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I Am Yours [Slave to Love Book 1]

I Am Yours [Slave to Love Book 1]

Alana Dyer


What should have been a night out with the girls soon became a waking nightmare when Lyra awakens in a gilded cage and learns she has been abducted and sold as a pleasure slave to none other than the Crown Prince of Symphrain - Prince Alekai Nightwood. Thrown into the Palace, Lyra bides her time planning her escape ready to gain her freedom and find her missing friends. But what happens when she realizes that the man who she must serve his every desire is really a kind and caring man. Will Lyra leave after escaping to her freedom, or will she stay a slave and take a chance at love with Alekai.

Chapter 1 Prologue

The nightlife is alive as the grand opening party continues. Risqué, the newest nightclub in town, is celebrating its first and rather successful opening, with men and women enjoying stolen moments in dark corners or pressed against each other, swaying to the sensual music. Two men sit together in a corner booth away from the low lighting, blending into the shadows. Although they are clearly outsiders to the party-goers, their attire is dark and non-descript, and dark shades cover their eyes. Their job tonight is to scope out new merchandise for their boss.

As traffickers for the largest slave shop, these men are tasked with finding women the rich find desirable, as the women will become slaves intended to please their masters in any way the men desire. Ready to call it a night, the two men get up, intending to go to a new spot, when they spot them. Three teenage-to-early-twenties girls enter the room, close to the table where the men were sitting just moments ago.

One of the girls has long hair that sparkles like a prism even in the dim light. Her locks sway as her body moves to the music, causing much of her hair to shift in colour. With one glance, the men knew she had a rare mutation only few people have after the Great War devastated Canada, the United States of America and the rest of the world two hundred years ago. The country of Symphrain was formed from part of Canada and the United States of America. To them, all this just means that the girl’s shimmery hair is an all-natural rarity that allows her to fetch a high price.

The second girl has a short, aqua pixie cut and is wearing a cat ear headband that looks like it would shift out of place whenever she danced. She also has another rare hair type, making her another woman many men would fight over to claim as their own.

The final girl has hair as red as blood, vastly different from the traditional redhead seen in those of Old Scottish and Old Irish descent. Her hair is long and straight, not a curl in sight as she sways to the music. The two men could almost taste the profits to be had just by looking at these girls. They sported a slim, athletic figure of at least five-foot-three-inches, with full breasts that many women would resort to surgery for. Each has a tiny waist that can easily be held with one arm and an ass that just demands to be spanked. The men knew they’d hit the jackpot.

With the thought of a big payday in mind, the men go about luring each woman away, promising a night of dancing and getting each of them alone. They scouted out the back exit hours before, where they now bring the girls before drugging them, one at a time. Finally, with their three newly acquired merchandise secured in the back of the discreet black van, the men make their way to the Pet Shop with a grin on their faces. Tonight was a good haul for them.

The shop owner smiles down at the new merchandise being carried into the shop. His men had done well with tonight’s hunt and would be getting a good payout for the slaves they brought. The last van pulls in a good thirty minutes late for delivery, but as the two exit their vehicle to open up the back of the van, the punishment the shop owner was ready to order out pauses at the tip of his tongue. He already has two buyers ready for the aqua-haired girl; she will fetch a good price from a local man who is all too ready to gift his successful son. The second girl’s blood-red hair is also eye-catching, and another buyer who has been looking for such a pet comes to mind. But the last girl is definitely a prize. She would make the perfect pleasure slave for a male.

Ordering the workers to deliver these girls into a holding room and his assistant, who has been waiting for news of specific pets, to make a call to the two gentlemen, the shop owner personally oversees the transfer of the prismatic-haired girl. With a flawless body and creamy white, fair skin, this girl will fetch a hefty price and make a well-earned profit for his pet business.

The maids take the unconscious girl into an exam room, stripping the girl naked and scrubbing her body clean. With her body ready, the shop owner motions for the Doctor to come in to do his examination. Her fingerprint is scanned, and her identity is revealed as eighteen-year-old Lyra Roselette, a perfect name and age for a pleasure pet. The Doctor continues his examination, testing each body part, making sure everything functions, and finally, coming to the last part of his assessment, checking to see if she is still pure. A pure pet will fetch the highest price possible as “Special Pets” bring more prestige to the Shop owner and their shop.

“You’re in luck; this one here is a virgin!” The Doctor exclaims. The shopkeeper is thrilled and instructs which enhancement serums will be injected into her: one to stimulate her sex drive with just the slightest provocative touch, one to have her produce breast milk as many have demanded it in a pleasure pet, and one to make her soaking wet and craving for her tight virgin pussy to be fucked like the wanton whore she will be in the end.

After an hour of waiting for the completion of each injection, the Shop owner caresses her naked flesh, making sure the serums have worked their way through her system. Hearing the girl lustfully moan in her sleep, he wraps his lips around her right nipple, giving it a slight bite before he suckles, the warm taste of breast milk flowing into his mouth. His finger runs along the opening of her pussy, feeling the dampness of her juices flow out as she moans again, her hips moving on their own against the tips of his fingers. She is ready.

Signalling the maids to clean the girl and ready her for tomorrow, the Shop owner heads into a private room to deal with his own sexual frustrations using his own pet. As much as he would love to take Lyra as his own, he would rather have the money.

His mind wanders to the new merchandise as his cock rams in and out of his own pet, her moans and cries of pleasure fueling his imagination. Just what would Lyra sound like with a cock being rammed into her full force?

With his own fantasies being played out for an hour, the thought of using money to enhance one of his girls into a similar state as Lyra, the Shop Owner finishes, his hot seed filling the battered and spent slave under him. Coming out of the room now relieved, a maid informs him of the placement of his new merchandise, a gilded white-gold cage in the center of the shop. Taking a quick look inside, the Shop owner grins with the new display.

The new merchandise is wearing a white, lacy push-up bra as her shirt and a sheer skirt revealing the outline of her matching lacy thong. Her body lies elegantly on the swinging bed, a perfect specimen that will be the best sale of his career. The Shop owner adds the final touch of placing her information on the display screen in front of the door. Now all he has to do is wait for a wealthy buyer.

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