he comes closer. Decades have passed, but his masculine charm endures. Over the years, my love for him has only deepened, a love I never thought I'd experience. His hand hides behind his back. He kneels before me, and I, seated on a sofa near our room's window, watch him. "My Don Brill," I playfully say, caressing his jaw. He quickly catches my hand, kissing the back of it. "I'm not really a don, my love. Engineer suits me better. But since you gave me that name, I told people to call me that. Because I want to remember you always, even if... even if you leave me," he says, his voice breaking in the end. His grip on my hand tightens. "Love, I won't leave you," I assure him, but I notice the reddening of his eyes. "A-Are you sure? It seems like you're preparing," he says, revealing a hand holding a red rose. I look at it with a genuine smile, accepting it wholeheartedly, just as I accepted his love. "This is beautiful, Don Brill. Did you pick my flowers from the garden again?" I ask. "You're more beautiful than these roses, and yes, I did pick them," he replies, making me laugh softly. "Don Brill, remember that nothing lasts forever, and we all have our destinies. Love, don't think I'll leave you. Even if I'm not physically with you, I'll always be in your heart and mind. I'll remain by your side," I say, gently touching his face. "Love..." "I should be the one to go first, Lorainne... I should be the one before you," he interrupts, tears streaming down his face. I pull his arm to make him sit beside me, feeling his weakness. As he sits, he immediately envelops me in his arms. I smile as I hear the rapid beating of his heart, a beautiful sound that matches mine. "I love you so much, Don Brill. Not everyone leaves at the same time, and you... you have many things to do. Our children and grandchildren need you. Don't leave them so soon. I won't be gone completely," I assure him. "What... what do you mean, my love?" he asks, gazing into my eyes. "I won't be gone completely because soon, we'll have a granddaughter. But... there will be more if you choose to stay with them," I look at the darkening sky. My husband stands and closes the window. "It's time for you to rest, my love," he says, lifting me effortlessly and placing me back on our bed. "Yes, it's time to leave," I reply, and his lips part in surprise. He nods, tears falling rapidly. "Lorainne..." I take his hand and softly kiss his lips. He cradles my neck, deepening the kiss—our last kiss. "Remember, I regret nothing. I'm happy to leave this world, Don Brill. I'm happy that you're the man I loved throughout my life. The first and only man I'll love forever. We'll meet again... in the right time. There, I promise never to make you feel abandoned. Because there, our time is limitless. Free..." His embrace tightens, and he kisses my forehead. "If I could stop every ticking of time I would. It hurts to let you go suddenly. But promise I’ll live as long as you said. I’m coming after you. Your love for me is priceless so take my heart too, my love... You’re the only woman I’ll love, even in the afterlife or our next life. I love you so much, Lorainne Angeles-Brilliantes, the mother and granddaughter of my children. You are free not because I set you free, you are free because your heart wants. We'll meet again, my love..." he says, closing his eyes. I take a deep breath, and before the darkness consumes me, our memories flood back. Tears flow, and his embrace tightens. "I love you so, Don Brill," I say with a smile, my cheeks wet. I feel my heartbeat slowing. Before I depart, I still hear his sobbing. "I love you, Denbrill Arkun Brilliantes..." are the last words that escape my lips.

Chapter 1 1


I looked up at the top of our mansion when I noticed that the window of my husband's room was open. The white curtain dances because the wind blows it.

I couldn't help but look at the sky. The view was good because the sun had set but I still didn't like it. Because of the nervousness I feel.

Every step I took to enter our mansion was big but I saw my husband's beautiful red rose in the garden. I approached it and noticed that it was the rose that was difficult to bloom so I picked it even though I also knew that Lorainne would be angry. It's just amazing that they don't have thorns.

I found my youngest son Godfrey in our living room. He was focused on his laptop. He looked at my behavior and hurriedly stood up to meet me. He held my hand to guide me.

"Dad, I was going to say goodbye," he said and I glanced at his luggage on the floor.

"Why are you saying goodbye to me? You're at your Mommy's," I said shaking my head but she also looked at me.

"Hey, Dad. I finished saying goodbye to Mommy. He is in your room. He's been looking out the window for a while and I know he's been waiting for you," he said and my heart beat faster.

I stared intently at my son's face and stroked his head. Our youngest son is taller than me but he willingly bends down so that I can reach his head.

"Son, you'll be here at our mansion first," I promised weakly and I knew he saw the sadness on my face.

"Why, Dad?" he asked confused.

"Your mommy. He won't last much longer. He's going to leave me," I said and his lips parted in shock. He already knew what those terms meant.

"D-Dad... Why... Why don't we just send Mommy to another country for treatment?" he asked, his voice almost breaking into tears. I tapped him on his shoulder and smiled.

"You know your mother's body and her heart are weak. You stay here first, son," I just said and left him in the living room with tears running down his cheeks.

I opened the door of our room and at first my beautiful wife did not notice me. I wasn't wrong in my suspicion that he was on the opposite side of the window where I purposely put the sofa bed there so that he wouldn't get bored waiting for me from my work but since he became like this I chose to go first - leave the company to accompany him in his final life.

I hid the red rose behind me and he only noticed my arrival when he heard the footsteps of my shoes.

"My Don Brill," he said smiling at my name. He used to be the only one who called me Don Brill. He is the only one who gave such a name.

Even after a long time, I can still see the beauty of my beloved wife. She is still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my entire life.

"I'm not really a don, dear. It's still better if you call me Engineer. But because my name came from you, I told people I know to call me that. Because I want... I will always remember you even if... you leave me," I said and my voice just broke.

"Honey, I won't leave you," he denied but the corners of my eyes still warmed.

Because I have a feeling... I have a feeling that now he is going to leave me. Can I just let him go?

"H-Isn't it? I guess you're getting ready, huh," I promised and gave him the thing I was hiding. A rose stem.

“This is very beautiful, Don Brill. You picked my flowers from the garden again, didn't you?” he asked.

"You are more beautiful than that rose and yes I did pick that," I answered and he laughed softly. It's enough to soften my heart. He has the best laugh I've ever heard. Except for the laughter of our children and grandchildren.

“Don Brill, remember that nothing lasts forever and we all have a place. My love, don't think that I will leave you. I...even if I disappear from your company, I will not disappear from your heart and mind. I will always stay by your side," he explained but my tears fell spontaneously and my shoulders were shaking as well. I felt his caress there. "Expensive..."

"I-I should be the first, Lorainne... I should be before you, my love..." I promised crying.

Never once did I really think that he would be ahead of me. Because that should be me. I should come first and not him. Because I can't lose her just like this. Can't we just be together?

He hugged me tightly as if this was the last time I would hug him like this. This is one I will be looking for.

"If I could stop every ticking of time I would. It hurts to let you go suddenly. But promise I'll live as long as you said. I'm coming after you. Your love for me is priceless so take my heart too, my love... You're the only woman I'll love, even in the afterlife or our next life. I love you so much, Lorainne Angeles-Brilliantes, the mother and granddaughter of my children. You are free not because I set you free, you are free because your heart wants. We will meet again, my love...” I said long and I heard her breathing deeply.

"I love you so much, Don Brill..." I could see her tears welling up. "I love you, Denbrill Arkun Brilliantes..." The last words he said made me cry the most.

My heart was so happy but there was pain and sadness, but even though the pain prevailed, I chose joy because in the last chance of his life, he still loved me. I was still the one he said those magical words to.

That was the last time I would hear his voice and saying he loved me was enough for me even though he left me completely.

My voice crying and lamenting echoed in the four corners of our room. At that door I saw my son fall to the floor while he was still holding back his crying. With a gesture of my hand, he slowly stood up and approached us.

He positioned himself behind his mother and like a child nuzzled her neck while she was still crying.


That's what my children found and it seemed too heavy for them to step up just to come to us. I let them hug their lifeless mother and cry in her arms.

I taught them how to hide their true emotions and be serious about their lives but not to the point where it's like they just came back from childhood. They bring out the true attitude and show vulnerability.

There is pain in my heart and yet the joy is still there because I know that my beloved woman, my wife, will no longer feel pain.

He's free now, even though it's still very painful for him to leave us like this. Even though I had prepared, I still couldn't stop not being hurt and crying too much.

Who wouldn't be hurt when you lose someone you love so much? Who can't cry when the one you love that you draw strength from is also gone?

But still I chose to accept it. Because I know that we will meet again, not even in this time and in this world.

I looked outside. I left with my husband in the setting sun. Although half of my life was lost, the fruits of our love were left behind.

With my tears falling and closing my eyes I returned to the memory, where Lorainne and I first met.

The girl I can't even say I loved first is still everything to me. My life...

I am Denbrill Arkun Brilliantes, better known as Don Brill nickname given to me by my wife. At the age of sixty-four, Lorainne left, but that doesn't mean that our love will end forever. Because I know it will continue forever.

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