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A child born into royalty ,with the powers of chaos. she strives to live amongst humans , but grew to accept the curse that she was, after escaping the death sentence by her father the king....she was forced to hide and live as a wanted commoner.

Chapter 1 A curse born

Agetha was cast down to earth, as a result of her disobedience to lord tiarus, she had an affair with a falling angel called rukaious who was a great enemy of tiarus, agetha father.

"You betrayed me" tiarus shouted to her "and today you would suffer like your mother" his eyes shot out lightening killing a soldier who was trying to protect the princess, his wife had also had an affair and was thrown into the dungeon to rot there.

"Father, please " she begged crying bitterly

"Enough!!! I forbid you this day , out of this realm to live with your curse child on earth" tiarus pointed his scepter at agetha, who screamed in pain and disappeared.

The sound of a lightening strike...landed agetha in the middle of a village, heavy rain poured out it fury on the earth, agetha screamed in pain her was born with the power of chaos, she was like the devil herself, she had gone on battles with her father, he would send her ahead to cause chaos in the camp of their enemies, at times they would kill themselves before tiarus would capture their king and slaughter him to gain more power.

Agetha heard foot step approaching her, she was alarmed but waited to see if this person would harm her "excuse me, are you okay" the voice of a lady who sounded like someone in her sixties echoed in agetha head " help me" she whispered to the old lady who had an umbrella with her, out of compassion the lady went to get more help but agetha felt the lady har abandoned her, she cursed under her breath as she saw the lady leave, and vowed she would make this village a living hell.

Flashes of touch light shined on her, she turned to see more people "have they all come to kill me" she thought but was surprised when the old lady wrapped a warm clothe around her, with a knitted scarf " let get you warm and safe" she said and walked her into the village with the men. The old lady had thought someone or something was after agetha, and feared she would be in danger if she tried helping the lady alone, she had gone to get help just to have those who could protect her.

It was morning and agetha was still fast asleep

She had dreamt of her giving birth to her child, but the scenero surrounding the birth of her child was covered in blood, people died including all those who had helped her from the start. She woke up sweating profusely, the old lady had heard her scream out of her nightmares, she came into the little hut and saw her staring out of the window " your awake" she said, agetha's attention was brought back to the present "Mmmm" she nodded.

"Here take this it would ease the stress" the lady handed her a bowl that was filled with some healing herbs "I'm pregnant" agetha said immediately, waiting for the woman's reaction, her mind raced fast in thinking, was she in danger now that she told the lady of her present condition, would they harm her child, the warm smile from the elderly woman made her worries disappear " then I would take care of you, just like my daughter " agetha was stunned at this her response, were humans this good to strangers? How could she help her? She didn't deserve to be helped, especially now that she had seen in her vision that the child would be their doom.

Agetha vowed to conceal her powers, till she would deliver her child, and with that she created a weapon made with metal that was covered with dark immerse power, in other to bound her powers for the main time. Agetha new if she should leave her power, it wont pass the night before everyone would meet their doom.

It was nine months and agetha was due to give birth to her child, she had felt the deadly pain of labour, and had screamed out for help, mira who was the old lady who had helped her, was quick to respond to her, she had ran off to call for some midwives who would help deliver the child

"Hold on a little longer dear, we can see the head of the child, just push a little further" one of the midwives has said to her. Agetha who was now dieing a slow death, she had no more energy to push out the child because of the dark magic that concealed her powers, the blood of the demon-lord rukaious was more stronger than her own demon energy, but because of intercourse they had, her energy became far more powerful than before "Push!!!!!!" The midwives shouted "Arrrrghhh" she screamed in pain, the scream ignited a little dark energy to surge through her body breaking loose the dark metal on her wrist, she was in alarm... Her powers were out she turned to look at all of them and said " thank you" tears rolled down her cheeks " for all you've done for me and my unborn child" she felt the contraction again to push, and with just one shout "Arrrgggh" the baby came out "Mmmwweeeennn" the cry of the child filled the whole room, the midwives took the baby to dress the child " you would be fine" mira smiled at her.

This time a heavy storm had broken out, screams of terror filled the whole air "what is happening" one of the midwives asked

"Mira is dead" a lady shouted , the rest lady ran to were miras body was brutally stabbed to death, agetha was shocked ...it was her powers at work, "Noooo" she screamed "not Mira" she fell to the ground, with blood stains from the delivery room all over her garment. Suddenly there was noises outside, soldiers from the next kingdom near by had attacked the little village, killing both men and women, agetha quickly stood up and headed to were her child was, wrapping the baby in a shawl she sneaked out of the hut, any direction she had faced to escape there was someone being slaughtered but she kept on running.

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