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The secret affair

The secret affair

Black Reign


I'M AT my new friend Jaelly's house today and I'm sitting on the couch. She left me for a while to get a snack. But there's someone who pulled my skirt. I didn't notice it at first but it kept dragging so I've got it upside down. My eyes widened when I saw her. A little girl who is so pretty, curly hair and greasy eyelashes. Then her eyes were gray, innocent and pure. Her nose is pointed, her cheeks and lips are all red. “Oh, hello. You're such a beautiful kid!” I said astonishingly and out of excitement I picked her up to sit her on my lap. I kissed her on the cheek and hugged her tightly. I felt his head leaning against my chest. She smells so good. I untied to see her reaction and what a cutie! His eyes are closed and it seems he is immediately comfortable with me. “Oh, Dad!” he shouted suddenly and pulled my sleeves again. Her lips, she pointed somewhere. "Dada... Hmm, up Dada," she said. "Are you looking for your Dada? Let's go then," I said and picked him up. I saw the sparkle in his eyes and he smiled sweetly at me. “Mommy?” “Oh, little cutie. I'm not your Mom," I said and she snorted. "Okay..." So obedient. He was not a demanding child and did not even cry. "Are you Jaelly's younger brother? What's your name, sweetie?” I asked her but she didn't reply. When we finally got to the stairs, he let me down so that's what I did. He grabbed my two fingers and pulled me again. I chuckled softly and just let him go. He pointed to the door. "Open," he said. Her voice is naturally soft and gentle. I opened it because he wanted me to do it and I just laughed softly because he pulled me in too. His small hands were pointing at something again, accompanied by his snoring, so I followed that with my eyes. My heart beat even faster when I saw a man lying on a big bed. It doesn't have a top, it's like it's shivering in the cold? The girl got on the bed, I was supporting her so she wouldn't fall and enter the man's blanket. I was worried about what it would do. "Dada... Dada..." the girl called softly. "H-Hon... G-Get out, please... M-My fever is Dada... C-Call your Tita Ly," he said softly, his voice also hoarse but still snuggled up to her side the child. He hugged her left arm and leg. He even kissed her cheek. "Hon..." "Dada, wake up... Mommy is here..." she whispered and glanced at me. Eh? I'm not his Mommy. He just brought me here. Wait... Dada? Is this man her father? Aunt Ly? So, are they father and son? But who is this man then? Jaelly's older brother? “Hon... Go... C-Call your Aunt Ly...” "Mommy is here, Dada... She's here!" he insisted and beckoned to me as if he wanted me to come to him. A-I don't want to! He's just a kid! Even though he's cute, I don't want to follow him because his daddy is the one in bed. Maybe his Mommy will catch me here and wonder why I'm here. "Uhm..." I walked towards the door hoping to leave but he suddenly shouted. "Mommy!" "I'm not your Mom!" I also shouted back at him so the man woke up completely. My eyes widened when I saw his stony body. Because he did get up. He looked at me without emotion. My heartbeat suddenly accelerated when our eyes met. "Who are you?" he asked, his voice cold as ice. "It's my Mommy, Dada... Mommy, come here..." I shook my head. "I-I'm not your Mom..." I said but before I could turn the doorknob, my hair stood on end when someone hugged me from behind. My eyes widened when he suddenly picked me up. I was so shocked that I couldn't even protest. I only realized one thing. I was lying on the bed and he hugged me tightly and the child was still very happy. God! What the hell?! Why is he acting so fast?! Is he a vampire?!

Chapter 1 1


I woke up with a gentle shaking on my shoulder. My sleep was only superficial that's why I woke up right away. Even if it's noise, I can hear it too.

"Oh, Mom?" My mother sat on my bed and immediately greeted me with her sweet smile. She touched my cheek and caressed it. She's beautiful and her hand is so warm. I like the way she did that.

"Get up, baby girl. Today is your first day in college, right?” I nodded with my Mom's question. Oh, that... exciting moment that I've been waiting for.

Today is my first day in school as a first year college. I am still excited for this day. I almost didn't sleep last night because I thought my life would be like being a college student. I got up and even hugged my mom. I felt her kiss on my head. I always want to cuddle with my Mommy.

"Good morning, Mommy," I greeted her and kissed her cheek. I heard her chuckle softly. Because I hugged her and I don't seem to have any plans to get up to get ready to enter our school.

"Come on, baby. Get up already," she said and I nodded. She kissed my forehead once again.

My Mom wasn't satisfied and she already pulled my hand, so I finally got out of bed. Ayayay, I want to cuddle with her all the time.

"Take your time, baby girl. You still have a lot of time. Get down right away, will ya?” she said and I nodded.

"Okay, Mommy," I answered before he left my room.

I ran my fingers through my curly hair. It reached up to my waist but it was pretty to look at. Because it's natural, eh.

I opened my bathroom door and went inside. It's big because I have my own swimming pool on the left side and a bathtub on the right side. Pink and light color of its structure. Tho this is just a simple bathroom of mine.

I took my pajamas off and folded it first then put it in my basket. I took off my underwear and stepped into the cold shower. I opened it. The cold water was pouring down my naked body. I got my body wash and my shampoo too. I didn't take my shower long either because I just sped up my actions. I don't want to be late.

I took my white towel from where it was kept and wrapped it all over my body. My walk-in closet connects to my bathroom so I go straight there. Seeing my uniform is finally ready made me smile. I know my Mom prepared this for me too. She's so sweet as ever. That's why I love her, so much.

The skirt is dark blue and the blouse is white with a necktie on the top. I also have a coat. I put that on and wrapped the towel in my hair.

I sat at my vanity mirror and took the hair blower then I dried my hair. I just put a little pink hairpin on it.

Since I'm a college student, I still apply light make up and my pink lipstick. I also took my brown shoulder bag with the signature branch. Mommy taught me how to put my make-up on my face.

I went downstairs because I knew that my parents and my two elder brothers were already there in our dining area, and I didn't make a mistake. They are already there and it seems they are waiting for me. They don't get bored because they are used to me.

Kuya Blaike took a sip of coffee when he saw my behavior. He even narrowed his eyes at me. He passed my uniform.

"Blaise? Why is your uniform so short?" this is a serious question to me. As expected, they will really criticize.

Kuya Blaike, he is 30 years old and engaged to his long-time girlfriend Ate Gleyse. A business management graduate with his Latin honor at the same university, just the three of us. He finished his Master of Business Administration in the USA. Kuya owned his Montagua Hardware and Construction Supply Company. It was almost 9 years when he built it and of course, our Daddy was his first investor. His first supporter in his chosen business.

"Agree to that, Brother. Look at her blouse. What was that, Blaise? A crop top uniform?” Kuya Blaize asked and pointed out what I was wearing.

I looked at it. This is because of my booby so the end of it rises up and it's small to look at. But I'm comfortable now, eh.

Kuya Blaize, he is the owner of Montagua Rice Mill Company and he also has his own farm somewhere in the Province of Sta. Maria. 26 years old and he's still single. I think he is my older brother who focuses first on his work and his company.

See? My older brothers have different businesses. My mommy manages the Anderson Home Shopping Mall, which she inherited from her parents. Now in Australia who stayed for good. My mother is also a foundress in a large orphanage, whether young or old, single parents and single-mothers are sheltered by them.

We often go there and I also donate my things, which I don't use much anymore.

Daddy is the president of the Montagua Real Estate Company and he wants me to be his heiress because my older brothers chose other businesses but they were not a hindrance to Mommy.

Because we are free to choose what we want and they will not be strict with us. Dad has a scholarship program and he also helps young people whose parents can no longer afford to go to school. You unfortunate ones.

Aside from that, Kuya also built hospitals in distant provinces. They helped build it.

We are known for having 5K's; Power, wealth, fame, virtue and honor. These five K's made people recognize us better. It is said that despite being rich, we have not forgotten the reality that many people need help, so our business is developing and growing more and more because of our helping others.

My family is naturally generous so they really help the poor. I am one of those people who are very proud of them.

However, I chose a different path. I want to have a restaurant and what I thought of was a Feeding Program. So, HRM was my chosen course in college. They supported me because they said that the program I had in mind was good and that I could also build my own hotel. I don't think so.

"Good morning," I just greeted them and kissed their cheek but of course Kuya Blaike Kuya Blaize's frown didn't disappear. "He's really like this, eh. It fits me because it's comfortable," I said and Mommy moved me the milk she always prepares for me.

I don't drink coffee because my stomach hurts and it's not healthy for me, our family physicians said that.

"What's wrong with her uniform? It's beautiful and suitable for your brother, sons," said Dad as I smiled sweetly.

Our dining room is big, ten chairs from side to side and there is also a single chair where only Daddy can sit because he is the head of the family. Mommy and I sat next to each other and my older brother sat on the other side.

"Dad, you've got to kidding us. Look at her, it's really too short for her," Kuya Blaize insisted.

"Isn't that forbidden in your university, Blaise? Aren't you going to get busted for what you're wearing?" Kuya Blaike asked. I shrugged my shoulders. Maybe not.

"It's my first day of school, Kuyas. So, I don't know either, eh," I answered, making them both sigh. Problematic, haha.

"Mom, don't you have anything to say about Blaise's uniform?"

"Nothing, son. Your Dad is right. His new uniform belongs to your brother." I was shocked by what Mommy said and I turned to my two older brothers with a smile.

"Just make sure, Blaise, that no one is rude to you at your school." I nodded at Mommy and Daddy's firstborn.

"I promise, if someone does that to me, Kuya Blaize will call you right away," I just said.

"Let's just eat. Let's leave Blaise for now," said Dad.

We ate together but they didn't really stop reminding me about my uniform. I admit that it's super sexy but that's okay. Just like what I said, I'm comfortable. Because otherwise I won't wear it. Like, why are you looking around when you're comfortable, right?

I wear flat form shoes with a height of 4 inches. My height is only 5'7 but I was able to wear such high heels. So when my overprotective older brothers saw it again, they criticized it again.

When I was a senior in high school, the clothes I wore weren't really like this. I'm okay with just the plate.

"Let her be, honey. Our youngest is a college student," Mommy just told them that they shook their heads again. I winked at them both.

I'm glad to have them as my overprotective kuyas.

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