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Love My Secretary

Love My Secretary



In the midst of a busy office, an unexpected love story between Michael and Amanda develops. Michael, a strict but caring boss, finds himself attached to Amanda, his beautiful and intelligent secretary. However, behind their professional relationship, hidden feelings develop between them. When the opportunity to improve his relationship with his wife comes, Michael must face a difficult choice. On the other hand, Amanda struggles with conflicting feelings, between her demanding job and her growing feelings for Michael.

Chapter 1 With a heavy heart

In an elegant office, there is a boss named Michael who is busy checking the latest financial reports. The room is brightly lit with natural light coming in through the large windows, giving the impression of calm amidst the hustle and bustle of office activity. His secretary, Amanda, a beautiful brown-haired woman, was busy preparing important files in the corner of the room.

When it was three in the afternoon, Amanda decided that it was time to give her boss an important file that had to be signed. With graceful steps, she approached Michael's desk. However, before he could convey the file, a piece of paper slipped from the pile of files in his hand and fell to the floor.

Amanda felt her heart rate increase. This was a chance he felt he had to take. Without hesitation, she bent down to pick up the fallen paper, deliberately leaving her cleavage clearly visible to Michael.

Michael, who was initially immersed in the financial reports, suddenly fell silent when he saw the unexpected scene before his eyes. He gasped in surprise for a moment before trying to remain calm. "Amanda, maybe you should change your clothes. This is a little inappropriate for an office atmosphere," he said in a serious voice.

Without a word, Amanda quickly covered her exposed chest with the paper she took, and she smiled sweetly. "Of course, Mr. Michael. I apologize for my carelessness. I will be back soon dressed appropriately," he answered, then left the room with quick steps.

Outside the room, Amanda felt disappointed and a little surprised. Her heart was beating fast because she was sure that this moment would make Michael tempted, but the reality was not what she expected. He sat on a bench in the office park, thinking about the incident earlier.

"What's wrong with me?" he muttered to himself. "Am I not attractive enough for Michael?" The questions haunted his mind as he tried to find answers.

After a moment of reflection, Amanda realized that she might be thinking too highly of herself. Maybe Michael has high standards of professionalism, or maybe he's just too focused on his job to be tempted by such things.

"I have to stop thinking like this," Amanda thought. "The important thing is, I have to stay focused on my work and not let things like this interfere with my performance."

With new determination, Amanda got up from the park bench and returned to the office with new enthusiasm to complete her tasks well, no longer affected by her disappointment.

Michael took his phone and kindly asked Amanda, "Amanda, could you make me a cup of coffee?"

Amanda felt a little annoyed. Why didn't Michael ask the office boy to do such a task? But he maintained his composure and answered, "Sure, Mr. Michael. I'll prepare coffee for you right away."

With quick steps, Amanda left the room and went into the kitchen. His face still looked a little annoyed, but he tried to remain professional in carrying out his duties.

In the kitchen, he started preparing coffee with rapid movements. His mind still flashed back to the previous incident, but he tried to divert his attention to the work he was doing. He filled a cup with hot water, poured the coffee powder into it, and then mixed it carefully.

While the coffee was brewing, Amanda thought that maybe Michael would prefer a drink he prepared himself. Or maybe he didn't realize the existence of the office boy. Whatever the reason, Amanda decided to remain focused on her duties as a secretary and provide the best service to her superiors.

After the coffee was ready, Amanda took it back to Michael's room with a smile on her face even though she was a little annoyed in her heart. "This is coffee for you, Mr. Michael. Hope you enjoy it," he said in a friendly voice.

Amanda was surprised and a little stunned to hear Michael's unexpected offer. However, a deep sense of joy also enveloped his heart. She had felt attracted to Michael for a long time, and the offer made her feel appreciated and wanted.

"Listen, Amanda," Michael said in a serious voice. "I have thought about it carefully. I want to have a more than professional relationship with you. I want you to be my mistress. Do you want to?"

Amanda pondered for a moment, considering the consequences of this decision. However, her desire to get closer to Michael and further exploration of the relationship outweighed everything. With a pounding heart, he finally answered, "Yes, Mr. Michael. I want to."

Michael smiled in relief and was happy with Amanda's answer. A feeling of relief also filled his heart, as he felt he had found someone he could trust and build a deeper relationship with. They were both happy and excited to see where their relationship would take them.

On the way home, the atmosphere in the car was full of excitement and enthusiasm. They both plan their future together and share their hopes and dreams with each other.

When they arrived at Amanda's house, both of them got out of the car with unstoppable smiles on their faces. They know that their journey together has brought major changes to their lives, and they are ready to face the future together with passion and happiness.

The atmosphere at Michael's house was tense when he returned from work. His face looked flat, bound by the emotions raging in his heart. His wife, unaware of Michael's tension, kindly invites him to dinner.

"Michael, darling, how about we have dinner together?" his wife offered with a warm smile.

Michael looked at his wife blankly. He was still fixated on the feelings of anger and betrayal that continued to burn in his heart. Even though he tried to suppress his emotions, it was difficult for him to forget what had happened.

"I don't feel hungry," replied Michael in a cold voice.

His wife took a deep breath, feeling the tension in the air. He knew that Michael was still angry, and he felt bad that he couldn't make him feel better.

"Okay, then," he said in a low tone.

When Michael sat down at the dining table, a tense silence enveloped the two of them. Every sound was too loud, widening the gap between them.

In his heart, Michael felt trapped in an inner battle between pain and the desire to improve his relationship with his wife. However, right now, his emotions were still too strong, and he wasn't sure if he was ready to move forward.

The two of them ate in uncomfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts. For Michael, that night was a painful reminder of the cracks in their relationship, and he wasn't sure how to repair them.

In the silence of their bedroom, Rina, Michael's wife, tried to create a comfortable atmosphere. She gently touched his shoulder and whispered, "Michael, darling, let's go to sleep. It's getting late."

However, Michael firmly refused. His gaze remained fixed on the confusion and anger that still burned within. He felt hurt and lost complete trust in Rina.

"Sorry, Rina. I can't sleep here," said Michael in a serious voice. "I'll sleep in the next room."

Rina felt her heart cut by the rejection. Even though she realized that she had made a mistake, it did not reduce the pain she felt when she saw her husband reject her in such a cold way.

"Listen, Michael," whispered Rina, trying to hold back tears. "I know I made a big mistake. I regret it every day. Please give me a chance to fix it."

However, Michael remained firm with his decision. He felt hurt so deeply that he wasn't sure if he could forgive Rina at this point.

"I need time, Rina," said Michael in a soft but firm voice. "I'll sleep in the next room."

With a heavy heart, Rina nodded, holding back her tears. He knew that to repair their relationship, it would take a lot of time and effort.

The two of them then go their separate ways to sleep, but the emotional gulf that separates them feels greater than ever. For Michael, the sense of trust and security in their relationship had been shattered, and the healing process would be a huge challenge for both of them.

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