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Ceo's UNLUCKY Bride

Ceo's UNLUCKY Bride



"Why father, why him," Eva asked her father, tears dropping. "Because you two were high school sweethearts," her father replied, unaware of the past. Yes, they dated during high school, but his jealousy was used against her, and she was framed by others and raped by him. Then four years later, she finds out he was engaged to the girl who framed her. And now, the girl was dead, and all fingers pointing to her. He hates her now, blaming her for the death of his beloved. She knows this marriage is a trap, a trap for him to exact his revenge on her, but will she be able to free herself of this crime? Will Ethan see her in a new light or plan the most painful death for her after a year of their marriage? Find out on CEO UNLUCKY BRIDE. ******************************************************

Chapter 1 EVA


Evangeline POV.

A few days from now, I will be dead, and the cause of it will be an accident, the same way Sasha had died.

This was Ethan's final plot, his end to his revenge for a crime I did not commit. My life flashes in my eyes, memories come flooding in, and I remember how we felt.


"Eva, at this rate, I will be late for my meeting, and you will be late for school," My dad yelled from downstairs as I dragged my feet out the door.

"Can't I be home school like usual?" I questioned as Catherine frowned. She was my stepmom, the ideal woman for my dad, according to my grandparents. While they greatly loved her kids, and I hated them, my father loved me dearly because I was a product of his first love.

And he did everything to try and protect me since he never protected my mom. So, in this house, I was untouchable. The will was already written in my name, and he didn't hide that.

"Eva, me and your mom already talked about this. If you want to take over the company, you will need to learn how to associate with people," He explained.

"More like you did the talking, and Mom had no choice but to listen," I corrected. "I'm in the car," I announced, walking to his car.

I never really liked him. When he was married to my mom, he abused her a lot. He had already used his anger on her. Yes, he loved her immensely, but when his parents pressured him, he would come home, he would beat her, insulting her poor background.

All this while, my mom endured all this because of me, but when I was nine, I let her go. I told her I would handle myself and I would visit her. This gave her the will to leave, and a year later, my dad married Catherine.

This action made me see my dad as weak and discouraged my will to get married. Occasionally, he would tell me he regretted letting her go, but he never did anything about it. He only used me as an excuse to speak to her. How pathetic.

"I made my secretary mark out the best school for you. I do hope you like it," He mumbled before starting the car.

"Dad, I think I would need a driver if you are going to make me start school now," I said.

"You don't need one; I'll drop you and take you to school. No matter what, you are more important to me than anyone," He stated, ending the conversation before it started.

"See you soon," he waved when I got down from the car. I smiled, waving at him back before walking in. I know he waited till I was in before he drove off.

He wanted to handle it, but I didn't want him getting involved. I wanted to do things on my own.

When I arrived, I was lucky to meet a staff member who directed me. Judging by how I was still in mufti, he must have guessed that I was a new student.

Thanks to him, I could clear and register for my classes and was familiar with the timetable.

I was done by lunchtime, and he showed me to the cafeteria. Mr. Haye was his name, and he told me bye before he left.

I was walking in when I nearly fell lucky I was able to catch myself with some helpful techniques my dad had taught me.

"Guess our newbie is quite fast," an irritating voice called from behind. I instantly knew she had purposely wanted me to fall.

"I'm Sasha. My father is the right-hand man of E. C group run by the one and only Mr. Maxwell Cyder," she proudly introduced.

"No one can beat that, so you are definitely beneath me," she continued. "I don't need to beat you," I mumbled, leaving them.

The bell rang and I knew it was class time. Mr. Hayes headed our next class. I smiled, finally seeing a familiar face, and he smiled back.

"Alright, class, we have a new student. Please introduce yourself," he instructed. I have done this before, so I only introduced myself as Evangeline...

"No last name," he questioned. "I'd rather not say," I replied as he nodded. "Obviously, she doesn't want to disgrace herself with her shameful father," Sasha had remarked.

Sighing, I walked to my seat, looking all through the window till class was finally over. I didn't leave on time as I had to arrange my bag.

Walking to the exit, I noticed every student rushing to the door. Even the teacher and the principal were at the door.

"Eva darling, how was your first day at school?" A familiar voice asked as I turned to find my dad standing before Mr. Hayes.

Then it hit me: it wasn't by chance I met Mr. Hayes. He must have been working for my father to watch over me.

In public, I was supposed to play the daughter role well, as my mom said it could affect my inheritance, and because she cares so much about it, I was obliged to do it.

"Dad, why are you here?" I asked, hugging him with everyone surprised I called him dad. My father was Maxwell Cyder, the wealthiest businessman in town. The Cyder family maintained such wealth for generations before it was passed down to him.

Apart from wealth, they have political and military power, and if they blacklist you, it is said that your life is over.

"I begged you, one week without people knowing who I am?" I whispered. "Well, the first day, you had trouble," he whispered back as I looked at Mr. Hayes, who looked away.

"Mr. Cyder," A man called out, with a quiet Sasha standing behind him. "Mr. Whyte," Father called but did not accept his handshake.

"You didn't tell me you stopped homeschooling your daughter," he says.

"She will be heading the company soon. Thus, she needs to be introduced to the elite class," Dad explained.

"Well, my daughter attends this school too. I hope they get along," Mr. Whyte said. The idea didn't sit well with my dad, and maybe it was because he was already aware of the cafeteria incident.

"I'm hungry," I announced, distracting him a bit. "Of course, let's have lunch before your photoshoot," he says, his hand tightly gripping mine as he leads me to the car.

Looking back, I saw Mr. Hayes explain something to Sasha's dad and his angry look at his daughter.

"I called Mom that I was hungry, and she already cooked. It would tint your image if we went there," I informed as he nodded, instantly buying the idea.

We returned to the company after our quick lunch session, and I was ushered to the make room, where I got changed for my shoot.

I work under my dad as a model, and then during dinner, we bond when we talk about business ideas. Most creative marketing always comes from me.

A knock on my door, and I saw Mr. Whyte entering. "A minute please," he says. "Excuse us," I instructed my staff as they nodded, leaving us alone.

"I heard of the little incident with my daughter earlier today, and I want to apologize on her behalf," he told me, going straight to the point.

"It's alright, Mr. Whyte. I never took it seriously, and as for my father, it won't be a big deal for him. I will talk to him about it," I assured knowing that was the main reason he came here.

"Thank you," he hurriedly said before bowing and leaving. I was exhausted by evening, and as we drove, I slept off.

My morning alarm woke me up, no doubt. My dad had carried me to bed and had me set the alarm.

I had to prepare as he drove me off and waited till I was in. At the door was a group of guys; the one leading step stopped before me, frowning.

"If it isn't the Mafia's beloved daughter," he mocked. "I was surprised to learn that my future potential wife had resumed school," he continued.

"Woods right," I said. The last statement

. made his background obvious. My stepmother was from there; we are the two ruling families, and thus we often intermarry.

"Scrap that thought from your head because as long as you don't spark my interest, my father will never let me marry you," I warned.

"So you want your first husband to end up like your mother," he insulted as I scoffed. "Well, certainly, I don't wish for my future children to be as irritating as you are," I fought back. It wasn't as effective as his, but he did show at least it got his followers to laugh at him.

"I see you have an attitude. I like it," he commented. "Ethan Woods," he introduced, offering a handshake.

I smirk, knowing he was the only heir to Mr. Clark Woods. I eyed him before walking out on him and heading straight to the class.

This was my unpleasant meeting with Ethan Woods. The prideful jerk who thinks he owns everything, and now he wants me.

My father hates him, and so there is nowhere in the world we will ever be together. He kept staring at me throughout, his silver eyes piercing through me, from class to the cafeteria, till I left the school building.

At night, I was awakened by the creaking sound of my window. I quickly brought out my gun, pointing it to the intruder.

"Relax, little one, it's me," The familiar voice called, then turned on my light switch.

"Ethan," I called, wondering why he was in my room.


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