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An Omega's Revenge

An Omega's Revenge



That day wolves fell from the sky and attacked our pack. The omegas of the west city were all massacred in one night. And I saw it all. I watched my entire family die,” my eyes on the double edged sword in my hand. “So what am I going to do,” the young beta asked me. I breathed and thrust the sword forward. “Kill the king.” Jasmine, daughter of the chief of a small Omega Park of the West city of the kingdom of Alpha Theodore the first, was the only one to survive the raid of the Lycans. The only one to see the face of the man who orchestrated the fight. When the Betas came to pick up what was left of the city she was found in the rubbles. Years later, Jasmine is twenty-five and she learns that the murderer of her people has become king of the Lycans. Finally, he's out in the open Finally she can do the one thing that kept her alive - REVENGE- but Faith Never Lets You play against its plan. The moment Jasmine looks upon Saden's emerald green eyes, she knows meeting the Lycans will turn an entirely different direction.

Chapter 1 ATTACKED


I sat quietly in that hole, my head lowered and I sobbed stilly.

It kept dripping on my head, I didn't dare to look up, I didn't want to push it away, mother's severed hand that fell over the hole I was hidden in.

Only one thought played in my mind.

‘'How did it come to this? It was just fine this morning. It was just fine'

Memories of the early hours of today flooded back again.

Our little feet played on the smooth palace floor as we hobbled to the door, leaning on it. Today, Aunty Shira, Uncle Haas, and may other elders had come to see father and mother. They gave me plenty of gifts and then went Into this room and locked the door. But Lola and I wanted so badly to know what they were discussing so we decided to eavesdrop.

Immediately I placed my ear on the door, the first thing I heard was someone yell which made my heart jump.

“He is insane. Well he always has been but this is outright madness. Killing an envoy, he is literally asking for war like he is the one that will fight it.” Uncle Haas flared up.

“Calm down Haas am sure things have not come to that,” a man said to him, attempting fruitlessly to calm him down.

“That's what you said last time until those Beta fools came here and took all our boys and placed them on the front line for them to die.” Uncle Haas retorted.

“But your yelling will not fix anything. In Fact you are keeping others from thinking.” The man admonished him

I heard a loud huff and a chair fall down. My guess Is Uncle Haas has stood up furiously like he always does whenever he is angry.

“Ha, easy for you to say. You only have daughters. If your son was taken you…”


I heard Aunty Shira quiet him immediately.

“Fighting amongst ourselves is never the solution. Now that we have seen that we will probably suffer the most from this, let's find out how to save ourselves.”

Everyone was quiet looking at her , she always commanded authority thats what I want to be like jwr.

“We will not let them hug us again. I think keeping the children away first is Best. You know the the Lycan king, he will have his appeasement. The envie will not die in vain. We may be…”

Someone covered my mouth. I grabbed the hand immediately. Another one lifted me away from the door and next thing I was being led away, down the hall, towards my father's room.

I don't think if Lola followed me, that scaredy cat obviously abandoned me again.

I wish I had the chance to have another look at her before the bedroom door closed and I was tossed to the bed.

I sprang up and looked at the perpetrator. Nanny Ria.

“Why! What's your business with what I am doing.” I yelled at her.

She pouted her lip.

“You do know you should not eavesdrop, do you.”

“So, let mum tell me that, you ain't my mummy. Stay away from me.” I stuck my tongue out on her.

She made a spanking sign and I retreat immediately.

“Stay here and contemplate on what you have done, your mother will come for you later,” she opened the door and left.

I flung my hand in the air in an angry protest, then knowing I had already lost, I climbed down the bed and went to my father's desk. To the only object that I like in the room. The only memory of mum and dad that survived the night - The Sword of Kris - the only omega to become an Alpha.

I fell asleep playing with it. I wasn't ready for what was to happen next.

Darkness covered the sky that night. I was sound asleep when mother patted me on the shoulder. I opened my eyes sleepy, the first thing I saw was her fangs covered in blood. I gasped both she shushed me immediately

She took me by the hand and lead me deeper into the bedroom. That's when I began to hear it; screaming from the outside, objects crashing on the floor. Then I heard Lola scream.

“Help me! Help me! Help me!” The shriek of horror cut through me.

I grabbed mother hand immediately.

“Mummy stop. We have to go back. What is going on, what is happening to lola. What is happening to everyone? Mummy,” but my ples were lost to her.

She held me tight, nearing the stone table in father's guest hall, attached to his room. She lifted table top.

“Get in, Jasmine.” Her was breathing heavily and her voice stuttered.

“Mummy what about you.” I looked at her with my wet eyes

“Just get in first,” she tried not to yell.

“Mummy where will you…”

She glared at with with murderous intent. Quickly I climbed into the hole and she closed it. There were tiny openings above and around me which brought air into the containment.

“I will come back of you, Jasmine.” She said and ran off.

Mummy kept her promise but I wish she didn't because as I peeped through the small hole, I saw her rush into the room with father, both trying to shut the door. The man behind the door was stronger, he tore the door down.

Mum and dad cowered away, holding each other. Pleading with him. I stared. My eyes open. Fear froze me so much, I held my breath.

The murderous man looked at them with disgust and turned his back. His men rushed mum and dad.

My open eyes refused to shut. I watched them die. Mum's ripped hand falling on the table.

That man, he looked at mum's hand. But I felt like he was looking directly at me. I cringed away and finally closed my eyes.

And I was still there, hearing the crackling noise of the burning wood outside the hall and knowing It would soon engulf the room. Somehow I wanted it to. I wanted to burn with mum and dad.

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