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Ree The Writer


In the heart of a secluded forest, a small town harbours secrets and mysteries that have intrigued outsiders for years, The townspeople known as the forest people, with tales of their ethereal beauty, are rumoured to have a connection to wolves as guard animals. When curious and ambitious journalist, Nora sets out to uncover the story behind this mysterious community, she finds herself plunged into a perilous journey. As she delves deeper, she encounters a terrifying that is unbelievable and fascinating at the same time. Will Nora uncover, the secrets of the forest people or will she become another victim called a curious cat that never got out?.


Deep within the secluded depths of the forest, a small town existed, shrouded in mystery and whispers of secrets that danced among its people. Despite the mysterious aura that surrounded them, the townsfolk lived their lives peacefully, going about their daily routines.

Standing tall amidst the trees was a structure that resembled an ancient castle, captivating the attention of any passerby. This castle-like building was the hallmark of the town, its looming presence a constant source of fascination and intrigue.

The townspeople were a reclusive bunch, seldom interacting with outsiders except when necessary. Among their intriguing traits was their unparalleled beauty, both in men and women. Those who had caught a glimpse of them spoke of their unmatched allure and impressive physique.

Rumors swirled about their affinity for animals, with many speculating that they kept wolves as pets. Passersby often claimed to hear growls and howls echoing through the night from the direction of the town, attributing it to the wilderness of the forest.

This speculation alone was enough to keep curious outsiders from venturing too close, fearing a potential encounter with these supposedly dangerous creatures or something worse, death. The neighboring towns had dubbed them the "forest people," a name that stuck throughout the years.

One fateful day, Nora, an ambitious journalist from Windsor town—the closest settlement to the mysterious forest dwellers—decided to embark on a daring quest. Determined to uncover the truth behind the forest people, she saw this as an opportunity to make a significant breakthrough for her publishing company and perhaps even secure the prestigious Journalist of the Year award, something she aspired for but had been passed to other journalist except her.

With unwavering resolve, Nora set out on her journey, driving towards the forest town. As she drew nearer, an eerie atmosphere enveloped her, sending shivers down her spine. Thoughts of various scenarios raced through her mind, each one more unsettling than the last.

Hours passed as she navigated the winding paths, all seemingly identical amidst the dense forest. Doubt crept in as she began to wonder if she had lost her way, especially with darkness descending upon the surroundings. The distant sounds of animals and haunting howls only heightened her unease.

Realizing the need to retreat and regroup, Nora made a decision. She marked the trees along her path, intending to return the next day with a clearer plan. Parking her car, she stepped out into the chilling night air, her senses on high alert.

However, what she encountered next was beyond her wildest imagination. As she turned around, her eyes widened in terror at the sight of a massive black werewolf, its fur bristling and teeth bared menacingly. A bloodcurdling scream escaped her lips as she instinctively sprinted away, heart pounding in her chest.

Nora's heart hammered in her chest as she darted through the forest, the deafening thud of her footsteps mingling with the terrifying growls and howls that echoed around her. The dark canopy above seemed to close in, suffocating her with its oppressive presence.

"keep running, Nora, don't look back" she muttered to herself, her voice barely audible over the cacophony of the pursuing werewolf pack. Adrenaline surged through her veins, lending her legs an unnatural speed as she pushed herself to the limits.

The forest seemed to blur as she raced through the trees, the relentless pursuit of the werewolf behind her.

But no matter how fast she ran, the creature seemed to be gaining on her. Snarls and heavy panting filled her ears, driving her to the brink of panic.

"I have to find a way out, I can't let them catch me", she thought frantically, her mind racing with desperation.

Suddenly, a clearing appeared ahead, bathed in the eerie glow of the moonlight, filtering through the dense foliage. With a surge of hope, Nora pushed herself even harder, her lungs burning with exertion.

As she burst into the clearing, her heart leaped with relief, only to plummet with terror as she found herself surrounded. The clearing filled with over fifty of these fearsome creatures, the black werewolf towering above them all, jaws ajar and saliva drooling down.

She could hear her own heart beat in her ears. Tears rolled down her cheeks, her lips quivered and trembled as she thought far ahead. She thought about her parents and siblings, about her friends downtown that had no idea of her whereabouts, she thought about her Job, She thought about her office and lastly but strangely she thought about the big black werewolf.

All calm let loose when the wolf took quick steps towards and growled loudly.

With an ear piercing scream, Fear paralysed her as she stumbled and fell to the ground, the world spinning before her eyes. Darkness enveloped her vision as she succumbed to unconsciousness, unaware of what fate awaited her in the grasp of the forest people.

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