A captivating story unraveling the love and connection between a girl and a stranger who she has nightmares of killing watch how this fatal connection blossoms into something beautiful or tragic...
Every morning, 17-year-old Lioana woke up with a recurring dream. In her dream, she found herself walking down a dark tunnel. She reached on a desolated street , and the cold wind greets her. The sound of her racing heart drowning out any other noise.Fear taking a grip of her, she looked down at her hands, and they were smeared with blood. Panic set in as she saw a figure lying lifeless on the ground. She felt a profound sense of guilt and perplexity, for she didn't recognize the face of the person she had seemingly just harmed in the dream.
Lioana would jolt awake, drenched in sweat, the remnants of the dream fading like mist under the morning sun. She desperately tried to shake off the fear and confusion that always lingered. Drenched in her own sweat "Lioana" called by a gentle voice snapped her back into reality as she was lost in the thoughts of the unseemly horrid dream. The dream had tormented her every night of junior year, becoming more vivid every time it plays. She could let that way her down it was the first day of senior year, some silly dream couldn't drown her joy.
Other books by Sejoh